(08-12-2016, 01:19 PM)Malmsteen Wrote: Hello Administration Team
We are just curious and excited, nothing more. We would like to know if the official faction requests are being processed, or should we expect more time to wait
We are not in a hurry, but we suppose to have our decision back in the 25th of July. Thank you for your time.
We are still curious and this time more excited .. We understand that there is always lots of work on the administration shoulders and the time is not enough to process the issues faster. We just want to remind you that 12 days passed since the last reply we received here quoted above (next week). Please excuse our curiosity, it is very exciting for us and we are dying to know the result of our request. Thank you for your time.
Hello it is in the vote, I know it is dragging a little. I will close vote in 3 days regardless and let you know, apologies. (Possibly remind us in three days, just in case )
EDIT: not forgotten, out at 9pm tonight so will early tomorrow when action occurs unless someone else steps in.
(08-12-2016, 01:19 PM)Malmsteen Wrote: Hello Administration Team
We are just curious and excited, nothing more. We would like to know if the official faction requests are being processed, or should we expect more time to wait
We are not in a hurry, but we suppose to have our decision back in the 25th of July. Thank you for your time.
We are still curious and this time more excited .. We understand that there is always lots of work on the administration shoulders and the time is not enough to process the issues faster. We just want to remind you that 12 days passed since the last reply we received here quoted above (next week). Please excuse our curiosity, it is very exciting for us and we are dying to know the result of our request. Thank you for your time.
Hello it is in the vote, I know it is dragging a little. I will close vote in 3 days regardless and let you know, apologies. (Possibly remind us in three days, just in case )
EDIT: not forgotten, out at 9pm tonight so will early tomorrow when action occurs unless someone else steps in.
Thank you for the Edit info, We appreciate it but i am here to remind you as you requested @Tunicle after 3 days. I intended to make them 4 days so you can have more time on your hand to close the vote, do your discussions and announce the decision. Thank you in advance.
Bretonia Mining and Fabrication,
Corporate Attorney,
Steve Malmsteen
Posts: 3,108
Threads: 271
Joined: Dec 2009
Staff roles: Server Administrator
Hi. I thought it'd be worth checking the sticky in this forum to see if I was somehow misinformed about what it's for. Part of the issues that the stickied post says this forum is for discussing includes:
Quote:2) Abuse of faction rights, i.e. the exercise of power for its own sake without sufficient justification.
3) Poor in-game behaviour, characterised by repeated incidents which are harmful to server gameplay, and not merely once-off incidents or the exercise of tactical advantage, such as outnumbering, outgunning or outthinking an opponent.
I think both of the above apply to the subject of this post.
I've described the recent behavior of the administration team to several outside observers who understand how Discovery works but do not play here, some of whom have never even played Freelancer before. When I say "recent behavior", I refer to most administrative actions taken since the so-called Heavy Decision, including the extremely languid response given to the community during the ensuing flurry of forum rage, statements made by admins regarding the bans, the decision to unban only four of the six, the justifications given, the suspicious activity of some members of the admin team in third-party programs like Teamspeak and Skype, the unprofessional attitude of the administration in posting obvious bait and salt, the upholding of the sanction on the BHG| players for that incident with the Recruit ID'd A/) ship, St.Denis's statement in that appeal thread:
Quote:As for interaction, they may just want to avoid your, and your friends, type of interaction/RP.
in response to accusations of A/) ships deliberately trying to avoid interaction (implying that griefing other players by intentionally avoiding them is acceptable behavior), and, most recently, the total shutdown of the XTF birthday event, complete with entirely unwarranted abuse of admin privileges
Quote:[5:51:14 PM] Clavius: like i spent 15 minutes to come from gamma to tau 23
[5:51:15 PM] Phantom: wasnt
[5:51:15 PM] Clavius: and that shit
[5:51:17 PM] Clavius: teleports me
[5:51:18 PM] Clavius: to crete
[5:51:27 PM] Phantom: are you fucking serious?
