Origin: Omicron Delta / Signal re-traced to Freeport 11. Sender: missing header information
Mostly Harmless? Right. Listen, lady, let me give you some advice: just stay clear out of it. Bet some local lonely weirdos replied to you already, eager to woo you with their charming tales of glory and honor. But really you wouldn't want to get deep into that mess. Asking too many questions draws attention you wouldn't want. You got to be a little out of your mind to inquire through public broadcast. Cause the stakes are too high for any casual interest, and the powers involved in this mad game - they will not let you to find out what's really going on there. Those who tried to find on their own, to get to the bottom of this, who thought they could figure it all out... They wouldn't talk to you and neither will I. A friendly advice, pretty face, just forget it. It just ain't worth digging.
Hey gorgeous, it's me again.
I have had some err, uhm...talks ? with the Nomads, they showed me things, and I never intended to fight them, I never attacked them actually, merely defended myself and I spent a lot of time in the Omicrons, especially Omicron Delta and Omicron Kappa, I even visited Omicron Iota and 99, but I guess the Nomads didn't really liked my presence there, expect heavy headaches from Nomads if you intend into forcing them to show you stuff.
"Greetings McFarlen. To be honest... I still don't know what you want. Are you searchin' for storytellers or something more... recent?
As for the last one I can help you out. I'm familiar with their fighting capabilities.
But since your encryption is below my expectations, I won't tell you more. Too much ears, if you understand..."
The voice chuckles.
"So... who are you and what do you seek Ms McFarlen? Or is it Mrs? You didn't told me.
Send me a better encrypted transmission if you're willing to talk... Hangman out..."
Whew, okay. That's more mail then I expected. Not that I'm complaining.
Encryption - Active
To: Jeremy Hunter. Recognised
Oh, I know it recognises you. It's been doing that for ages, I can't fix the thing. Try to ignore it. Something about unregistered software and thirty standard cycle trials and so-on. Not that that's related to anything, but hey.
Whew. Okay. Liberty. I think I've got a place. A little out of the way, so you might want to bring your own gear. Far side of Maine, galactic East. There's a bunker on the surface.. Er... Don't have the co-ordinates on me. I'll be there before you anyway, so I'll set up a transmitter. It's been ages since I was last there, there's a small possibility the environment seals are down. So, yeah. B.Y.O Oxygen. Really though, it should be fine.
I think.
I'll patch you through as soon as I know. Give me a day to check for rats. Not actual rats, in a vacuum. That would just be ridiculous.
To: Samantha-Jane Marquez Recognised
Okkaay. I'll make sure to mention that to my great Grandchildren. Wasn't really on my list of things to do. Maybe Nathan can do it. Probably not. Anyway, Sorry.
Er... Who exactly is Kress?
To: Unknown Signal Recognised
Well, thanks for the warning, I guess. I can handle it though, I mean, I made it this far. Besides, you can't just give up because someone'll try to stop you. Otherwise I'd never get anywhere. Have you ever tried putting a ship back together while the pilot stands there fiddling with wires? Yeah. Not so pretty.
Someone has to find out eventually, right? It's history now, anyway. Why is it so dangerous to go digging? At worst you hit water.
To: Me Again.
Oh, don't worry. I'm not planning to force anyone into anything. They give me headaches already, thanks. Alice never has that problem...
What were those systems again? Projector's playing up again. I don't really have much beyond Minor over here, and that's pushing it. How'd you convince them not to, you know, space you on the way in? No offence.
To: Hangman Recognised
Heya. You sound familiar. Must've been someone else.
Ah, Ms McFarlen, if you really want to bother with all that. That's about it for who I am. I mean, it's a pretty broad question anyway, so if I told you much more of it we'd be here all night. Possibly all day too, depends on how you're running your ship.
Any information's good. As I said, it's been a pain to find anything so far, so I'm not going to turn it down. They can’t have changed that much in a few years. Really, I’m a bit more interested in why you've shot at the Nomads, or the other way around. Are they territorial, or what?
Well now, seems somebody is getting curious about a war that a lost of people seem to want forgotten. Take a piece of advice and let it be forgotten. There are people out there who would rather not see people who fought in the war resurface, at any costs.
Take this advice, before they find you.
But if you stay committed, don't say I didn't warn you.
Howdy, miss. This is "Arty", from the Bounty Hunters. You know, those guys flying around, collecting skulls of people who done bad things, or just have a bounty on their pretty little heads. Your pretty little head doesn't seem to head one, so I give ya a friendly advice...
Do you know, what the Guild Core is? They're an army indoctrinated, fanatical maniacs, fighting a war in the Omicrons so bloody, your guts would turn up if found out. And they do that to get ahold of nomad tech... and nomads themselves. Well, pretty much anything related to nomads. So guess what, miss, what happens if they find out there's a certain gal in Sirius who shows too much interests in nomad stuffs? They might think she actually knows something worthy... So they capture her, take to a place she never, ever wanted to be, and do things to her, she wished she never been born after... And they will do that, just to get a tiny little fracture of information about the nomads they didn't know before. The Core throws their pilots to the war en masse, without regards of losses. They don't even value the life of their own troops, what would you think how much they value others life?...
So if you know what's good for you, stop asking questions. Or at least get a better encryption software...
*sigh* Old memories brought back. Flew with an Order defence wing. 84th defence wing i think, we were attached to defend this Scout Cruiser. Well things went good for an hour. Then they came in force. The Scout Cruiser and half the wing i was flying with were brought down with in 60 seconds of their arrivel. Rest of us retreated as fast as we could, but by the time we got into friendly space. only about 4 guys remained of the 15 we set off with. Heh..... nomads are relentless. sad thing is *Sigh* i can't remember the name of that Scout Cruiser. All in all, be careful when looking into this matter. Certain goverments of sirius would rather people not know we fought a war with the nomads.
End Message Uknown.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" Edmund Burke.When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't crawl - when you can't do that... You find someone to carry you.