Lay off the Game of Thrones man....that stuff's addictive :P
But yeah, Brandon Stark from the George R.R. Martin Novels. Bob the Builder being a children's character.
Edit for clarity - in Sword of Ice and Fire Brandon Stark (the Builder) is a character from the world history, not the young Brandon Stark who is a descendent of the Builder and a character in the story. But you knew that already...
' Wrote:Ha ha ha, Right. And you tell ME to lay off GoT?
Maybe I have a good memory? :crazy:
In all honesty, I've read each book once and watched the tv show once through up to current. Maybe for the next 1000 page book I should take longer than a week to read through it.....:lol:
' Wrote:Maybe for the next 1000 page book I should take longer than a week to read through it.....:lol:
Then, my friend you lack the fortune to savour a well written book. It took me over 3 Weeks to finish "Storm" and yet I'm under the impression that I rushed through the volume.
' Wrote:One <strike>troll</strike> desperately self-validating adolescent alt versus the might of an inconsequential player group no one really cares about any more. :rolleyes: