' Wrote:Seems to not be getting me. i am speaking in terms of pie-rats ok. those pirates who either pretend or rly cant use english well. that insist that if u dont stop within 3 seconds of a crappy halt(when i say halt, i mean any unsatisfactory demand) demand, think they are in their rights to just shoot you. im talking about the luls, not real, actually know what they're doing, pirates( of which as a trader i still dont mind the cruiser thing)
Is there something wrong with your mouse that you're incapable of stopping within 3 seconds?
The pirates have the guns in this situation. If they tell you to stop, you stop, or you die. That's just how it works.
' Wrote:Is there something wrong with your mouse that you're incapable of stopping within 3 seconds?
The pirates have the guns in this situation. If they tell you to stop, you stop, or you die. That's just how it works.
Im seriously not sure why you keep thinking im talking about myself? Do u not understand???
And actually my old mouses wheel didnt work half the time, smart alec.
' Wrote:i dont see the point in this statement in regards to my post. However i will comment, there are no groups on when im on. im lucky to find even a miner, and most of the time I dont. not anyone willing to mine for other than just themselves and their docked & stocked hedges anyway.
AI Cruiser available for escort, but just to let you know, the intractable and unresponsive Liberty Navy does not allow a capital ship, no matter how peaceful into liberty space (unless your a pirate of course)
I vow to never fly any fighter or bomber until this silly decision is overturned.
Not that I need to make a vow or anything, since you've just given everyone on disco all the incentive in the world to fly only capital ships.
Oh yeah, and anyone who says that a transport is equally ineffective against a bomber/gunboat as against a Cruiser must be a very poor transport pilot. There is absolutely no comparison.