We've got a contract with Gateway Shipping for 60,000 units of Iridium from Freeport 11. The Iridium is to be taken to Oceana Shipping Platform, in Orbit of Planet Curacao, Cortez System.
For those employees who wish to take on this contract, make sure to take flight logs (//screen shots) of the deliveries to the station. Report them on this channel and a bonus of 3 million credits per completed run will be applied.
Find attached receipts for 5,000 units delivered. A total of 9,985 of 60,000 units of Iridium have been delivered so far. And Mr. Anata, your payment has been sent
Find attached receipts for 5,000 units delivered. A total of 29,940 of 60,000 units of Iridium have been delivered so far. And Mr. Anata, your payment has been sent
We might have a new problem. An A.I. Cruiser by the name of Cephalon-Simaris that was...er "synthsising" various objects it has found. It attempted to do the same to me and a whale that was in the area as well. We managed to get away but this thing is a threat to not only our own installations but others as well. With the Directors permission I would like to pass along this information about this threat to the other regional powers, Corsairs, Molly's, SCRA, hopefully we can get enough eyes looking for it that it won't survive long here.