(09-05-2016, 01:10 AM)Irwin Wrote: I tried looking up your post history, because I literally had no idea who you are, and I found a post of yours saying you thought Disco peaked in .85 because it had a better community.
That's a very 'nice' way of spending your time,thank you for that
Unfortunately from my own experience all i can say is that i still stand by my statement which i made 3 years ago, there were players ingame that helped new players learn the game and in general were just nice to them,something i see being done a lot less by players these days..
a few more insults later find something i can actually comment upon:
(09-05-2016, 01:10 AM)Irwin Wrote: But since you took over, we've seen the edge-worlds reduced to nothing more than padded bounce houses that I'm sure you longed for back in those days you played a Zoner. You've made it pretty clear that nothing will stand in the way of your peaceful Omicron dream by banning anyone who threatens it. Your first faction might be dead, but you've been carrying it's banner this whole time.
I haven't been playing for years in omicrons, if your trying to imply there was "bias" in anything i've voted so far i'm afraid your out of luck..
(09-05-2016, 01:10 AM)Irwin Wrote: behalf of the majority of Discovery's players in saying:
How can you speak on behalf the "majority" of the players when you don't really play the game yourself?Since you don't i must ask you what type of content do you enjoy if your still here? I personally i'm afraid i won't like the answer for that if it were 'genuine' ..
I was perusing the appeals subform to see what's what, mostly to amuse myself in truth, and happened across this little gem. I won't name names, but I will point out that this kind of attitude is unacceptable. I'm a network engineer by trade, so naturally this kind of mentality makes me cock a brow and question if the people in question actually understand a lick of what they're talking about.
Observe the following.
Quote:I really don't think you're asking the right questions. If I gave you what anticheat spit out, I don't think it'd tell you more than what you already know.
Evidence? Anticheat doesn't trigger when nothing is wrong. The fact that you were caught by it shows that something was up. There's nothing to show you.
Now, for those who really do not know, I'll give you a quick rundown as to how an anticheat system typically works: there's two practical ways to identify a hack; the first, which tends to be more system and network intensive, is to check every single file on the client machine during connection (this is usually done with a hash check. If the hashes match, all's gravy, if they don't, it'll trip the software). There are a great many things that can cause the file signature to change. From putting an extra colon in the file to, geez, I dunno -- changing a value that gives you an advantage ingame (cheating). Secondly is the passive examination of executed scripts. This is the way Battleye works, for instance; if the code executed on the clientside is somehow divergent from what's expected for a particular function, it'll boot you from the game. This prevents people using, say, the "enter vehicle" class to hide spawn menu code.
Coincidentally, antiviruses and anticheats aren't too different in that regard.
So, what is this post about? In a sentence: Stop pretending your system is infallible.
NO anticheat software is free of false positives and it's absolutely ridiculous to believe as much. Any software developer with a shred of integrity will say the same, even if their paycheck rides on it. In essence, I fail to believe that a system built by a hobbyist is anywhere near the same calibre as a purpose-built software solution backed by a team of paid professionals. A software solution, I might add, which will STILL produce false positives. Nothing has to be """wrong""" to make an arbitrary runtime chuck a hissyfit.
The refusal to show the output of the anticheat software is not an attempt at preventing the accused from seeing how they have been caught and "Explaining it away" (actual cheaters tend to be pretty damned obvious), but if the anticheat you guys use is worth its salt, it should at least help diagnose what the issue might actually be. In fact, what it DOES tell me is that you have such little faith in the system you employ that you would rather make the user fight an uphill battle than face the possibility of having to cede fallibility.
EDIT: At least send me a goddamned PM if you're gonna ninja my posts, numpty.
Do we need to still argue about it ? I think not. We all had fun , we all laughed and it was freaking awesome event. I'm sorry that I missed the previous XTF Birthday but now I experienced what an awesome team effort can be done and from so many people. It was GREAT and the fact that Hannibal went overboard is true. Let's just hope that he won't do it again cuz I bet that you all saw what happened. I just came here to thank all of the people who participated in the event and say that it was really fun and awesome event. Keep up such fun and the server will grow back
-I specially thank to XTF for bringing such an awesome and organised event ! I would like to thank Hannibal for Jailing my ship and for his "Understanding". GG to all and thanks again for the fun and I hope no one got his feelings hurt in any sort of a way. If I made someone feel bad I'll just say: I'm sorry for that and it won't happen again. Cya around
(09-05-2016, 09:44 AM)Alucard Wrote: Do we need to still argue about it ?
Yes, we do, because if we don't raise the issue when people do something wrong, they're going to continue doing something wrong. The administration of this community has consistently shown that unless the average player absolutely raises hell over the slightest mistake, they (the administration) will continue to transgress and overstep until there is no fun left to be had, save for those who are part of a small, select group.
If players making complaints seem harsh, fantastic. It's for the administration's (and ultimately everyone else's) own good. We're trying to help them help us.
As a member of the community, can people stop speaking for what -I- think, because their respective set of skypefriends agreed with their every four letter word?