[5:51:30 PM] Werdackel [早苗 ミヤス]: oh wow
[5:51:33 PM] Clavius: ye
to punish players for doing something that isn't even against the rules (leaving one's ZoI), and the "questionable" choices of who to elevate to staff positions and who on the staff isn't worth trusting, not to mention the total failure to successfully run a simple event that was pre-planned for weeks and the horrid lack of communication with players responsible for another event, resulting in something that could have and should have been really cool, involving dozens of players, remaining at a standstill for weeks. And that's not mentioning things like the way the dev strike were handled.
When I describe this behavior to these outside observers, the reaction is the same. "Does this server's administration want people to play the game?"
Multiple significant player attempts at creating activity, both pre-planned and spontaneous, have been shut down by the administration, whether through intentionally saying "no, you can't do that", or just incompetence. Simple1, routine2 housecleaning takes weeks or even months3. Things like the Exiles ID fix still aren't done. It really feels like the administration is actively trying to chase people away from the community. So, looking at all of this, I have to ask,
What is the admin team trying to do?
I don't ask this maliciously. I ask this out of concern, with sincerity, and a longing to see order restored. There is great disharmony in the community, and, for the most part, from where the average community member is standing, it's because of poor planning, incompetence, or stubbornness on the part of the admin team, as well as a complete lack of intuition regarding what the will of the community on any particular issue is. Talk to us and do it now. Tell us what you're going for, and start listening to us more. Don't let people sit and be angry. Have the courage to apologize if you honestly think you were wrong (and you should). Just reach out.
The post that bumped the thread just now has valid feedback to the team, encompassing actions that have happened over the last few months. But please, just a small reminder, think twice before you post and keep the tone civil. The drama meter has been spiking these days and it would be saddening if this had the potential to tip it over again.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
As simple minded as this sounds, the XTF event problem could have been easily avoided. You caused quite a bit of ooRP in space, such as people saying "I'm just going to event" while I'm trying to have roleplay with them. Even though they planned in advance, they should have expected this coming. A huge ooRP fight that ended up in California? I can easily see why people were punished. This could have all been avoided by doing one thing:
It's the PVP system, this event was PVP related. And besides that, the event would've benefited too because Connecticut is easy to get to. No long distance travel required, no people saying "I'm just going to event" to people actually roleplaying at the time. I won't say this kind of event was wrong, because hey! It's a big PVP event. A nice huge deathmatch. It just wasn't put in the right place.
I'm 1/3 on the side of the players, 2/3 on the side with the staff team. I can't put my reasons into words, but that's what I think.
TL;DR --- I think the decision of the admins team was justified, as new players pass through Cali and would be either confused or annoyed.
(09-03-2016, 11:43 PM)Ruairi Wrote: As simple minded as this sounds, the XTF event problem could have been easily avoided. You caused quite a bit of ooRP in space, such as people saying "I'm just going to event" while I'm trying to have roleplay with them. Even though they planned in advance, they should have expected this coming. A huge ooRP fight that ended up in California? I can easily see why people were punished. This could have all been avoided by doing one thing:
It's the PVP system, this event was PVP related. And besides that, the event would've benefited too because Connecticut is easy to get to. No long distance travel required, no people saying "I'm just going to event" to people actually roleplaying at the time. I won't say this kind of event was wrong, because hey! It's a big PVP event. A nice huge deathmatch. It just wasn't put in the right place.
I'm 1/3 on the side of the players, 2/3 on the side with the staff team. I can't put my reasons into words, but that's what I think.
TL;DR --- I think the decision of the admins team was justified, as new players pass through Cali and would be either confused or annoyed.
People made some RPs.
People wanted this event to be outside of Conn (it was the last time, wasn't a huge issue too)
People complain about the staffs general behaviour about game related stuff.
The punished people at the XTF event did their mistake. Sure.
But things like what Clavius had there. Getting teleported away for no reason is nothing but abuse of admin power.
Re-read @Petitioner post once again.
