I read the current ones info card, and thanks to you I got to refresh on the info. If its just retextureing then I shut my self down. One other thing civilians pay for escort from Merc, Freelancers, and off duty others, thats what they are there for right. I just think no one should have it all. Anyway different thread for that, thanks for answering my concerns. And I WANT to see that Order bomber *wiping froth from mouth, and composeing myself*:nyam:
If I could be so bold as to jump in with my own bit of opinion...
The bomber was looking awesome back on pages one and two. You set out to build yourself a sleek, small and maneuverable bomber with slightly reduced power and hull than the previous civilian model. Looked like you had that one padlocked.
I think the fattened hull is detracting from that somewhat... And additionally I can't help but feel that the rabbit ears currently gracing the aft are somewhat off balancing the lower stern V fins... The complimentary pair really gave a stronger sense of aerodynamics in addition.
I love my preggers chicken, just don't want to replace her with a preggers rabbit:)
I know I'm being a might presumptuous with these suggestions, and that this soup has a lot of cooks at the moment, but it seemed like I might as well pitch in my two cents.
I agree with Dusty. The first couple of models were best. I'd like the second model with the taiidan wings of the third..
Don't forget people. The Taiidan bomber is smaller than the Eagle. They're the same length, eagle is taller and wider.
"Freelancer Alpha dash niner, this is Freeport 7 control, You are cleared for departure. Good luck out there."
Soldato Zavier Benitez, Benitez flight instructor.