I have an urgent matter to discuss with you regarding Tohoku.
My Agents and I have been patrolling Tohoku for some days now, we have encountered some resistance, but not the amount we suspected. Most of them are Wild rookie pilots who we take down like flies. We did encounter one 113th member who picked some of my Agents off when we were scattered.
The reason for this transmission is not an update on the Operation, it is a request for support. Knowing this task was not handed out to Cerberus, but to all Order forces we figured we would receive additional Order forces besides us.
This is not the case as none of my Agents have seen any other Order forces. I might be mistaken, the patrol schedules might be very different.
Matter of reinforcment, I will send available fighter squadrons to you. For now most of Primary Fleet is stuck in Omicrons but I am going to organise help. Furthermore one of my best officers, captain Christopher Leigh is in Chugoku on important mission I assigned to him. Soon as his assigment is over he will join operation.