Our Cult faction/factions that will exist in Continuum are prepared for a total different "experience", as details about this matter are slim or don't exist at the moment. It's part of the story that will later evolve. But of course if you are willing to be part of our development team as writer feel free to add one of us on skype.
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
' Wrote:Thanks, our Dev Team and Lore Writers are working hard. Your support is appreciated ^_^
And we can't wait either:D
I'll have to agree with my colleague here, who has typos, and is also writing some lore, hope it gets fixed before it launches, in any case, I'd like to say we're also very eager to see the final product, we're working hard on writing all the lore, and the rest of our Dev Team is working on what they do best as hard as they can, well except when we have breaks, and we're glad we have you the supporters, we will probably release more lore at later dates but not as of now. Or maybe not, 'cause we're evil like that, not sure as of yet, we'll see, thank you again for the support and I want to let my colleagues know something, coffee or sleep is your best friend while working, I don't have either at the moment, I'm checking everything so I don't screw up (I also re-read this message for typos because I'm tired...) ONCE again thank you for the support (damn I'm probably getting annoying I'll just end this..) that will be all from me.