Source - Unknown
ID - Professor Fernando Piliantolski
Target ID - Sirius
<div align="right].:Encryption Enabled:.
Greetings, great scientists, researchers, experimenters.. men of science! I, Professor Fernando Piliantolski, come to you today with a proposition! A proposition that will astonish all of you with joy and glee, ready to take up the task! I come to you today with hope, with excitement, with power through devotion of science! Do you know what it is? What the adventure through the atoms and molecules of space that I present to you today is? Can you guess it, folks?! Oh well then I'll tell you! Hahaha! It's the study of organic material!
Now that I've got your attention, I'll be frank with you my dear colleagues.. These are desperate times, friends.. And we men whom have devoted our lives to science must stick together! Must collect data, must experiment, must create, and must destroy together! For the sake of prosperity through science! This is our task, as good people of the atoms and molecules we all swore to protect.
So, without further ado, the real deal, folks! What I have longed to say! I am searching for any qualified scientist whom has put their heart and soul into their work, and is willing to travel with me! Travel to the vast reaches of Sirius! The edges of civilization is where we will go to conduct our life changing research on organic material. Yes, yes indeed we shall! So, I ask of you my dear fellow devoted men of science, will one of you come with me to aid in my project that will alter the course of history as we know it!?
I seek ambition and intelligence! If you have both and are willing and able, please contact me on this channel! Bonus if you're a biologist!
Source - Unknown
ID - Professor Fernando Piliantolski
Target ID - Sirius
<div align="right].:Encryption Enabled:.
I'm going to need much more information than this for you to be even considered a volunteer for the task I have planned..
I am awaiting more transmissions! Men of science, embrace this opportunity to set forth on an expedition of grand proportions! I seek ambition and intelligence, nothing more! We will discover the many wonders of life, oh yes indeed! So, if you're interested, fear not! I heed all calls to science with great potential!
Ah yes, my good Doctor Piliantolski....
It is a pleasure to meet you, even IF your untimely transmission DID interrupt some very delicate experiments. *sneers*
Ah well, I can always capture another dozen Gallic pilots.
Don't suppose you have any use for a heap of slightly damaged, non-working humans, eh?
Just thought I'd check. *smiles*
So. *twitch*
What can I do to you, for you, or at you, good sir?
My laboratory, my time, and my nurses are at your disposal. *twitch*
My Claymore Gunship is stationed at Skye on Newcastle, and can be diverted from its specimen collection routine to address your (soon OUR?) needs.
Do feel free to ring me up, Nurse Hatchett will see that your call comes straight through to me. Provided she's not overly busy with my regular 'treatments'... *winks*
Building a Utopian Playground - One Smile at a Time
Source - Unknown
ID - Professor Fernando Piliantolski
Target ID - Sirius
<div align="right].:Encryption Enabled:.
Dr. Steel, I believe you're just the man for the job. Though, I need a bit more info on what exactly it is you do, how it involves biology or anatomy, and any achievements you've earned or successful projects you've constructed. I will await your response.
please stand by for this INCOMING MESSAGE From Dr. Phineas Steel Chief of Medicine, New Gaian Front
Yes... well... indeed.
Of course you would wish to know my credentials. Why wouldn't you?
If what I am doing, where I am doing it, and who I am doing it for were common knowledge... well, I shudder to think.
In fact! I think I shall. *shudders*
Right, so, umm... *leans in conspiratorially*
Listen, I can't really speak about what I'm doing at the moment, you see. Purely to protect the integrity of my experiments. Surely as a man of science you understand.
Let me simply say it's big. Really big. Scientifically speaking, flarging enormous!
Anyway! *smiles crookedly and leans back*
I CAN share a few of my less sensitive credentials and projects. I have PHDs in; General Medicine, Applied Spatial Astronomics, Chemistry, and Extraplanetary Geology. I am also a Bretonian Medical Board certified General Surgeon. Or was. Until they revoked it... *waves hand dismissively*
...but that's a long story.
I have published papers on Causal Galactic Gravitic Relationships and Supermassive Black Hole theory, as well as my Trans-Static-Inversion Multiverse Principle, which is at the center of all my work.
-Now, don't pay any heed to my detractors*sneers* at the Universities - those dimwit neanderthals fear the light of the truth! Oh, they feign objectivity, but they toil only to improve the lot of their corporate masters, scrabbling like rats after bits of cheese when the grants get handed out...
...But I digress.
Let's see... what else...
Ah, yes. I've fiddled about with Historical Biological Anthropology; the seeking of trace DNA on ancient Terran artifacts.
And Cloning. I've done some of that as well.
I, um, combined the two hobbies once....
We had to dispose of THAT one... It just would not SHUT UP! It just went on and on and ON and ON... only talked to the cameras...
...Oh for crying out... now what on Gaia is THAT picture doing here?
*slaps at the viewer controls*
Ah, well, yes, I suppose I've been outed... I also play a MEAN accordion! *shrugs sheepishly*
Now Doctor I do hope you'll excuse me - Science never sleeps!
There you have it, sir, all that I am free to divulge.
As they say, if I told you any more, I'd have to melt you down in a particle collider chamber, microwave the remaining slurry, spin it up in a centrifuge, and fire the heavy elements into the nearest solar body.
(I'd need the lighter elements for a lil' something I'm working on at the moment)
If that is not enough to quantify your query, then perhaps I am not the Doctor you are looking for.
I know a great Eye-nose-and-foot Doctor... I can write you a referral... -Ciao!
Building a Utopian Playground - One Smile at a Time
When I initially was relayed this message I was skeptical and I'm still near to that conclusion. I'm sure you are enthusiastic about your discovery, but you are asking dedicated scientists to give up their time, resources, effort, and skill on a completely unknown project.
I am a scientist. My efforts are currently focused on a project at Munich on planet Nuremburg. I specialize in plant systems, turf systems, animal systems, integrative systems, agriculture integrated community development, plant protection, natural and artificial, food safety and defense. You should be aware that agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, feed, fiber, and reclamation. In addition, horticulture is the industry and science of plant cultivation including the process of preparing soil for the planting of seeds, tubers, or cuttings.
To what extent are you requiring scientists? Study of organic materials? I fear to think that you mean xeno-biology?
I require something more tangible data in order to make a conclusion on this.
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
CommID: Dr. Adam Link
To: Professor Fernando Piliantolski
Subject: Science!
Good day to you, Professor! Such interesting propositions are sadly rare these days, and yet I find that two come along the very same week! How wonderfully delightful!
Organic material, you say? Biology? Well, yes... I might well know a few things, here and there. I've a... shall we say "exotic" education in human anatomy and physiology, though my most recent work has been more focused with "synthetic" biology... a most interesting field, as I'm sure you'll agree! And, unlike some of my more... squeamish peers, I'm not afraid to let things get little messy in the noble pursuit of knowledge, or indeed dither about foolishly debating ethical concerns instead of beating back the frontiers of humanity itself!
Is this thing on? Hey there! Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Will Foetsch, Ph.D, Professor of Xenobiology, and I will be representing the Sirius Coaliton on this outing! I'm glad that you will have us assist you in your endeavors.