Cmon buys we are leaving this place*
the two rogue crew members went outside*
"Thanks for the warm welcome Miss. Pryde"*
"I got some business to take care of for the Toruella cartel...
anyway I got a "not so old" chocolate box from planet Manhattan
for you , I ate some by accident on the way"*.
*Hands over the chocolate box and leaves quickly to catch up with
his two crew members*.
Liberty Rogues - Stockholm_FCS - Osiris - Liberty Rogue commander Pike Zoners - [MiD] - Osiris - MiD bank Xenos - {NG}Spacefrog - Eagle - lazy terrorist guy
*in low orbit Alexander i duking out in Fierce Dogfights with nomad fighters with purple Beams flying in all directions and his Weaponry Blazing Brightly Red blowing up the Nomad ships one by one* Argh this is no use for every one i blast 2 more takes its place
guess its plan b then * radios the behemoth*
hey Behemoth Captain id suggest you get your Crew too the Radiation Protection Rooms
because its gonan get hot here Really soon over and out.....(static)
COMMS ID:Colonel Thomas
Message to:Kristy P.
AHHH! I was not expecting Nomads to be here d**m it! Im in a F**king armored transport for crying out lowd! I beter land befor i get to beet up.
Ok im on the ground and am in a hover car headed to the Villa. My ship took a good deal of damage on the way in so im grounded untill it gets fixed. A good deal of my port side got vaporized! Oh and if you all dont know i am a Lane Hacker Comander.
After the nasty incident, a group of Outcast pilots suit up and prepare for assistance.
Everyone is shocked. We see people runing to the hangars, where the fighters and other ships are parked.
- For f*ck*ng sakes!
Why did that damn thing had to crash in the middle of my vacation?
A Lane Hacker group that was relaxing in the bar before the incident recognised Joe's voice.
- Hey! Joe!
You're still alive?
We need to help those guys over there.
- Yeah. I don't know what hit them but they are having a really bad time for sure.
- That moron is going to ruin Kristys Villa if we dont help.
- Okay people! I am Colonel Benjamin Thomas of the Lane Hackers.
Everyone suit up, we are going to fly there in my armoured transport.
- I'm an Outcast scout Captain and will be dispatching my men to help on the flight.
We don't want this place ruined.
Alexander pulls the remote control and his ship quickly appears and opens the canopy.
He runs to the balcony, jumps to his cockpit and gives a crazy laugh while putting the helmet.
We can see Gezza a bit dizzy and Alpha near the hangar shouting at eachother.
Inside the Osiris Battleship, the Commander listens to an incoming trasmission.
"Incoming Trasmission from Planet Malta."
- We are dispatching an armoured transport with a group of Lane Hacker to help you.
- Acknowledged, Planet Malta. It's about time!
A reputable Lane Hacker Commander who was apparently on vacation flies the Lane Hacker Engineer Crew in the armoured transport while a group of Outcast Wingmen were forming up.
The scenery is brutal.
Kristy is seen talking with a man.
"C'Tan and Miralukan's fighting in the same system, what the hecks going on......"
While the Lane Hackers are flying towards the osiris, another transmission is received in the Battleship.
Alexander was suggesting Behemoth Commander to protect his crew from the radiation as fighters and Nomads were approaching the ship.
- Acknowledged Alexander.
(Chrom "Behemoth" Brahams, the Osiris Battleship Commander, knew better than anyone else.
He knew about the lives of the Lane hacker support team were at steak. So were everyone else's involved. And being involved was a matter of being in Omicron Alpha at this moment.)
We are aware of the situation. We only need to get our reactor's fixed before they leak and necessary repairs to the hull for safe landing.
A wing of brave men is en route to provide assistance.
This should be over soon.
The Lane Hackers reach the Osiris and prepare to board the ship.
"Incoming transmission from armoured transport"
This is Lane Hacker Commander. We are here to help you fix the ship. I need clearance to dock.
"This is Battleship Osiris. You are cleared to dock. Please proceed to Battleship Weapon fixture eleven. That is the only secure sealed place to dock. Our engineers had to remove the Battlerazor turret and "improvise" a docking place there since all other docks are innoperable at the moment."
