Location: West Rheinland Mining and Operations Supervising Office - Leipzig Station - Dresden System Source: Hanzel Hessler Von Sausageberg. Destination: Board of Directors - The Ring - New Berlin. Subject: Cost of Operations Reduction Proposal.
I know, I know Herr Mittermeir.
We had several ideas, but only one was found plausible. We are going to build a biodome mein Herr!
A biodome that will supply the entire population of Leipzig. As you may know, Leipzig is based on a modular design which allows for the easy installation of new modules, and the restructuration of them as needed. This structure will be big enough to supply Leipzig, and possibly Solarius. The costs might be a bit high, but its the only solution we can think of right now.
I have attached a visual description of a concept model our engineers did
The structure has the capability to resist heavy turret blasts, a small shield generator of its own, and the the glass is 5 meter thick nano-silicon battleship grade. Torpedoes will bounce away.
===Incoming Transmission, visible only for Board of Directors, Division Directors and their assistants===
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Dieter Mittermeier DHC Executive Director
Das Biodome...that vould be costly. I tried to contact SynthFoods via private comms, they are currently busy with other projects. In my opinion we simply have to increase convoys' escorts. That vould be all for now, you are free Herren. We will return to that subject in other time.
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary
New - old freight order Kapitaens, Alexandros Investments again contacted us and ordered 12 Tausend containers of High-Temperature Alloys from Leipzig, which should be delivered to Malioboro Station, not so far from Narita Outpost in New Tokyo system. I believe many of you already know route, after you deliver Alloys to Malioboro suggested route is Mining Machinery from Narita to planet Kyushu, and Super Hull Pannels back to The Ring.
Of course alles deliveries should be reported hier.
Origin/Load/Destination: Leipzig / 4115 High Temperature Alloys / Malioboro Malioboro / 4115 Mining Machinery / Kyushu
Comments: On the way Back from Kyushu, I was attacked by a Pirate in Sigma 13. He shoot me down, my escape pod was brought back to Kyushu.
cameras: *
[X] requires review from managment
[X] requires further activities
Activities:..Sigam 13 was full of Pirates. DHC should ask Rheinwehr to make Sigma 13 a safer place for Rheinland Companies...
Origin/Load/Destination: New Berlin / 4110 Basic Alloys / Leipzig
Leipzig / 330 High Temperature Alloys / Narita Outpost
Leipzig / 3780 High Temperature Alloys / Malioboro
Malioboro / 4110 Mining Machinery / Kyushu
Kyushu / 2055 Ship Hull Panels / Oder Shipyard
Comments: -
cameras: -
[X] requires review from managment
[X] requires further activities
Activities:...the freight order for Alexandros Investments is fullfilled, 12 Tausend Units High-Temperature Alloys from Leipzig are delivered to Malioboro Station.
You can inform the customer....
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system Comm ID: Niklaus Neumann, DHC Shipping Captain
Ein load of H-T Alloys was delivered to Malioboro, on the way from Narita with Mining Machinerie to Kyushu I met two pirates, so called "Samarran Raiders", and...BDM cruiser. Turned out these Piraten somehow aren't grosse IMG friends, so I gladly donated their cause, whatever it is. Travel from Kyushu to Rheinland back, with fine Kusarian Ship Hull Pannelen was calm and peaceful, no reports of pirate activity.
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary
Alexandros Investments ordered 14 Tausend Containers of H-T Alloys for Malioboro more. I remind you station's location is: Neue Tokyo, behind Narita Outpost.
Additionaly we are to deliver, be careful, 37 500 Tausend Containers of Silver. Be nice for Elbich miners, recently IMG and DSE thieves plagued their fields again.
To fullfill these new large freight orders in a short time suggested routes are:
For H-T Alloys order:
H-T Alloys from Leipzig to Malioboro, refined Niobium from Narita shipped back right to Leipzig's smelters. Customer raised price of H-T Alloys at Malioboro, you will get paid 2250 Krediten per Container delivered now.
For refined Silver order:
Silver from Elbich to Malioboro, refined Niobium from Narita back to planet New Berlin, Basic Alloys to Elbich. Customer is willing to pay 2500 Krediten per Container of Silver delivered, that well paid huge order is even better than corporate bonuses meine Herren. Krediten lie on the floor.
Start shipments immediately, Alexandros Investments is respected and loyal customer und its contracts shouldn't be postponed for later.
I remind new employees about 2 reports in PIREP they should submit as recruits. Also zis ist excellent occasion to make some Krediten.