You are a young man called Leonadis,
You came and applied to be in this,
Your application is blown,
And before you moan,
Go throw yourself into an abyss.
Ms Long, get me the next form would you love? Also find me a professional poet.
Hey Steed! Thought I'd give this one a crack, to prove to these freshers how possible the impossible is:
Chyrsanthemum girls are like fire
set light to your loins with desire,
But best watch your step,
lest they break your neck,
and you have to come running to cryer.
I know: a bit archaic; so here's another. When out in the worlds mining scrap,
a chrysanthemum may land in your lap,
but sailor beware,
though silken and fair ,
step wrong and they'll give you the clap.
In addition I may as well note that any successful applicants will receive a fifteen million bursary grant, and of course, use of the corporate fleet.
Employment History: Very short spell in Bretonia Police Authority, Freelance escorting pilot.
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary): As you can see, I don't really have any qualifications as far as science is concerned. I'm applying for the security division, since I heard You pay good money for blown-up Outcasts and drug heists connected to the aformentioned blown-up Outcasts. And let's just say I have some experience related to that. And... I want to live forever. Or at least enable others to live forever. Oh, who am I kidding. I want it for myself first and foremost.
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below: Assault on an overly-sensitive Libertonian police officer. They just wanted an excuse to fine me, I swear.
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below: No.
Good day Mr. McGugan thank you for your interest in a position at Cryer Pharmaceuticals, your colourful past isn't completely new to those in security: who have stated that they would be happy to have someone aboard "with the stones to dish it". They were wary however, of letting you near the Atka bar.
Please make your way to Denver for a brisk frisking and fitting for your white jacket and pleasurable red trousers: welcome aboard.
Address: Manhattan, some apartment complex I forgot the name of seeing as I never visited it more than thrice. I live on my ship mostly.
Qualifications (Educational):
Basic educations, advanced snubcraft pilot training, advanced transport navigational training
Qualifications (Vocational):
I can shoot stuff with explosive results, and transport stuff with profitable results.
Relevant Experience:
Escorting transports for half a year, does that qualify?
Employment History:
Universal Shipping Incorporated employee for about 6 months.
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary):
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below:
Not yet.
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below:
I have a special fondness of poetry, please express your creative skills and linguistic abilities by writing one which extols both my (John Steeds) and the company's greatness. This is not required however it may find you with increased favour.
Cryer's, so, hypnotizing
Is it a group of devils
Is it a group of angels
Their, presence, magnetizing
Feels like I am floating
Leaves my shippy glowing
Miss Cristoph thank you for your interest in Cryer Pharmaceuticals: your application was well received by the board, who emitted a series of sounds at your poetry; ranging from delighted to erotic.
An incandescent reference from Universal and your ability to ignite things further gilded the Lily. Denver tailors are eagerly waiting to pour you into a flattering pair of red trousers and wrap you in a white coat. Welcome aboard.
Address: New Tokyo System, Planet New Tokyo, Edo City, Seki Ward 21-9
Nationality: Kusari
Qualifications (Educational):
BSc Biology, New Tokyo University, 810
MS Chemistry, New Tokyo University, 812
PhD Biochemisty, Kusari Institute of Technology at Kansai, 816
Qualifications (Vocational):
816(valid) Transport license class C/R1-must wear corrective lenses
(I see real real good with my lenses on)
811 Civilian shuttle license (see above restrictions)
Relevant Experience: When asked "Are you experienced?" I can very honestly reply yes.
My formal education has followed my, um, personal interest in the effects of certain chemicals on the human metabolism. I like to study these effects in depth and extreme detail both in, and out, of the laboratory.
Often I find the weightless depths of swirling nebulae to be most stimulating and enjoyable environment for the kind of intense contemplation I often pursue. Hence my desire to find gainful employment in the off-world transportation sector.
Employment History: After "graduating" from Kansai I immediately sought to upgrade my license to Transport flight and have since been moving weight in whatever commodity is conveniently profitable at the time on order to further pursue my, um, independent studies.
Additional Information (continue on additional sheets as necessary): I am a highly accomplished independent chemist very seriously concerned with the mental well being of my fellow human beings, sentient entities, etc. I believe fully in better living through chemistry, and believe we already hold the keys to unlocking the full potential of our consciousness and understanding the mysteries of the universe (see attached blotter, handle with caution, 25µg: (6aR,9R)- N,N- diethyl- 7-methyl- 4,6,6a,7,8,9- hexahydroindolo- [4,3-fg] quinoline- 9-carboxamide)(I made it myself).
Do you have a criminal record? If yes, provide details below: Yes.
810 Possession of a schedule III controlled substance- 187 hours community service served.
812 Intent to manufacture illicit substances, acquitted
813 Manufacturing and possession with intent to distribute Class 0 controlled substance, sentence commuted with stipulation, served 816 (see education)
Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment? If yes, provide details below: No.
I have a special fondness of poetry, please express your creative skills and linguistic abilities by writing one which extols both my (John Steeds) and the company's greatness. This is not required however it may find you with increased favour.
What is ailing you?
John Steed shall know what you need-
Hitori Hanzo, thank you for your application. You're obviously right up our proverbial alley: who doesn't love a good bit of lysergic acid methylisopropyl amide.
A few departmental heads were already eager to snap you up, but they will have to wait as you're measured up and psychologically harassed at Crichton Springs briefing facility. Please prepare yourself for looking sexy as hell in red and white and welcome aboard.
' Wrote:...psychologically harassed at Crichton Springs briefing facility. Please prepare yourself for looking sexy as hell in red and white...
I anxiously look forward to both.
Please upload the coordinates to Crichton Springs to my neural net.
My sincerest thank you for this opportunity to serve with dedication and honor.
This most joyous occasion is call for celebration- Time to get weird. //:crazy://