Inside the armoured transport the hackers start laughing.
"Very well then. Armoured Transport out."
Marines cleaned the place up while the lane hackers joined the remaining Engineer corps crew inside the Osiris.
There was much to be done but for now it would only be necessary to provide safe landing.
The ship's hull was being fixed and the bridge was reinforced to sustain the landing vibrations.
Reactors were sealed while some computers were being fixed.
All was going fast because Joe had a secret.
He was attaching componets near the control panels.
- Do you mind asking what are you doing with that?
- Well, this is what I call the Mitharis system.
They are nano supercomputers that can infiltrate the vessel system and move everywhere. They are programed to spread into every corner of the ship and assist me in controlling everything from one place.
When in position, they also have the ability to redirect nanobots to the most critical places.
- But that would take alot of nanobots. We dont have any.
- Mitharis system is not one component. It's the interconnection of all of them.
The nanobots we brought from the armoured transport suffice for this to work.
"Incoming transmission from the Outcast Scout Squadron.
We see boogies on our scope.
Be advised that you have little time."
"This Jerk is actually engaging me!"
"Unknown Vessel approaching at 6 o'clock and closing!"
"This is Armoured Transport leader. We are getting out of here. Over and out."
The Hacker Commander talks to Chrom in the hangar:
- All right. It seems the job is done here. We need to get out of here soon.
Our fighter escort reported hostile activity in the area.
- Very well, you are cleared to proceed.
We'll do our best to protect your undocking.
After the Lane Hacker crew finished their work, they were asked to rendevouz in the armoured transport and set course back to the planet.
While they were taking distance from the battleship, a large group of nomads appeared.
"Open transmission to the Outcast fighters in range. This is Battleship Behemoth Commander. Get away from here now, there's nothing you can do."
Man this S**ks! i come here for a braik and time to relaxe and i end up playing Taxi for a bunch of enginers! I dont know how much this old tub can take even with all its upgraids!
OOC:just to clairify agen, the names Colonel Benjamin Thomas
"Incoming trasnmission to Battleship Behemoth.
This is Outcast Scout Squadron. We can help you."
"Negative. There is a bigger threat you can't escape from.
Forget the nomads. Get out of here."
The group of outcasts decided to engage the small squadron of Nomads.
Behind them, a strange crystal shaped thing appeared out of nowhere.
Outcast Fighter Captain: - Boys. Can you please tell me what the hell is that?
Outcast Fighter 4: - I'm in a firefight right now!
Outcast Fighter 3: - Cut the chat! In a fight!
Outcast Fighter 2: - This is Outcast Fighter 2. We are having a beating from those nomads.
Outcast Fighter Captain: Oh my... it's not the Nomads. Behemoth was right!
Outcast Fighter 3: I see strange readings on short range sensors. *AARGH....*
Outcast Fighter Captain: Did you see that? It was torn apart! Lets move out.
Meanwhile, Behemoth ordered all his gunnery crew to their positions
- First Gunnery! Prepare for first salvoe!
*I want those boys to live... God help me on this one.*
- First Gunnery Prepared, sir.
- Second and Third Gunnery! Prepare for battle!
First Gunnery, fire!
Keep 3 salvoes in every Inferno salvoe.
Second Gunnery, fire at will!
Third Gunnery, protect the rear.
- Aye, Sir.
- First and Second Engineer Squad, prepare for hell!
As the Outcast Wingmen were locking the nomads, a mean looking cristal shaped thing appeared behind, breaking the fighters in two.
The armoured transport seem to have made it to landing but the situation was bad.
There was no hope for the Osiris...
... untill...
"Incoming transmission
hey Behemoth Captain id suggest you get your Crew too the Radiation Protection Rooms
because its gonan get hot here Really soon over and out.....(static)"
Not a second after this, a crazy pilot ripped appart all the nomads in the area.
"Incoming transmission
This is Battleship Osiris Commander. Get your ARSE out of HERE! NOW! LAND IMM.... (static)"
OOC: I've updated the post in previous page.
It now has a quote from "Ghosts of the past" thread by Angel.
Before you get confused, this is a blend of two rp stories going on at the same time at the same place.