<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%][... a man appears in the comm link..]
->Tag , to who ever get this in ze Military Office.
Use this channel to workout payment for ze contract against ze Bretonian Armed Forces and ze so Called Corsair " Empire " [He laughs]
Total of: Destruction of four (3) Imperator gunships | Corsair Empire | , Destruction of one (1) Bretonian Destroyer | BAF | ; three ( 3 ) other Imperators Gunboats no caught on Guncam ; Two ( 2 ) Snubcraft of the Corsair Empire , One ( 1 ) Titan , One ( 1 ) Gladiator .
Additional : Spotting and Intercepting Enemy Battleships & Destroyers ; Providing vital support to Friendly Cruisers and Battleships
From: Leutnant des Rheinland Militärs Thor Schlächter. Stabsoffizier der 12ten Flotte Neu Berlin.
To: Fahrenheit.
Subject: Söldner Payment. Aktz: Br.cam.3358
we have received your message.
Your support of the war effort of Rheinland has been confirmed by our field officers.
In the line of my duty as Stabsoffizier I requested financial compesation to "Fahrenheit" immediately.
The response from SchachtFinanzAmt came in swiftly and was positive.
I was informed that your petition for payment (Aktz: Br.cam.3358) was approved.
The SchlachtFinanzAmt orderly and officially confirmed to transfer 15.000.000 SC (in words: fifteen million Sirian Credits) within 24 hours to "Fahrenheit".
Rheinland Provides. The Chancellor Protects. And we Serve.
Mit kameradschaftlichen GrüÃen,
Leutnant des Rheinland Militärs Thor Schlächter. Stabsoffizier der 12ten Flotte Neu Berlin.