Slow day in Cambridge no pirate contacts, one trader (checked out ok). The only odd thing was a {C} ({C} Silverfish) with a Junker tag he came into and out of Planet Cam's space pretty quick heading for O5. I did not scan, I was anticipating a possible engagement. I did not follow due to their diplomatic stance on our Faction Status [{C} - Friendly (Matching Relationship)]. No other contacts detected.
[OOC: I just noticed their faction status has us as enemy, we may think about changing our position.]
I received a confidential "tip-off" from a freelancer today, detailing that a ship by the name of "High.Aces" may have been carrying contraband, as he had been discovered with it earlier. Upon proceeding to investigate with SFF-Flyby and SFF-Flinn, we discovered that the ship was carrying only diamonds. However, he admitted to carrying light arms, previously, and was given a warning pertaining to the impound requirements. No further action was taken.
transmission ends...
Retired A very big thanks to Dark Oddity who put my signature pic together
Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Over the last day or so I have noticed "Marburg_McEwan" in the Edinburgh system since he was below lvl 30 I let him be. Today however he was sighted again going between Edinburgh & Tau-31 systems. I proceeded to Edinburgh to check it out. I was watching for him at the Tau-31 JH when he came into range I asked his business & he ran right past me into the JH. I followed but the Ice field made things difficult, I managed to get a partial scan & he was carrying some sort of drug I was unable to get a clear reading. His actions lead me to believe his cargo was illegal. His destination in Tau-31 was Planet Harris, his origin in Edinburgh is yet unknown. I recommend if this individual is spotted to send units to Planet Harris or the Tau-31-Edinburgh JH. Due to the tight quarters from the ice, fighters are recommended.
Current status: Continuing investigation on Planet Harris in Tau-31.
End Transmission.
Another police tag, if I had a credit for every police tag I see I could retire the richest man in Britonia.
yes he passed me in Leeds system but he was lvl 28 or 29 carrying molly poilets i told him to sell them at the nearest port he refused by the time he said any thing he was in Dublin.
so I will be keeping an eye on him.
SFBS-Norwich out
I have nearly left the sever but any free time ill come back and play. also ill try to post every few days and read the forums.
[SF]-SFBS-Norwich~Britonian Battle ship
[SF]-SFGB-KING'S_LYNN~Liberty Gun Boat }Kiggles is keeping them warm
Billy-the-Kid~Taiian Bomber (don't like it read my bio its got a RP reason)
Black_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling
Red_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling } Under the control of the elders
Blue_Beard[TBH]~That would be telling
[NLH]Green-Grass~find out for your self
PA|-The-Kid }Frozens keeping them warm some how
[HSBC]-ATM joint CEO PM me or X-Lancer for a loan.
Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Patrol Report:
Marburg-McEwan was intercepted carrying synthetic marijuana in Leeds and upon pursuit into Newcastle was forced to jettison the cargo at the Newcastle-Leeds jump-gate. The Gaian affiliated (ID) trader's IFF seemed to be manipulated to broadcast a police friendly IFF (tag). Upon jettisoning the cargo, the ship escaped into the tradelane, while the marijuana was destroyed.
End Transmission
OOC: He's been informed and agreed that he needs to work on his reps, my comment given the repeated encounters with other players as police tagged, I suggest fixing the reps ASAP:yes:
An informant has given me some intelligents about a possible alliance between the KNF & {C}. The below intercepted transmission confirms it. It would seem the front of this war with Kasari was moved into New London itself.
End Transmission
' Wrote: Greetings to the [KNF] This is the Priestess of the Children of Bretonia.
I realize that my predecessor has not treated the KNF very well in the past. Many {C} Missions came home with holds
full of KNF prisoners, but that was then. The [SF] had no respect for Iggy's services and tried to shut us down completely. [color=#FFFFFF](The Escape Story)
But now I lead the remains of a proud cult who follow the protector goddess, TARA.
We have begun a personal war against the [SF] and BAF so we spend most of our time in bretonian space.
We have been taken in by the junkers and that has warped our rep to be that of a criminals.
But I assure you we do not take unnecessary lives in battle. We have a 'Collector Group' stationed in NL and they only
loot from Bowex, BMM, Gateway and Planetform transports. We also have a 'Military Group' that only
attacks BAF and [SF] forces.
So being labeled as "Religious Terrorist" by the rest of Sirius has hurt our ability to land or trade
and has restricted us to only pirate/unlawful bases. I would consider our actions to be solely military but many connections exist
between traders and we are just considered reds! But, up in Kusari, we are held close in the hearts of all the people as faithful freedom fighters and our ships are welcome to land at most lawful docks. But the public opinion does not
decide the will of the [KNF], so I give to you this small gift of prisoners and humbly bow to the [KNF]
[attachmentid=2509] in a request for a legal haven in Kusari.
A formal Treaty.
Please have your general go over this and if he has any new terms or wants to ammend some, send a PM to dude42 containing the changes.
Once we have come to an agreement, I will post the Treaty and put links in both of our message dumps.
And we will always be able to change its terms and status.
TO: SF Command
SFGB-MALTESEFALCON: WE were transporting prisoners from planet Harris in T31 when Marburg_McEwan was nearing the planet. Again synthetic marijuana was detected. When he came out of the Harris docking ring I open fired. I chased him into Edinburgh to his source on Isley base. There I waited for him to come out. He was not interested in a confrontation so we had a little chat I was able to convince him that their were other more profitable "legal" was of making credits. I gave him information on a trade route in Liberty that would make twice what he is making now. He agreed to give up his drug running & proceeded out of britonian space. I also informed him we would be watching. Upon completion this mater {C}-Ryohen (cruiser) arrived At Isley. He passed me then turned and opened fire. I engaged and when my shields (& batteries) were gone & was taking some hull damage I disengaged and headed to the Tau-31 JH. He of course complained about me running & I commented "why don't you follow", I was hoping to get him into the ice fields of Tau-31. I waited over the Edinburgh JH in Tau for some time & he was not going to Follow. When I entered Leeds I repaired & reloaded. He also came to Leeds and was engaging a BAF cruiser group at Stokes I engaged again & this time he ran. I docked at Stokes to send a message to fleet headquarters. The SFCR-NORMANDY was dispatched.
SFCR-NORMANDY: The ship proceeded to Leeds only to detect the {C} cruiser in NL. I followed him into the Dublin system where the trail went cold (he logged off). Proceeding back to NL, Rogue_81 was in Leeds & then in Dublin I returned to Dublin via the JH in Leeds. The Rogue was then detected in O49 so I returned to Cambridge & informed SFGB-MALTESEFALCON of the situation, he proceeded to Planet Leeds where an Outcast tagged fighter "Grinch" ran for the Edinburgh gate trade lane & then to Dublin & on to O49. The Normandy then detected {C}-Silverfish (fighter) in NL I proceeded to the system. At planet NL the {C} was attacking storage depots. I futilely engaged fighter which was weaving in & out of the orbiting stations structures. I was just getting the upper hand when a com from "Grinch" saying "Oh no SF" then I was fired upon by Grinch now a cruiser & Rogue_81 (cruiser). Out numbered & out gunned we fought until forced into the escape pods. The ship is in bad shape it may be a total loss only the engineers at NL will know for sure.
Current status:
SFGB-MALTESEFALCON at Planet Leeds fully functional & ready
SFCR-NORMANDY at Planet New London being towed to Southampton for evaluation & possible refit or scrap.
End Notes: Marburg_McEwan should no longer be a problem. We should keep an eye on him if he returns to Briitonia. The trade route from Isley to Planet Harris should also be watched for future violators.