Uhm, sorry for not responding. I have not been very well in the past two months, and I am still a downer lately. I am glad, though, that you seem to have fun. Never expected you to be the type for getting drunk!
I am happy you stayed in Rheinland instead of going for the Omicrons again, too!
Uhm, look. I appreciate that you keep trying, but... I do not think I will get better any time soon. In any sense. Things have gone very bad and they will not get better. I think I need to cut my losses and just stay planetside. The Kay is a good ship, and I am glad she kept me alive in combat, but I guess some things are just not meant to be. Hell, I even tried to sign up for the Liberty bounty board and they never bothered to process it. I guess playing hero in space is something other people are better at.
... although, I have yet to see a hero in space. Countless villains, and the closest thing you get for a hero is this funny LPI officer, uhm, Roscoe.
I hope you are doing well. I thought about coming to New Berlin at some point, but then I remember how incredibly cold the planet is. Always wondered why you stay there when you can afford living on a nice and warm world like Denver!
Hey, eh, listen. I am moving back to Liberty. If you ever... want to come over, just tell me.
I am really not sure whether I belong here. You know, in space, that is. Kristoff seems to have moved on, and all the ups and downs we have gone through, all this ... kindergarten with the Technomancers and their space fish buddies. In the end, it was all for nothing. I just hope he is happy with how things are now. I am not.
It was nice flying around with the Kay again, doing stargazing. But I think I should just sell it and stay planetside. You know, having a quiet and fun life instead of... killing Rogues and getting pestered by idiots all the time. I made a good amount of money, met a few cool people, like you, and saw some cool stuff. I do not think I will ever forget about any of that. But yeah.
[The blond woman sighs in the video feed.] Hey... it's me.
[A long moment passes before she speaks again.] I... somehow have bad news. You told me to not mess with them- well, I did mess with them and they will certainly won't be neutral anymore. For some reason, they managed to know I 'work' with The Core. Mostly as a hunter.
[Another sigh comes out of her mouth.] Know that I am not alone doing this. I know I should stop, but... I told you a few times that I am an action woman. Also, there's something you need to read... I sent it in the attachments. However, if you are too lazy, I will say it. You and I are on the black list... Especially in their space from what I read. And to your surprise, there is also Caliban.
[She looks around a moment before to look at the video feed.] I keep you in touch. Also... stay far from Inverness...
I guess Levinathan's word is weaker than that of Renevant.
Last time we talked, he assured me that this, uhm, hostility is over.
That is okay, though. I have no reason to go to Inverness. Freeport 14 was a nice home, but I have a better one now. And I am done with the people there. I do not really look forward to see Tamara or Kristoff again, nor any of those insane people or their space fish friends. I am a bit surprised about this level of pettiness, though.
Be that, uhm, as it may, though.
How are you doing? I was, uhm, wondering... about, you know. Waking up the day after. I know it is not the nicest thing to just leave like that. I really had to, though!
Do you... regret anything?
What you should regret is, uhm, not listening to me, though. Is hunting Corsairs really not enough? The Technomancers are annoying, sure, and it is good that they get hunted, but was it really needed for you to do the hunting? Barrier Gate is a safe place, sure, but you could run into these people the moment you launch from the station. And for what? A bit of money from your new boss? Caliban is just as petty as these people are, and he managed to drag you into that. You probably think you are doing him and anyone else a favor by doing this, but in reality you are his pawn now. I know you are looking for a place to belong, but this goes against what you said a long time ago: Stay out of this entire trouble.
Now look where it got us. Those people are not even trying to hide it. They want you and me dead.
That is something you should regret. I can assure you, I regret having gotten into any of this. Having fought so hard for Kristoff. Now these people want me dead, and Kristoff has abandoned me.
Trust me on this, Lea. Do not fight for anyone else. Only fight for yourself. That way you cannot regret what you are doing. Other people will let you down one day, one way or another. You are the only one you can fully rely on. Not on me, not on Caliban.
[She expresses a light smile.] Levan, I'm glad you replied. About that morning, don't worry. I can be angry or mad, but never will hate you. But iI was not mad anyway. I knew you'd probably do that.
[She looks above her shoulders before to look back at the video feed.] I know you did not have a great relation with Caliban, but he is not 'this' petty. I made the first move toward him. The other day, he simply asked if I was willing to come and I accepted. We take enough precautions to not just die for nothing. Yes I maybe flirted a bit with death, but I'm still alive.
I won't die this easily and I make you this promise: I will come to you and slap you for real. Not like the other day- Anyways, take care.
Oh right, before I go, I'd like to tell you that you should muscle a bit your hands.
I am not sure what exact time it is on New Berlin where your house is, but in Sirian Standard, it should be your birthday right now! So, uhm! Happy Birthday!
You are looking back at 31 years of building snowmen, hunting... what ever kind of animals live in the wilds of New Berlin and shooting down Corsairs! I hope you get a cake today! And many chocolates, too!
Uhm, I am still stuck at Ames. I think Kristoff still needs to get a new arm pros... prostatic! Uhm, so, uh, I guess I will not be able to have cake with you. But you know, I would not be able to eat it anyway, without my stomach killing me for it - so just more cake for you!
Rheinland does celebrate christmas, right? I mean, all your planets are big snowballs, so of course you do! I hope you got to build a snowman in your backyard!