[font=Palatino Linotype]Hey I think I'm part of that cancer too.
[color=#FFCC99]I mean, I totally am dude, I swear I really am! Because whether an 'excuse' to PvP is pathetic or not does totally not depend on a person's individual perspective and opinion right?
[font=Fixedsys][color=#FFCCFF]But why not so, [color=#FF99FF]afterall us tumors have to stick together, old bean. We need to polish our cancerization skills so we can be even more cancerous and vile and totally evil, yo! Afterall, it's true, the better your PvP skills, the more of an evil and nasty Discovery tumor you are! Right?
I just read this whole 7 pages.. And i got throw my opinion here.
As Zeltak said, each one's opinions are each one's opinions and if such thread is open to discussion, let us discuss it.
My say on this matter.. Invite only factions do have high quality rp'ers in more percentage than vanilla player factions. Most of them are proven members of this community for years and that my friends, is a priceless tag that no flames, whining or jealousy can hurt. They gave too much to this server and to us, new members (compared to them), that they being in an invite only faction like Nomads, Phantoms, is a just and decent award to their presence here.
Sure, some times the occasion, place or players present might not be adequate to create rp, but i know they try and enjoy it a lot more than the 'pew pew' so many people talk about. Heck, i always try to rp and see if the hook is bitten by the other, and if happens, from there on out it's more of an enjoyable situation.
Cancer or not, pvp is one of the faces of Disco and an undeniably fact present every day. Like i said before, to rp and rp very well it depends on the situation, time, people, factions present, the knowledge of each of the factions, etc..
I do love to pvp, it makes my blood rush..
But i know i love rp even more.
If pvp is a cancer, then rp is a blood disease and i'm sick as dog now from both.
Ready to die:D. Disco does that, and i know a lot of folks agree to that.
So.. If someone is crying because the big bad Phantoms made a couple of holes in their new ship, then.... Meh. Tough luck.
I rp'ed alone yesterday with 3-4 Phantoms around me for a good half an hour before all hell broke loose and it was an enjoyable fight.
Not an epic rp, not an epic battle, but one of those Disco experiences i will always remember dearly and with a smile.
I'd love to make some snide comment about cancer but I don't enjoy toying around with deceases like that.
So I'll just add: Kelt you're a naive spiteful, not to mention annoying, person with a way to big chip on your shoulder. Go RP instead of whining on forums! NAU!
I just had a wicked dream. So wicked that I even had to make tacos for breakfast .
Tuururwist ID's?
being ripped on?
um......whooo cares? That is just another privillage that is given to us with enough work. So rest of the people can screw off. Have I encounter the claims mentioned? Many times, even ones that broke the rules. Do I really want to sit there on the forums trollin them? NAHH *trolls*
Nommiez meh
um what was the other ones? Phantoms are nou nou heads and blew me up several times, BUT!!!! never killed me when I was in a Ki with starflea guns...;)still awaiting to gloat about that.