The sign on the recruitment centre was new, part of a campaign to raise new units to take advantage of a resurgent enthusiasm on the part of the population in the light of recent victories. The war bonds program had raised millions, and new Templars, Hussars, Challengers, and equipment were coming off the production line quickly.
All that was needed now was men and women with courage, and skill.
//Starting Bonus depending on need, but typically 20 mill, to start a loaded Templar, and a Challenger if deemed a good idea for you. Also we have a fully stocked armoury. No need to hunt gear.
//Your recruitment post here is meant to be purely in-RP, no structure. Just at least indicate a name, and a character backstory. You will be sent an application form by PM.
The tall freelancer walked confidently into the recruitment office. He spoke well and didn't want to hang around! "So they said to come and sign up, I hear your looking for recruits." as he spoke he took the pen and signed the paper.
"Yes we " His eyebrow raised.
"Well I hope my form is accepted and her majesty is kept safe from treachery as I mean to safe guard Bretonia from it's enemies" He turned and walked out the room back to his vessel.
The sign on the recruitment centre was new, part of a campaign to raise new units to take advantage of a resurgent enthusiasm on the part of the population in the light of recent victories. The war bonds program had raised millions, and new Templars, Hussars, Challengers, and equipment were coming off the production line quickly.
All that was needed now was men and women with courage, and skill.
//Starting Bonus depending on need, but typically 20 mill, to start a loaded Templar, and a Challenger if deemed a good idea for you. Also we have a fully stocked armoury. No need to hunt gear.
//Your recruitment post here is meant to be purely in-RP, no structure. Just at least indicate a name, and a character backstory. You will be sent an application form by PM.
The tall freelancer walked confidently into the recruitment office. He spoke well and didn't want to hang around! "So they said to come and sign up, I hear your looking for recruits." as he spoke he took the pen and signed the paper.
"Yes we " His eyebrow raised.
"Well I hope my form is accepted and her majesty is kept safe from treachery as I mean to safe guard Bretonia from it's enemies" He turned and walked out the room back to his vessel.
Name of vessel: HMS-Cooper
Name of captain: Geoffrey
Background story:
I have been searching for a group of skilled armed vessels to hopefully join and believe that the BAF is the right faction for me. I have combat exerperiance and hate the Gallic a lot. I guarantee that if I'm accepted then I will be oyal and follow the laws and orders of my commanders to carry out her Majesties will.
. Geoffrey, your request to join the Armed Forces is under consideration.
In the meantime sign the documents which have been sent to you. Final conclusion will be given after we observe your results from the tests.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
Background story:
Born on Planet new London as the only child of a doctor and a school teacher...Graduated from The University of New London wth masters in Physics...Enlisted in the Bretonian Armed Forces Seconday Fleet 1 year ago and currently holding the rank of ensign...
. Liam Johnson, your request to join the Armed Forces is being checked over now.
In the meantime sign the documents which have been sent to you. Those should give us a good picture of your tactical evaluation and personal one.
Those should be sent back to me in the next two weeks not any later than that.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
Typing a message to the Liberty Navy, Mike glanced at the pile of Recruitment Files that started to fill up on the desk he had in his Chamber on the Ark Royal,
*sighs* time to get that done aswell again, I wish I could get somebody else to do that job for me. Closing and saving the transmission for the Navy Mike pulled his chair over to the other side and started to go through the Files that were presented to him.
. Liam Johnson your application to join the Armed Forces is accepted. Welcome Ensign.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
*I've put this off way too long* Ben thinks to himself as he approaches the recruitment office. *Too long have I sat back and watched as my beloved Bretonia lost more and more territory to the dogs of Kusari*
Ben: Eyup mate, am here to sign up
Desk clerk: I see, and do you have your identification?
Ben: right here mate, **Ben hands the desk clerk a small plastic card**
Desk clerk: Very well, just give me a moment while I run it through, you know how it is these days, can't trust anybody. For all I know you could be one of them Jap spooks!
Ben: Damn! ya got me... well might aswell be going now my cover is blown eh?
**5 minutes later**
Desk clerk: Ok your fine, if you could just take this form and get it back to me when you've scribbled up what I need cheers.
Ben: Alright tah mate...
Name: Ben Merchant
Callsign: Lightstrike
SKYPE Username: benjinewall
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 07/04/787
Place of Birth: Planet Leeds, Castleford.
Nationality: Bretonian and proud of it
Fitness: Not bad, could use a work out, or ten.
Height: 6ft
Weight:13 stone
Vision:Require reading glasses for close up
Brief History of yourself and your family:
Well, I was raised on Leeds, like millions of other Brets, did all the usual education up to 6th form when I studied Optronics, Im pretty handy at fixing nav computers. My mother died in childbirth to my little sister when I was just 1 so I never knew her, I was brought up by my father who had to quit work as a city transport driver to care for me and my sis. So as you can imagine, we didn't have a lot of credits, but that didnt stop us from doing everything the other kids could. I beleive in Bretonia, i beleive in fairness, equality and all the good stuff you recruiters just love to hear haha! naww just kidding, but I am a patriot.
Previous Medical History:
Hayfever in the summer, thats it.
Combat experience:
Im good in a dogfight, get me in a templar with a torpedo and im your man for a quick kill.
Reasons for signing up for the Armed Forces: Well ya know that optronics course I was doing in 6thform? yeah I failed it...
What can I say it bored me, I took what I needed from optronics class and spent the rest of the time practicing my fighter skills with freinds in low orbit on leeds.
List seven characteristics of your person that you believe makes you suited for the job. (Killing shouldn't be one of them.):
Im loyal, to my house, to my homeworld, to anyone that will help me defend it.
Im willing to do a few trade shifts if were low on funds, I know a few routes myself.
I have an extensive family tree of Bretonian Armed Forces, my grandad, his dad, his dad etc
I can't think of four more who thought of this seven rule anyhow??
Are you transferring from the reserve fleet? If yes, why are transferring. If no, please explain where you're transferring from
No, at the moment I am trading independantly and legally, thats it.
. Ben Merchant, your request to join the Armed Forces is being checked over now.
In the meantime sign the documents which have been sent to you. Those should give us a good picture of your tactical evaluation and personal one.
Those should be sent back to me in the next two weeks not any later than that.
“This font is good people said, this font is awesome others said, I say it works well enough to waste 2 seconds of your life reading this.”
-Roger Kent you may come in. Roger gets up and looks to the beautifull young woman, his eyes open wide.
-Yes of course. Maybe the most significant day of his life was happenning right now
-Hello mister Kent why do you want to join BAF? Asks the BAF General.
-I want to serve Bretonia and the Queen. My older brother Robert Kent is at BMM, Harry Kent, my middle brother, wants to join Bowex, but i feel BAF more appealing.
-Well mister Roger Kent, i have good info about you. I know you have many friends at BAF, where you are respected. Friends at the Gunboat HMS-Atherstone, the Bretonian Destroyer HMS-Vigilant and The Battleship HMS-Illustrious. Some say that, one day, you can be the commander of all these BAF ships
-I hope so, sir. For the first time Roger Kent smiles.
-You are welcome mister Roger Kent, proceed to next recruitment department.