' Wrote:Well read the thread. He wanted an admin's Opinion. He could have as well go and read stuff? When we told him that it was right and all the facts he rages ?
I dont see any wrong in thinking persons like him as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if they dont take things right. He still dont want to agree that factions control a larger part of disco RP.
I would be glad to help if he has a good way of taking things and analysing them rather than putting stupid arguements and raging over things. Fault is on the new players basically. Respect must be earned.
I never call anyone lowluts unless they call someone else. You simply can see he called other people as lowluts when he isnt perfect himself?
It doesnt mean i am perfect either but people should try to learn rather than showing stubbornness and stupidity over things which are true.
So not every case is like this. Fault is sometimes on the Old players too but on Warhalk's Case ts definitely on him.
For one, it's LOLWUT. For two, TEACH THEM!
I understand some people are unteachable, and that's what sanctions are for.
I was an angel briefly (before I got bored and took a break), and it was my most enjoyable time in Disco BY FAR.
Helping newer players find enjoyment in the mod is something we should all do, as we were all in their shoes at one time or another.
Things get boring eventually. That goes for everything that has, is, and will exist.
To blame the thing or those that appear to have control of the thing is unhealthy and will always lead to either boredom at the cyclic nature of things or realization that the blame will not ultimately solve ones boredom. In fact, it will just manifest hopelessness and suffering instead of simple boredom.
Strategies and practices to treat this condition.......strays into areas we are not allowed to post about on the forums and would be offtopic in this tread anyway.:)
' Wrote:For one, it's LOLWUT. For two, TEACH THEM!
I understand some people are unteachable, and that's what sanctions are for.
I was an angel briefly (before I got bored and took a break), and it was my most enjoyable time in Disco BY FAR.
Helping newer players find enjoyment in the mod is something we should all do, as we were all in their shoes at one time or another.
Give it up. He is not listening. He also thinks i am new because of forum ID, but i been here since 2007. Joined same time as a friend.
Also If he wants gallia all to himself, and run it his way let him. I just deleted all 3 chars I had there. Let him join rest of people who keep wondering why Gallia is empty. This is why right here. people go there, and get jumped on for not knowing 100% of everything. Or trying RP that is not what factions want. Well congrats you win. I am out, and talking on skype with others who agree with me,and have also deleted their Gallic chars. We will all stay in Sirius, and let you have Gallia. Have fun. You win.
By "New" I meant new to gallic space. Anyway, I am sorry. If pointing things out means insulting you then I am sorry.
I don't think reasoning with you is not gonna work. But I am sorry is all I have to say.
Quick Quote from Dab for those who think they are controlled:
Which means we cant establish a Faction without having you as head?
No, you can run your own faction, and I don't have very much control over your actions. All I mean is that, in-roleplay, Aurelia DeFrance leads all of Gallia's military. While you would operate semi-autonomously, she could still step in on certain things if what you're doing is harmful. The faction rules have something for this called Faction Rule 2 (FR2) that allows official factions to set some guidelines for unofficial factions and indies to follow. Traditionally though, I try to avoid using FR2s as I like people to have as much freedom as possible.
So In-RP, you'd be a semi-autonomous fleet.
But trying to dodge RP of factions means that you are not getting freedom? you wont get it anywhere if i am right unless you are a generic ID user.
Quote:First thing, don't mind me saying and all, I'm a direct man,
Elitists, be it admins, players or their friends, they take it for granted
to abuse their powers just because they have a higher status in the community
than normal members. ( That's everything I'll say about it, some may get what I'm
talking about some may not. )
Also, the lack of variety and length of time of the updates really is what does it for me.
Now that they said they'll release it in shorter cycles...
Should be much better and keep people/roleplay/factions/houses/lore moving.
' Wrote:By "New" I meant new to gallic space. Anyway, I am sorry. If pointing things out means insulting you then I am sorry.
I don't think reasoning with you is not gonna work. But I am sorry is all I have to say.
Quick Quote from Dab for those who think they are controlled:
Which means we cant establish a Faction without having you as head?
No, you can run your own faction, and I don't have very much control over your actions. All I mean is that, in-roleplay, Aurelia DeFrance leads all of Gallia's military. While you would operate semi-autonomously, she could still step in on certain things if what you're doing is harmful. The faction rules have something for this called Faction Rule 2 (FR2) that allows official factions to set some guidelines for unofficial factions and indies to follow. Traditionally though, I try to avoid using FR2s as I like people to have as much freedom as possible.
So In-RP, you'd be a semi-autonomous fleet.
But trying to dodge RP of factions means that you are not getting freedom? you wont get it anywhere if i am right unless you are a generic ID user.
I am not arguing you have a little power over GRP indies. You however have no power over GRN indies. Faction rights apply to those with same ID as your faction, not other factions.
But do not worry. My GRN/Gaillic junker/ trader char in Gallia all deleted. So you can do as you plaese in Gallia, and i will do as i please in Sirius.