I'm leaving indefinatley, all my events as planned (Pirate Tour, Battleship gethering) are in the hands of those amongst you who wish to carry them forward. My faction TC will be put into the capable hands of Missingno. and I shall check back whenever convinient.
I dont expect to be missed by many - if by anyone at all, but I would like to mention some names that have stood out to me, and say thank to those amongst us who have made my time with you all worth while, so I'll say what I've got say, give you some brief reasons for my leaving, and be on my way.
I wish to thank the following for being true to me, and making my short discovery time fun:
Angel - akways out to help someone in need!
Wolfpack - what can i say, a real decent person, and not a bad thing to say for anyone.
Firebird - Haven't spoke to you much, but when I have done the only critisizm you have given me was to help me write better roleplay etc.
Korrd - Again havent spoken to you much, but you have influenced my thinking alot, and in many cases for the best.
Igiss - you deserve a mention for bringing us discovery, the only mod i really see as worth having.
All the SF - you guys made me into the pilot I am now, and have always helped me, I owe you all one, and if you guys need anything, just post it somewhere and I'll help as best I can.
Virus & Damned - two real good guys, and forever loyal, ferocious to fight against, but inspiring to fight alongside.
Last, and most deffinatley not least :
Lancer - you have been the most influencial person on this server, as far as I am concerned, you have always supported, encouraged, and listened to me, even if I was rambling complete rubbish you listened. You have also been a good friend, and truly very loyal, even when I chose to temporarily leave the SF and start a faction totally opposed to them you remained my friend and comrade. I will miss fighting alongside you, and it has been an honour to know you.
To the rest of discovery: Even if you are not on this list, I appreciate your friendliness, these are just a few people who have always stood out to me. You have all made this server worth the while, and I will miss you all.
As for my reasons, and justifications for leaving, they are simple, I am fed up with one member, whose name shall not be quoted, as I will then apparently be ''Harrassing'' him, and it is always a bad idea to leave on a sour note. Aside from this, and there are other reasons, I will not allow all the blame to rest on one person's shoulders, I have many reasons for my leaving. The main I suppose is school work, I simply cannot cope any longer, juggling; discovery, homework, tae kwon do, my friends, and my other hobbies all at once. My other, and final reason for leaving, is simply that I have lost my passion for freelancer, maybe I play it too much, and will regain it sometime in the future.
I will draw to an end now, many of you, I'm sure, know who this un-named person is, and I would like to state for the record that I do not hold anything against him as a person, I'm sure things will not change with my leaving - I do not expect them to do so. But I wished to say goodbye to everyone and show my appreciation before I finally left.
Goodbye for now, Discovery, I wish you all good luck for 2006.
Note to forum mods: Edited this, I'm coming back A.S.A.P as all my r/l issues seem to be sorting themeselves out quite nicely, and I'll be able to play at least a little bit.
Hell, im not sure what to write...
I hate when someone leaves because harassment. :angry:
On the other side, real life is real life, and it is allways more important than "Inet-life"...
Quote:(...)but you have influenced my thinking alot, and in many cases for the best.
Thanks. I like to see that my ideas, suggestions and contributions(?) to the comunity are useful.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
*to no one in particular* THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED TO START, YOU KNOW!!! *sigh* Ah well. Good luck to ya, Finius. I hope that you find that spark of Freelancer in everyone around somewheres.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Hey, man why are u leaving now .. ? I just joined the [TC] .. :(
Anyway 10x a bunch and deal perfectly with all the problems in RL for sure!
Hopefully "the passion" will return some day...
"Comm. Adama:
-Starbuck whadda 'ya hear?
-Nothing but the rain sir!
Comm. Adama:
-Then grab your gun and bring in the cat!
-Boom , boom , boom!"
My characters: - =BSG=Starbuck ; Maj. Kara Thrace(fighter pilot)
- =BSG=Galactica ; Commander Lee Adama(Battlestar)
- =BSG=Helo ; Lt. Karl Agathon (bomber)
- Colonial 795 (trader)
Quote:Lancer - you have been the most influencial person on this server, as far as I am concerned, you have always supported, encouraged, and listened to me, even if I was rambling complete rubbish you listened. You have also been a good friend, and truly very loyal, even when I chose to temporarily leave the SF and start a faction totally opposed to them you remained my friend and comrade. I will miss fighting alongside you, and it has been an honour to know you.
I didn't get a chance to get to know you and for that I am sorry I wish you well in your future life and hopefully we will see you again sometime later
my characters
{TG}_Telthose: slipstream, cocky lil guy who likes fast ships and enjoys hanging out with GC in Kusari (he has a thing for dangerous women)
{TG}Telthose_Trader: Tranport, a cargo carrier that likes making money the easy way (has a habit of bribing everyone so he doesn't have to fight his way from system to system, and it is rumored that he moonlights by smugling)
{TG}Thunder: liberty gunboat with battleship missle turrets (I think he is trying to over compansate for something with the size of those guns lol)
Good Bye Good Luck And Its A Shame That You Have To Go On Suck A Note
<<<<<The Jade Consortium>>>>>
<<<<<To Fight Is To Live>>>>>
<<<<< Xerxas Jades BIO >>>>>
Hehe, my plan has changed, and I will be playing a little bit this next week, hopefully quite a bit. Other than that I could well go again :( either way, I'll hope to see you all around during the week :)