' Wrote:If there are Nomads within Gallia, there shall be Order.
Since in lore there are none, its completely pointless and resource consuming for them to be there with you know, a never ending war at their home planet.
Both come now.
Nomads came with Outcasts, you buy one you get two...;)
Nomads came with Outcasts, you buy one you get two...;)
The Outcasts and Nomads reside in the Omicrons dear boy, the rest in Kusari are dealt with a Blood Dragon and small Order expeditionary force. *smokes pipe*
Given Gallia's hostility as well as their isolation, I could understand why the Order would want to be there. For all the Order know, Gallia could already be Nomad infested and that's why they're going on the offensive. It is fairly similar to what happened in Rheinland after all.
Otherwise, if the Order get to Gallia first then the Nomads have less chances of gaining a strong foothold there.
Edit: Gallia probably didn't suffer from the Nomad War directly either because the Nomads were probably unaware it even existed, so it would be especially vulnerable to a Nomad attack given their lack of interaction.
I doubt the Nomads knew about them at the time since the four Houses didn't even know about them. Unless they started taking over certain Junkers which is very unlikely to me.
Not to mention the Nomads have no 'known' access to Gallia space.
' Wrote:Why not? You try to paint your ilk as saints everywhere else. :P
True that. Casts are of course the best RP-ing peeps ´round there. Go cast!
' Wrote:Face it. All noobs run to Outcasts for the tridente,and then these same noobs run to Tau-23 to pirate miners for 20-30 mil. They are Lolwuts,and not very good at all. Just kill em. I went 1 on3 with my IMG fighter,and killed 2 tridentes,and hurt 3rd before i died. Does that sound like they are skilled? or even a threat? I mine there 2-3 times a week when i need spare cash,and not 1 Outcast ever got me. The CR? they are a bunch of morons that watch traders,and indies get killed,saying "oh to bad,poor indie died" So yes your on ter own,and yes it is common,but any pilot with a little skill can kill the lol tridentes.
Morons right. Is that worth replying? So much hate? Got killed? Trololo d00d, trololo.
' Wrote:I have a nice screenshot of an official faction member of the IMG sitting in a battleship right outside of Cali with one BHG lulwut cap and another IMG gunboat.
What's worse? Outcast indies who doesn't know any better because there are no admins or Angels up in the Omicrons or people who are in official factions who are supposed to know better than to camp a base?
dun take guilt from your own folks. I have screens of various 101st stuff that went ill. And others as well. Not a behaviour to expect from officials right?;)
Base camp included. trololo
' Wrote:T23 cannot die! Dublin will NOT surpass us in terms of idiocy!
I LOL'd when I saw this :laugh:
Considering a casual stroll through Dublin can result in the words "I no haz money" or "Halp, I bein pirated" and various other OOC banter, and a stroll through Tau-23 can be relatively quiet sometimes. Plus, Dublin always has more people in it, at any time of the day.
Dublin is a lolwutter, noob, 5milordai paradise.
I rest my case :nyam:
P.S Props to those who operate in Dublin, without you, it wouldn't be near as fun :laugh:
' Wrote:T23 cannot die! Dublin will NOT surpass us in terms of idiocy!
Next mod version 100% of the mod's mining will be in Coronado. It will all take place in a single field that can, at best, fit 4 heges. It will generate a billion credits and hour.
' Wrote:Next mod version 100% of the mod's mining will be in Coronado. It will all take place in a single field that can, at best, fit 4 heges. It will generate a billion credits and hour.