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Location: Tombstone Estate
Planet Gran Canaria, Omega 49 System
Personal Log:
At the advice of my medical staff, I took my first look at the refugee camp at Port Jackson as it is called. I went there expecting the worst but found it wasn't as gloomy as I had anticipated. I think the worst problem I found was that deep feeling of loss as most of them had lost everything because of the Kusari/Bretonia war and didn't feel like they would see their old lives again. Regardless, I found them to be very greatful towards me and my staff and the Zoners as a whole for providing them with a place to stay. One man even said to my face, "If we had known that this was your planet, we wouldn't have come as it is no better for us to do it than Kusari taking our worlds." I could only re-assure him that it was all right and that things would someday return to some state of normalcy.
Midori's parents arrived today from Honshu as they are helping to get their daughter ready for matrimony. I took Kenji out caballa back riding and he rather enjoyed wearing old western attire for some effect. He shoots rather well, too. I very much look forward to having them as my family.
And word has it the my almost next door neighbor Reggie Waverly popped the question to his long time girl friend. I'll have to give them a congratulatory call.
Glad to hear that Port Jackson isn't as dreary as you feared. I do think Bowex's heart is in the right place. Where their Pineals are at is "ytbd"; but I have some hope there as well.
I also hear that my services as Spiritual Boohoo may be required very shortly, but on a more personal level. I'd be honored to offer you and Midori the Blessings of Eris, as long as your Bhuddist Priest ties the real knot. (Eris is better known for her "slip knots" and snares.)
I'll clear my calendar, and head for Canaria as soon as possible, Doc. Give the lovely Ms. Sato a peck for me.
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Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: Malcalypse
Well, I did accept the church of Eris into my life so it is only fitting that the church give it's invocation. Yes, the Buddhist priest will make it official and as it was pointed out, many aspects of our religions are similar.
Also, I need some Gallic wine for the Ark, say, about 250 bottles of it. Both for the wedding itself and future diplomatic functions. If someone can deliver some I'd be greatful. I'd rather pay someone in house to deliver it than advertise for it. I guess some tobacco may not be a bad option either even though I discourage it's use. Just keeping the masses happy!
If you or Moira need anything on it, have it sent.
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Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Undisclosed
Just a quick note. Midori and I are officially honeymooning. Because of some threats and some very undesirable interests, we are keeping the location of where we are undisclosed. Individual commanders of some ships have been notified as to where and can disclose it to certain people. IF I am needed for Council issues or whatever matters may arise, I can be reached via the bridge crew of the Ark.
I have also authorized my ranch hand, Mr. Grady McCue, to take my transport for trade running if he wishes to. He's not one for flying much so we'll see if he takes it out. Cya when we get back.
Comm ID: [TAZ]Bafflin'.Queen
To: E-Prime Malaclypse
Thanks for giving your blessings at our wedding, old friend.
Apparently, Moira's idea of a "honeymoon" is remodeling the VIP suite on the Queen to her liking, and picking up a bomber she left behind on Newcastle. Romantic, eh?
I have convinced her that a few days in the Geode would be helpful in recharging our "batteries". (Well, mostly mine.. the woman is a dynamo!)
We'll be running over to Boa Vista for a load of pilgrims, then proceeding back to Baffin. Oh, warn the Scrubbies about Moira's new pet "Riley", a gift from Sam Nichols. I haven't decided yet if it's bird or mammal, but it'll be giving your pets a run for their money through the crystals, Mal.
Once we've floated about inside your big ball for a few days, we'll pick up the "Waverly's.Wench" from Newcastle on our way back to the Veranda.
Oh, and the lady didn't even flinch when I told her why there's a big blood stain on our brand new front porch. I am a happy old man.
Comm ID: [TAZ]I.K.S. Vor'cha
Commander Matok, Commanding
Commander's Log:
We are currently moored at Freeport 6 in Tau-29 as we have been patrolling the Tau's for these QCP pirates who are under this illusion that Zoners are keeping Kusari's war machine alive. Mark my word, if they kill one Zoner, they will answer to my brand of diplomacy. In my only conversation with one, a QCP Carruthers, he was quite personable and listened. I have to wonder if he did so because the Vor'cha staring him down!
We have also been watching for these Buccaneers although we haven't met one of them yet.
We did stop a member of the Cartel in Baffin. He went by the name Cartegena. He was respectful I will admit. I questioned him about the Cartel's use of Bethlehem Base as a staging point. He admitted they had but had since moved their operations as he said, "we want neutrality with the Zoners." I'll leave it at that. Let's hope they keep their word and leave Zoners alone.
You said really said you want wine. I'll provide your wine. It might have a few random bottles that are a bit more stout than your average bottle. They got rum mixed in. Heh. Have fun finding them. It's like a grab bag! Congrats and luck man. Heard ya need it for this kinda thing.
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*incoming message*
To: Cid
I did get the wine I asked for. What wasn't consumed at the reception is either in my Estate, my office on Shasta or stored for diplomatic functions aboard the Ark. Now, if I keep getting supplies, I'm going to have to make up storage ship.
Wine with rum? Don't tell Matok or any of his Klingon brethren. They don't like competition for their Blood Wine. Then again, that's not how they make it.
Back in the game! After a dip into the Blue Lagoon I finished up my first proper circuit at a Freeport... don't ask me to remember which one. I had already burned through half of the Synthy Wacky Tabacci stash I'd 'lifted' from my last run out of Hawaii and between the swirls of smoke I divined a few biospheres and a green IFF signal. HOME! Or one of the many hide aways in which to come down from a luxurious bake through the sushi lanes of Sirius.
Can't remember why I ever left... oh wait... thats right... well I'll have to reminisce over how I ended up on my extended hiatus... soon as I remember some of the details... or re-remember them in light of potential trafficking charges that may or may not arise when I publish... hmmm....