Official Honshu crisis /hc/ Readme! Anonymous ## Mod 13/08/11 (Th) 01:01 No.1466666
Recommended reading: honshuchan:/hc/news/feed
For those on one side of the planet, here come the news from the others. Though, to see what happens you need to merely step out of your door and look around. /hc/ users frequently drop the links to the new stuff happening here. Keep it calm, we kinda got people with different views here. /hc/, why aren't you closing yet?
A little OORP notice Wrote:// The idea of this thread was to imitate the rather chaotic way of anonymous discussions on imageboards as a part of roleplay related to Honsu riots. You can read about that set of events if follow the link above. Consider this a hub in planetary network, all in the best traditions. Your participation would be totally appreciated, siяs!
Death to the Emperor! /hc/ Anonymous 13/08/11 (Th) 16:20 No.3124432
+1, of course, but all the news are about something in Bretonia being finally captured. Like... the first tine for several years? Makes me only wonder if it's all worth the effort and whatever.
We all know how our Police works, hai? They stopped a friend of mine, because he took part in a peaceful (sic!) demonstration and when he refused to follow them because of no reason for him to be arrested, they called in the reinforcements, claiming that he resisted and beat him enough to break an arm!
Oh, come on, Emperor is the only adequate man up there, but he doesn't see the police state Kusari is turning into, seemingly.