Jeremy Isaacs was bored. He had spent the day behind a long que of eager men, wishing to apply just like him. He had spent the past few days thinking about if this is what he wanted to do, and today, he was as certain as ever. As the que started to die down, Jeremy got even more nervous. Eventually he was in the seat next to the recruitment office. A woman walked out and the words "Jeremy Isaacs" came out of her mouth. Jeremy stood up violently and rushed in, waiting to see what was in store.
. Markell Williams and Jeremy Isaacs, I have sent you the Bretonia Recruting Questionnaires and the Information Tests. Send me back the answers on private and then we will speak again.
A short, grizzled looking man walks through the door of the recruitment office, his back stooped and his walk slow.
The rather bored Secretary looks up. "Wrong door, old timer. The Department for Veterans Affairs is down the hall."
"Eh? Who says I'm in the wrong place? This IS the recruitment office, correct?"
The secretary straightens up, looking slightly more interested. "Indeed. WHy? Are you looking to volunteer? We're usually looking for younger blood. You wouldn't like out there, Grandpa."
The mans voice is cold. "Son, I was raised in the cockpit of an independent freighter. Ive been flying since I was twelve.
I was 12. I've flown every sort of ship you can name, and a few you can't. I'd still be out there now, 'cept Those Frenchie Bastards gut shot my ship and left me to asphyxiate.
I'm out the business, due to losing both my ship AND an entire cargo of gold."
"Sure Grandpa," the Secretary says soothingly, "but..."
"Son, I'm here to try to make sure that doesn't happen to some other poor sod. Did I come to the right place?"
"So listen up, boy, or pornography involving your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today."
. Jeremy Isaacs, you have given good answers on the Questionnaire. I will also inform you that you may use Eagle - CTE-6000 Civilian Very Heavy Fighter. Chooce the ship that suits you most and contact a high ranking member for combat test in Salisbury.
Read the following Manuals, to get more information about Bretonia Laws and Military career requirments:
-"QCA Diplomacy Manual"
- "Bretonia Ranking System"
. Markell Williams, I have checked your questionnaire and I am not happy of it. I've sent you back the false answers so you can check them. I am recommending you to do the Questionnaire again. Take your time and dont be hasty with your answers, they are clear example of how would you react in certain situation. Thank you for the understanding.
The secretary stares in the men's cold face for a moment.
"Here gran.. *coughs* sir, sit down here and fill this blank. As you can see you need to give all the information about yourself, especially your name which was?..." *raises an eyebrow*
The secretary lays on his chair and checks the clock on his hand.
"I will wait until you finish the Information blank sir, which will be then sent to the recruiting officer who will observe it closely."
. Jeremy Anthrax, I have sent you the recruiting tests. Fill the blanks and send me back the answers in private. Once the tests are checked we will see how you will be usefull for us.
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John noticed a newcommer and poked a fellow guard.
-Psss, Rick, look, another hotshot came to town.
Rick stared at newcommer for a few seconds and replied:
-50 creds that he'll volunteer to Leeds defense.
John was confused for a while but he responded:
-I'm in, his eyes aren't THAT crazy.
He followed him just close enough to hear his voice,
and as the man approached the recruitment officer's desk he grabbed
a form himself, quickly writing in barely legible style:
-Axel Clarke, age 18, Cambridge, willing to join Leeds defense front.
Officer froze in confusion as Axel gave him filled form,
officer slowly checked it and finally asked:
"You sure about this Leeds stuff? And why did you left
"Reason of joining" blank?"
Axel instantly responded:
-Yes I'm sure, and do we need a reason to defend homeland these days?
If you want onefeel free to write there "long-term-survival" yourself,
it's not like you've got a queue here, good day sir.
And walked away like nothing happened passing by John counting 50 credits.
The Recruitment Officer is just looking forward to shift change, when the doors slide inevitably open. He sighs, opening his eyes to study the latest hopeful candidate.
His brow creases in amusement. The figure is no more than a lad, unclean, unshaven and possessing a vaguely haunted expression.
"Can I help you?"
The boy shuffles closer, glancing around the quiet office.
"I want to join," he says.
The Officer takes sympathy. This boy was clearly not made of the right stuff. "I'm not sure that a career in the military is appropriate for you, if I'm perfectly honest." He motions to the guard. "The private here will escort you out, and perhaps pay for a good meal if you're lucky."
Unexpectedly, in a blur of limbs, the boy removes the hand being laid on his shoulder and throws the soldier to the ground.
The Officer blinks.
"What's your name?" he asks, stopping the second guard from intervening.
The boy looks at him, a quiet fire simmering in his eyes. "Kyle Hunton."
"Where are you from? Why do you want to join?"
"I have nothing. My parents served in the navy, but were killed in action when I was five. I've been living on the streets of New London ever since."
"You have some skill there, son." The Officer hands him a form. "And a fighting spirit. Let's see if we can make something of you..."
. To so called "John is the name by the way". Good sir, your request is denied. Come back later when you are sober and serious. Until then I give you 1 week time to reconsider your request and re-post your new Information Blank here. See you in 1 week. //(aaronD48)
. To other John, I have sent you the Information test. Fill it and send me back the answers via PM. After that we will see if we can find a place for you. //(Deitar)
. To Kyle Hunton, I have sent you the Information test too. We have a good reserve of ensigns right now, but fill the test and send me back the answers. We will talk again after that. //(Flashpoint)