In issues as the above, every concerned person presents their case. When asking for balance to shift, the onus should be on those wanting the balance to shift to them to prove their cases with no reasonable doubt remaining that its best. Those who disagree should present their reasons for doubt. If they can't be overcome, that shows a lack on the presenter's part or else shows there is indeed a reason to reconsider.
Sympathies to the admins--you get the fun part--making the actual decision.
Well done to the Indies on driving everyone out of alpha... but please please stay there with your fleet of Battleships and Drednoughts.
I personally think its a bit OORP to go raid a small area in a system with a couple of battleships. I mean they are the biggest ships in the fleet, NPC factions have 1 per system and maybe one in a cap patrol somewhere, there isnt a tag team of KNF Battleships that pounce on lone fighters in Leeds... Likewise in the Liberty Rhineland war. Think of the fuel costs, crew costs, ammo costs, food, water, Cardamine (For OC caps) costs. It's insane to think they would just go out for a little patrol. You would send a couple of sabres, maybe a gunboat at most.
I'm not trying to be anti cap or anything here. Just use some bloody common sense.
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--==}{ Just a simple guy trying to make my way in the universe }{==--
Well done to the Indies on driving everyone out of alpha... but please please stay there with your fleet of Battleships and Drednoughts.
I personally think its a bit OORP to go raid a small area in a system with a couple of battleships. I mean they are the biggest ships in the fleet, NPC factions have 1 per system and maybe one in a cap patrol somewhere, there isnt a tag team of KNF Battleships that pounce on lone fighters in Leeds... Likewise in the Liberty Rhineland war. Think of the fuel costs, crew costs, ammo costs, food, water, Cardamine (For OC caps) costs. It's insane to think they would just go out for a little patrol. You would send a couple of sabres, maybe a gunboat at most.
I'm not trying to be anti cap or anything here. Just use some bloody common sense.
That's why I bring two dessies, a few gunboats, and a lot of fighter-bombers. I know how to conduct raids. That's why I spear-head them against Gamma.
' Wrote:OC capship swarms, please stay in Alpha where you can't ruin the game for the rest of us, thanks.
Battleships should only be brought out as part of events or to fight other battleships.
Okay, I have said this many times:
If anything, we should be patrolling our bases, territory, and even exploring our borders. I was told I can go into Kusari, but I must be discreet. I should request being able to station my ship in Liberty so I can support Outcast fighters. I'll be hanging out in random debris fields, but at least I'll be doing SOMETHING.