-Operation Plaguebearer, Official Briefing File-
Author: Commander Kaylee Staite, Order Science Division
Recipients: Order, Zoner, and Blood Dragon Science Departments
"Several days ago, the Blood Dragon Cruiser Hatsuzakura towed aboard a derelict Katana-Class fighter reportedly belonging to the father of Hattoro, the vessel's commanding officer. Shortly after, six of the Hatsuzakura's crewmen became infected with a mysterious illness, exhibiting the following symptoms: Muscle Spasms, Increase in body temperature, and alteration of Iris color towards various shades of blue. Effected crewmen also experienced blackouts, loss of memory, and were reported to speak incoherently of a glowing jewel."
"Security footage on record shows that all six effected crewmen came into contact with an unknown artifact appearing to be of Daam K'vosh origin. The footage has been enhanced and the image of the artifact extrapolated, uploading image now..."
"Additionally, scanner logs onboard the Hatsuzakura report that the artifact, when first handled by crewmen, 'opened' and emitted a matter stream of unknown composition. After contacting The Order, the second in command of the Hatsuzakura isolated the infected crewmen to a quarantine zone aboard the ship, and tested all remaining crew members for signs of the illness, all test results came back negative. Bloodwork from one of the effected patients was sent to Mora station, and shows distinct foreign microbes attacking the subject's red blood cells. Uploading blood sample now..."
"These microbes appear to function as a cross between a normal bacterial cell and a virus, altering the DNA of surrounding cells in order to mutate them into copies of the original alien cells. Thus far, no known antibiotic or antiviral treatments have had any effect on the foreign microbes. Further testing on the blood samples showed that, in similar manner to Nomad cells, these microbes are able to absorb various types of radiation to fuel themselves, rendering radiological cures ineffective."
"It is believed that the artifact was discovered by the Katana's pilot, and was left behind by the Daam K'vosh empire. The artifact was obviously a containment vessel for these microbes, but we are as of yet undecided on the nature of the organisms; whether they are a biological weapon, a K'vosh experiment, or in the worst case scenario the cause of the Empire's downfall. This is the first known artifact to contain living biological matter, so there is no precedent that would help us determine the artifact's purpose, or that of the organism itself."
"All six of the Hatsuzakura's effected crewmen have been placed in cryogenic stasis pending the development of a cure to this illness. At this point in time, we are out of ideas, hence why you have all been sent this briefing file. If any similar artifacts are found, treat them as extremely dangerous objects and have them sent to the nearest allied research facility. If anyone has any suggestions as far as treatments are concerned, please relay them as soon as possible."
::::Incoming Transmission::::
::::Encrypting level: ultimate::::
::::Receiver: Commander Kaylee Staite::::
::::Identification: Carlo Sombrero::::
::::Location: Eclipse::::
::::Subject: Ancient 'virus'::::
Good day Commander,
we received your call over the more secure channel and are ready to assist with further researches. With a small amount of scientists onboard the Eclipse we wasn't able to find out more than you know. Meanwhile we are examining the data you have sent for 'hidden' notes. In the time I encountered alien microbes and organisms there always was a destructive nature in their behaviour.
The 'consuming' of an host, if avaible, is always the primary objective of organisms like that. It is known that there are other agressive species on yet uninhabitable planets, like Planet Carlisle in Newcastle, where the answer to this aggressiveness could be found. Because of the hostile flora there were not much researches possible yet.
But back to this 'virus' and that artifact. Like you mentioned is this artifact of alien origin...but there is actually no proof it's is made by the Daam K'Vosh. If the effect of the microbes, inside the artifact, is such destructive then it could be build as a weapon by the K'Vosh or by another yet unknown alien race or it could have been just some kind of unintentional by-product of something bigger...something I doubt because of it's form.
Something which is interesting, too is the fact that the microbes are able to resist chemicals...not very rare but it shows these organisms have got a more increased...well, let's call it 'body structure' in terms of the organic nature. It is possible these microbes are connected with each other...like the Daam K'Vosh or the Slomon K'Hara in their funcionality of communication. So our scientists believe these things are part of a neural connection, maybe established with the host.
It seems it is obviously these microbes are already trying to gain control about the infected body. But different to the infestation by a nomad this...connection is not only to control the human body. This virus mutates the cells to create an own being. My scientists believe if the cell mutating is complete we don't have humans infront us any longer...but to confirm that we have to wait until further researches are complete.
I would like to meet you personally, if it is possible, that we can examine these data much faster.
I am looking forward to hear from you. Also I will let this channel opened for other messages.
I fear it still no good news for me and my crew , we are still on the search for one more of those alien artifacts in order to figure this out , but....
The only person who have one that we found so far , is not whiling to give or sell it us.
We still have no idea what to do with the infected crew.
::::Incoming Transmission::::
::::Encrypting level: ultimate::::
::::Receiver: Channel user::::
::::Identification: Carlo Sombrero::::
::::Location: Eclipse::::
::::Subject: Ancient 'virus'::::
At first it's good to hear from you. I am sorry your crewmen are suffering under such circumstances. If there is something I understand about psychology then that that it's hard to motivate the crew not to give up. I think it's hard to believe for them on your ship they ever will be....'free'.
But back to the topic...you are saying you found one with another artifact? This is quite interesting because we don't know about this. But...just to be sure you and your crew should avoid more contact to alien 'things', it is the best measure to avoid another possible incident. We are working on a solution how to terminate that 'virus'. All I can say now is that the organisms want to create a completely new body structure, using the human cells as...'hosts', in this case.
In addition to the help I am offering the Science Division is also examining these probes but I didn't hear from them yet. I think it just needs a bit more time.
I understand your fear of another outbreak in the Hatsuzakura , but we are desperate , and we can't just sit idle watching our crew conditions to deteriorate.
On the artifact matter , we still haven't heard from that 'person' yet , i'am afraid he don't care about our situation and left .... But we will keep on searching this might be the only hope of salvation.
::::Incoming Transmission::::
::::Encrypting level: ultimate::::
::::Receiver: Channel user::::
::::Identification: Carlo Sombrero::::
::::Location: Eclipse::::
::::Subject: Ancient 'virus'::::
I don't know how much and what kind of information you have about the mentioned person's artifact. But it would be interesting to know what kind of artifact it is. Active or not is the most important question here and I would suggest to be careful with it, if you are able to get it from the 'person, and to get in 'contact' with it in isolated rooms with prepared equipment only.
I think I am speaking for the Order if I ask you to hand over some information about the contact who wanted to...give you this other artifact. Maybe we are able to locate him. But this doesn't belong to my possibilities I have got. I will anyway helping you so far it's allowed for me.
I have no information on who contacted us ... He remains a mystery , But do not worry , The Order will be the first to know if we acquire one of those artifacts or any kind of new information on the matter.
I don't know with you noticed but you people might be the only hope of salvation for us , we posses skilled pilots not medics.
::::Incoming Transmission::::
::::Encrypting level: ultimate::::
::::Receiver: Channel user::::
::::Identification: Carlo Sombrero::::
::::Location: Eclipse::::
::::Subject: Ancient 'virus'::::
I see. If there is some time I will see if I can gather some pilots...but to be sure we would bring some scientists too and in addition to this medics, specialized in the field of sickness caused by extraterrestrial organisms and other stuff. When preperations are done and the decision of the Order Science Devision has been confirmed we will come to help you.