' Wrote:Other ships than the 5K'er and the Battletransport might prove more profitable for the power trader
Now that you don`t have a chance to outrun or outgun a pirate - there`s no reason not to get a Zoner whale and go ZONERZONERZONER over anyone who tries to pirate you.
There is NO problem that can`t be solved by the use of high explosives.
' Wrote:Now that you don`t have a chance to outrun or outgun a pirate - there`s no reason not to get a Zoner whale and go ZONERZONERZONER over anyone who tries to pirate you.
Combat transports, high Cap armor classes, any investment in passive security... not necessary any more, as it is a waste of money. Why?
The difference in survivability of 1 minute (Cau 6 shire) compared to 10 seconds (UAU 8 Hegemon) is negligible (when facing cruisers).
Provided if all pirates suddenly decide to rather use capital ships - you are perfectly right. But I feel like keeping my Bison as I can make fun of bombers, and run ~38K from gunboats. And when the Scylla turns up I can even... *whispers* ...pay.
You knooooow...
I leave for a while and I see this.
Soooooooo, I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU COULDN'T ISSUE DEMANDS UNLESS YOU'D SUCCESSFULLY CD'd. (at which point, target is supposed to allow time to make a demand).
It's like. shoot me to 10% hull, demand later.
(then again I haven't been on in a while, but truestory.jpg)
just want a clarification:P