Thank you. None of you silly sausages speak for the entire community, or even half the community, you jugheads. Represent yourselves.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
(09-05-2016, 03:25 AM)GuapMan Wrote: It's funny how Hannibal got admin because I've even talked to an admin/ex admin about it and it's been stated that he doesn't even understand why Hannibal is admin.
I mean you make an event, then people request you fix things in it, and you do nothing about it. I've been waiting for the event that you put up ages ago to still happen? where is it? what are you going to do make another event and just leave that on its own too?
Look at the event going at the moment, you see how it's lit? LOL, yeah good one.
good admin.
Cant you take the real facts Hannibal? I don't think you can.
You've literally done nothing here you don't deserve to even be put up like that out of nowhere, I reckon someone like @sindroms or @Skorak should replace you they would defiantly do more than what you've done and maybe actually make the event's playable.
You are no higher than us, just because you got the green name don't mean nothing.
I'll just go against the tide and offer a more neutral perspective...
I think Hannibal was correct in overseeing the event, but went too far with the extent of it. Enforcing ZoI/ID rules and whatnot was kind of silly, considering the event people kept to themselves and just came to shoot other people in the event and ignoring by-standers.
In my honest opinion, some enforcing should have been a thing, though. I was part of two fights in the event (Tau-23 and Leeds). People were spamming chat with nonsense constantly, direct insults were thrown, all caps "F* YOU ALL" in system chat appeared. I mean, this shouldn't exactly be dismissed because it's an ooRP event, should it?
Not all of these sanctions on the event were from breaking ID rules.
(09-05-2016, 10:12 AM)Erinyes/Tanith Wrote: As a member of the community, can people stop speaking for what -I- think, because their respective set of skypefriends agreed with their every four letter word?
Thank you. None of you silly sausages speak for what the entire community, or even half the community, you jugheads. Represent yourselves.
Signed. Regardless if I agree or don't agree with things you blokes are saying, stop assuming the community agrees with you. We have our own brains, with our own opinions. Star using "I" or "my friends", and stop using "community", "all players" etc. Thanks.
Mr hanibal,you rekt a perfectly legitimate event and earned yourself the " Most notable fail in recent Discovery History " award by failing to do what you claim admins should be doing,and that is to help people.Instead of actually supervising the event and helping to move old XTF veterans who havent played for 7 years and didnt even remember the controls,you actively looked for oorp violations in what is an oorp event,after posting some stuff about following id restrictions 30 minutes before the event started,in a topic that was already over 2 weeks old , for an event that has already been held a number of times....BUT,back to the subject of helping , you bastiled 2 of the most capable people on the server , both of which know more about this game and server than you do , and have helped this community with pvp guides,videos,gameplay and balance,not to mention teaching with a hands on approach how to not be a flying popsicle waiting to get blown up.Now lets take you on the other hand,you clearly have the title of admin thoughso far i havent seen you helping much...and thats about the only thing you've achieved...meh...ive been an admin in 4 games and i associate your behavior as someone who is trying to get easy work done,you saw an oorp event on an rp server,BOOM,easy pickings eh? I personaly do not care what factions you were in or your personal history with XTF,though i doubt it was anything more than getting blown up on a semi-regular basis.That would account for your biased nature to which i wouldn't have a problem if it were so actually,BUT since i never even heard of your name before this snafu during the event that i try to help plan out every year with an alarming amount of headaches required to get people who havent played in near decade to log on this server we lovingly call Disco,and all for the sole purpose of watching their team getting kicked around by you and not knowing whats going on...with that,you barely made it into a certain TOP 10 category of mine which includes guys like Dodge,Softpaw,Krup and that Death Runing Verminator or whatever his name was.
Once again congrats on the award,yours sincerely
XTF Achilies
Know that the events that transpired will in no way affect the future events planned by the XTF,infact i actually failed on this one,expect twice the amount of XTF next time <3
Hannibal putting your head under your arm and saying "if I don't see them they don't see me" isn't going to work.
You're purposedly avoiding posts and trying to do as if they don't exist.
Again thankfully I took plenty of evidence of all your Kittens.
The XTF birthday event is focused on gameplay and not roleplay because we bring players who stopped playing Freelancer before discovery started developing as an alpha. And funnily enough, most of the oorp some people here complain about was started if not done entirely by people in the non XTF side (which I'm completely ok with), and those people have not been sanctioned. The bad attitude shown towards Hannibal in the last moments of the event, before bastilling half of us and you guys planetdiving, was exclusively because he bastilled people out of the blue changing the reason he did it for 24/7, threatened the non XTF players with sanctions as well as me, beamed people away from the fights, PM'd players midfight with stupid complaints such as "stop using a setmessage when you hit someone", edited our event thread 2 hours before it started, teleported himself to Tachyon 24/7 to look for sanctions (even when the fights were still going on and Tachyon died way before it was over) amongst the XTFs, and lastly refused to do a simple teleport (which he used to beam people away) to get players from Tau 37 to Bretonia or California so we wouldn't have so much downtime. In no way shape or form did Hannibal "look after the event".
No report no action? 3 admins to take any decissions? Yeah, sure.