(06-24-2016, 02:33 PM)TheJarl Wrote: Again the staff is far from perfect, but neither are any individual members of the community. So sure, sometimes admins or mods will have to admit mistakes. At the same time just because a member shouts "bias" without even caring to explain, that doesn't mean that the staff should now hand over their positions to random others.
Hahaha! Man, you made me spill my drink with the good ol' "the staff is far from perfect" pretext. Do you actually want explanations regarding bias? Something that in the Admins' eyes would simply be put in the past as if nothing happened? Something they alrady know very well but are too much of egomaniacs to admit certain things? You must be acting dumb, or you really just have no idea about it. But here, allow me to give you a hint that leads to a fun drama that ended up with stupidly explained bans.
It all starts with a C and it end with S, for the past few years certain staff members have made certain things float around that C, as if it was in the center of attention. They got the 'attention' and they got very unhappy about it, resulting into drama and reveals some disturbing stuff that some deny even today.
There's your hint. I hope your brain helps you with that, I'm not willing to help any more. I'm sure they know none of us want to go there again and repeat history. Shout at me on Skype if you didn't manage to guess.
@Jansen, is that really you or the staff mates logged onto your account for the sole purpose of impersonating you and making me think that you actually give a *snap* about the server? Either way, I'm on the phone so I will leave the pointing out parts of the first post for another day.
Jansen Wrote:His english certainly isnt perfect, but neither is yours or mine, guess thats what happens if you dont have a team made out of people that dont have english as their first language. Im not aware that anyone has made posts for another person to cover up flaws in that.
My questions still stand. If such a person, who obviously can't and won't change anything in the current staff but make it look even less serious, why is he not replaced? Is it because you don't want feelings hurt? You letting the guy live the 'murican Disco dream? Or you just needed him to approve/deny stuffs in certain occasions?
Him quoting a dumb message, delete posts because he gets offended when truth is told doesn't make things better In any way. It goes down the hill mate.
Jansen Wrote:See above on how things like that are handled. There was a lot of discussion before these changes were implemented.
So basically, what you're telling me is that you discuss our thoughts, come to a conclusion, keep it between you only, move on and do nothing about it anyway. I know multiple cases when the Admins completely ignored the point, and played along with what the other staff member came up with. Stupid sanctions with extremely dumb reasoning. All of that, yet I still fail to see any changes done or any measures taken within the staff. ('Recruiting' Dimon doesn't count as s change.) Don't believe me? Hudson(Protégé) and Spazzy do, ask em.
Jansen Wrote:How is bias and whatever you call "laws" related? Those are completely different things. Guess this also should be point 4 or something.
I believe you better than anyone know what the bias part is about, after all you've been part of the "kool guyz" team for quite a lot of time, then again,it's probably someone claiming its Jansen, coming with an "I care!!!" Tone to make me believe you actually do. You've been away for long and passive about things for wayyy too long to come out like this. Anyway, what I mean is, whatever you Green Team say must be law for us, but when we got something to say, we get the right to shut up, you ignore and/or ban for any small reason you can find if you get offended or want certain people quiet.
Jansen Wrote:Ok, would in general be helpful if you could provide valid feedback the next time. Pointing fingers on posts that you somehow dont seem to have read, while just generally being negative doesnt really count as valid for me. Saying that you "dont even get into detail" about things also doesnt help and will just likely just be ignored.
What happened to the last person who made the bias that I'm talking about public? He got perma'd. Do I need to do the same for your satisfaction? Mmmm.... Nah I'll pass.
(06-24-2016, 06:48 PM)Corile Wrote: Give people the option to present their suggestions and gripes with discovery and let the community choose who they want to be represented by.
We did that. I don't think anyone in the top 10 most voted members for moderator got an orange name.
(06-24-2016, 06:48 PM)Corile Wrote: Give people the option to present their suggestions and gripes with discovery and let the community choose who they want to be represented by.
We did that. I don't think anyone in the top 10 most voted members for moderator got an orange name.
Sorry to disappoint you, but someone in the top 10 most voted Members did get the Orange Name. It was this person:
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person