Many thanks.
Also I really hope for Admins cooperating closer with players/mods regarding events in the future. Harmony event, XTF one, actually all of them need more cooperation. They all have/had so much potential.
As @Petitioner has pointed out, there have been some seriously questionable decision making, lack of progress in specific regards to fixes, and generally no contact, correspondence or Public Relations with the community you're responsible for managing. You all volunteered for this position with the best intentions of doing what you can for a community we all love, right? I know the community isn't always going to be nice, but at least accept the feedback coming your way, negative or otherwise.
There is no appropriate communication between the staff teams.
There is no clarity with players or contact.
I'm going to reference a personal situation here. I have been waiting two months for an SRP change to be processed. At one point I had to provide more on top of what I already did. My only contact from the team in the entirety of that time was 'we're still discussing it'. In that time, I've seen various sanctions be processed. Various decisions and events be made. Other SRPs be filed and processed. Other major and minor decisions be done. I then poked some staff (Who aren't with the team anymore) about it.
[8/29/2016 2:12:39 PM] \/endetta: waiting 2 months for an SRP change and that's all i can do
[8/29/2016 2:12:53 PM] Drew (Arioch): I know. I bumped the thread too
[8/29/2016 2:13:02 PM] Drew (Arioch): Idk why it has taken so long
[8/29/2016 2:13:06 PM] Drew (Arioch): Damn democracy
This was in August, several days ago specifically. This is one personal reference of simple things being either pushed off or ignored - I don't know which - by the staff. I don't know why it's taking so long. I don't know what there could possibly be to discuss, and apparently neither did he. I've waited patiently and checked in frequently to see if progress was being made, but apparently it wasn't. This is frustrating, to say the least.
And it isn't just this, but other people experiencing the same bureaucracy roadblocks on other fronts due to the sluggish system. There are eight admins.
Eight admins.
Yes. You all have lives outside of the game. I can understand that. But you volunteered for this position, and it's well within my personal belief that if you can't find the time to retain your position and participate in the choice you made to run the community, why are you still on the team? I don't mean that in a harsh way. I'm genuinely asking out of concern for productivity. I submitted two staff applications in the past few months because I'd like to help and received no word from anybody. I don't know if it's my personal reputation or not but that shouldn't really matter in light of maturity and competence. Personal bias should have no affect on staff decisions. Impartiality is important.
There was a backlog of thirty-nine items since the dev strike (still a waste of time IMO) that has seen significant progress, but since then there has been little to nothing. Is it motivation? Time?
What's slowing you down?
What beyond the attitude of a few is preventing healthy contact with other parts of the staff? This is a community. You volunteered to run it and they volunteered to make the mod. Co-exist and talk to each other like professionals. As staff, not as other players. You have a position to uphold and I've personally seen very little reason why the current staff can't set aside their personal feelings for the betterment of the community.
Note this is all from my perspective, and I'd really just like some clarity about what exactly is going on.
The intervention on Admin side was predictible after the forceful editing of the event thread. That's not only bad style and disrespectful, but also an unnecessary use of admin priviledges. The much better solution would have been a simple PM or even better a Skype message. "Hey, I am worried about ZoI rules, etc in your write up...". Would also have resulted in better results, I bet.
Beaming away players that you think did not belong there. Yes, Corsairs in Tau 23 do not really belong there. However, flying outside of your ZoI is no rule violation. Just because you do not like what you see does not warrant intervention as long as there is no harm done. And there was no harm done. Everybody who participated knew what he logged for- and as the numbers showed, they liked it.
Bastilling the XTFs and making the event end forcibly that way is also unnecessary and seems pretty arbitrary.
There was no intervention necessary at all.
It looks more as if Hannibal got triggered by the rather poignant event thread and after not getting what he wants there, had to enforce his vision on the server - at the expense of the players.
Hey, this is a birthday event, happening once a year. It's clearly marked as what it is. No one was forced into it. So... I have a hard time understand why it had to be administrated.