I'm about to give you the only thing you will need to get your activity back up.
Ready ?
Here it is.
Get off your lazy asses and do s***!
The outcasts have one of the largest ZoIs in the game, a large variety of ships at their disposal and -many- enemies to shoot. You guys stick around Alpha all day long, what the hell are you expecting? No one is just gonna come and raid you like that, even if, it'll be effing rare. Your neighbors, the IMG are miners, they don't want to shoot people, they just want to make credits.
Just because there isn't s*** to kill right outside your capital doesn't mean you have no enemies. Go raid New York, go raid bretonia and kill gallics, smuggle, raid gamma and more stuff you can do, if you just had the decency to actually fly a few systems.
This was obviously going to happen, I could see it in .85. The only thing outcasts did was raid 23, get raided by CR and sometimes others and then just sit in alpha pewing each other so much that you guys probably learned every other outcast's moves.
Yeah, what the hell did you think was going to happen?
Get off your asses and something, before coming to complain here.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
' Wrote:Leave some ships on barrier gate or the Zoner and Junker bases around Liberty/Kusari/Bretonia/Taus do you can quickly access what happens in those areas
No do not land on Junker bases. Outcasts have been killing Rogues/lawfuls in Liberty, then running to Junker bases with a half dozen hostiles chasing them. We do not want the attention at our bases. Especially after you shoot rogues who Junkers deal with regularly.
Stop using caps! I fly my Outcast Sabre and get lots of good encounters. You fly a cap you will get lots of bomber gank squads. Simple?
' Wrote:If you keep sending 40 battleships at single gunboats etc, people tend to start avoiding you. Ask the Order (in early 4.85) when we (noms + Core) hung 'em out to dry for a few weeks.
I wish that was true, but it never was...
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