For outstanding and continued service to the Republic of Liberty, and for upholding the law with excellence, Oliver Poplan is hereby promoted to the rank of Sergeant.
Recruit officer Jax Rogers, You have proven yourself and your ability to uphold the law. Upon meeting the requirements you are hereby promoted to the rank of Officer.
You are also cleared to join the SWAT team at your discretion, and requisition a bomber of your choosing.
Officer: Breyman, Warner Rank: Recruit Officer Subject: Promotion time!
So, I believe it is promotion time? Here are the required forms filled out!
1) LPI Message Dump can be found here.
2) Liberty Criminal Database can be found here.
3) Laws of Liberty can be found here.
4a) LPI Diplomacy can be found here.
4b) LPI Roster can be found here.
5) Commissioned Liberator
6) Liberty Bounty Board can be found here.
7) Patrols: OneTwo
8) Visit to Sunbucks
I hope everything is filled out correctly. I look forward to the decision.
Breyman Warner, you have proven yourself to be a very well rounded recruit, and you have proven your ability to uphold the law. You are here by officially promoted to the rank of Officer. Report to the Plaza to get your new transmitter.
You are clear to join the SWAT unit as well as of now.