The current NFZ for 10 does allow anyone to use the base to mount attacks on anyone else. Obviously people need to check up on the different NFZ policies that are around.
Edit: Just to add if there is a rumour of a gallic spy with in is true am a bit scared (namely in rp reasons) as the last spy was in Zoners and she attacked 10.
' Wrote:... it's a shame Jameson has left the building. His reaction, whatever it would be... would surely have amused me. But if you're going against the entire OC commonwealth, you're essentially a band of Cardi addicted Freelancers with illusions about overthrowing one of the most powerful unlawful NPC factions on the server.
Nice goal to have, but IRPly you'll probably be laughed at. And shot by just about anyone. Zoners won't want you. IMG won't want you. CR likely won't either. The only faction I can think of that might want to deal with you and yours is the RoS.
and you'll feel judt like corsairs...
=MR is too close to [MR]. you could have MaRe|
the ranseur.... just let it quietly drop. rebels cant afford aircraft carriers.
the ship line is massive. do you need them all?
you have equipt issues, you have political issues, but above all, keep working at it. o/c fighting each other? corsairs will LOVE that...
God I don't know why I'm bothering to post but before you go screaming about the Ranseur will you people get it through your heads that the 101st okay'd it?
Anyway I like the way this was handled, but ultimately the way the faction turns out is going to be up to the players participating in it. I'll have my eyes on this.
The current NFZ for 10 does allow anyone to use the base to mount attacks on anyone else. Obviously people need to check up on the different NFZ policies that are around.
Edit: Just to add if there is a rumour of a gallic spy with in is true am a bit scared (namely in rp reasons) as the last spy was in Zoners and she attacked 10.
To be quite honest i wasn't aware that the different Freeport's had different NFZ rules but however if FP10 does allow for factions/people to mount attacks from it then that's good news for =MR =)
I'm not able to go into further detail about the rumor not untill some other stuff has been cleared up, //Also i'd like to say that InRP no one would know about the gallic spy everyone would still believe the main goals of =MR are to take down the 101st
' Wrote:and you'll feel just like corsairs...
=MR is too close to [MR]. you could have MaRe|
the ranseur.... just let it quietly drop. rebels cant afford aircraft carriers.
the ship line is massive. do you need them all?
you have equipment issues, you have political issues, but above all, keep working at it. o/c fighting each other? corsairs will LOVE that...
Firstly how are we just like corsairs? The corsairs are trying to decimate the entire Outcast population, we are only trying to overthrow the 101st as the main military power.
You are Correct the =MR tag Is close to the Molly Republic tag and it does need changing and we are already in the process of that.
The Ranseur if you've read the other comments you'll know that we didn't buy the dreadnought at all but instead we stole it (We have two different RP's being wrote up about this they will soon be on the forum)
Its not that we need all the ships that I've listed we have access to its just in-case other members want to fly something different, not to mention other factions have a much larger ship line this us and things worked our fine for them.
What Equipment/politic issues do i have? I you have any suggestion about any of it please post them =)
' Wrote:God I don't know why I'm bothering to post but before you go screaming about the Ranseur will you people get it through your heads that the 101st okay'd it?
Anyway I like the way this was handled, but ultimately the way the faction turns out is going to be up to the players participating in it. I'll have my eyes on this.
I'm also not sure on why people can't understand that the Dread wont be used untill 4.86 and will only ever be taken out as a RP platform:P
I'm glad that =MR has gather this much attention and i agree the faction is only as good as it's players and i do hope that =MR (Or what ever the future name might be) Does go official =)
Thank you everyone for you're questions and feedback please post up more as there is still more to be done! =D
Hmm, a relative good start I'd say. Looks promising and I'd love the idea of a revolutionary group of outcasts, but somehow I feel like they're too much.
And that just because the Hispania is spitted in Outcasts and Corsairs, both hispanic colonists that fight eachother for supremacy. The Outcasts are already low in numbers against the Corsairs (only 1 official faction while the Corsair got 3 official and working factions), so your group here might make the situation harder for them. Don't get me wrong here.
I trully like the idea of maltese revolutionaries.
' Wrote:Hmm, a relative good start I'd say. Looks promising and I'd love the idea of a revolutionary group of outcasts, but somehow I feel like they're too much.
And that just because the Hispania is spitted in Outcasts and Corsairs, both hispanic colonists that fight eachother for supremacy. The Outcasts are already low in numbers against the Corsairs (only 1 official faction while the Corsair got 3 official and working factions), so your group here might make the situation harder for them. Don't get me wrong here.
I trully like the idea of maltese revolutionaries.
Thanks I'm glad you like the Idea =) And its true it might make the situation harder but I'm also hoping in increases the number of active Outcast at the same time (OORP) Because at the moment there isn't much.
Hopefully If =MR goes official then the Outcasts will have two active/approved factions and it will also encourage more RP to happen around Malta =)
Update: I've researched into the Molly republics [MR] and i don't think they are active anymore, and the player faction for the Molly's is [M] But if anyone can find/contact the leader of [MR] and get him to post here then I'll change the name =)
I read all the previous posts....and I dont wish to interject anything, for fear of restating the restated. This is an incredibly interesting and ambitious idea. I hope it works, for RP between 101st/Dons and MR/"whatever name you choose".
One Thing: Just a bit confused on the "Omicron-85 or 81" passage. I know you must have some places to go, but. If you are enemies with Outcast Guard/101st, wouldnt it be fruitless to travel into such systems as Omicron 85? I must admit, ive NEVER been in a fight that was located in 85. (Personally it would be AWESOME) BUT, until you are established (Players wise), I see no point in mentioning anything about entering 85 since, IRP the Ganking NPC dessies on the other side would pew pew at you. Alot. Just wonderin
If you have addressed this, im sorry. I must have missed it.
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever