Does make me wonder on how house police would/should view independent miners. Should they be asking them to move along? Or should they protect them from corporate pirates? My guess is that they'd be looked on with a somewhat wary eye except in out of the way places where the House can't really claim to 'own' the ore (and by extension, grant exclusive permission to its - nationalised, in some cases - corporations to mine it).
Think vigilante on this one. You'd have to catch them doing something wrong, but, if you can't, they're just civilians.
' Wrote:Pretty good for a group of lolpirates. I look forward to the server being restored, cause I intend to keep right on lolpirating. Also, I think we're going to have to start paying you Kruger boys a visit. I'm pretty sure we got the same kind of threats from the Liberty boys and we got rich off of them.
Only if they can figure out how much their Silver field rocks....
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
Yes, lower prices. The whole point of the mining mod was to encourage teamwork, not powermine into a battleship. :\ Obviously teamwork isn't happening.
~Seriously considers buying a Gunship and going to Penn. Decides not to. Decides to get a Cap 7 Mining Ship with all class 2 turrets to go pierat~
Glad to see that you guys are all having fun with pirating miners with the new mining mod. I'm just glad my Junker stays in Bretonia. *Chuckles*
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.