War Thunder, Star Citizen (well what's currently available of it), CS:GO, TF2, and I'm currently working through Vanilla FL campaign again + Ace Combat 4,5,Zero via PCSX2 emulator
Star Citizen (rarely), CS:GO, Starcraft 2, Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion, Stellaris, used to play Fractured Space and Star Conflict. F-Zero and Metroid titles I do play alot (especially mods). Fast Futuristic Racing games like Fast RMX, WipeOut, Redout, Super Pilot are also my thing.
Freelancer Discovery - Rarely, mostly only for Coalition and GMG
Planetside 2 - Points for style (Currently only tryharding on my NC)
ArmA 3 - Creating missions and hopefully gonna finish my first Bundeswehr vehicles soon
Squad - Cause mu realism
Post Scriptum - Wehrmacht only, nothing can stop a K98
CoH 2 - Oberkommando west and his Sturmpioniere <3