' Wrote:Tigger, don't play the OORP hate card, its and old and lame excuse for accepting the consequences of your actions. Dane said himself that he knew about it and he voted against it, so I guess most of you were aware of what could happen if your friends keep doing what they do. Still, none of you left until the FR5 discussion started and you chose to go along for the ride. The only ones to blame are yourselves and nobody else.
Now please go outside, take a deep breath and try to cool down. Nobody hates you, ok?
Sorry, but Vito is right about that one.
Moreover, if you guys left RR tell Veygaar to delete you from the list (if it was done a while ago).
You can't ask them to not FR5 RR's smugglers. They are part of RR thus taking part of the consequences - doesn't matter that only RR's mercs attacked corsairs, and that the pirates helped corsairs and smugglers took artifacts from Gamma. You are one group, you do as a group and you get consequences as such.
He casn ask to not FR5 the smugglers, because the Corsairs never interacted with them - its OORP info.
And FR5 is for RP that has occured in game and witnessed - the smugglers never once opened fire on any corsair vessels.
And for that matter, neither did any of the ships listed by Tigger.
So it would OORP knowledge that said character are part of RR, and thus, shouldnt be FR5'd since they never participated in any hostile action against corsairs.
' Wrote:He casn ask to not FR5 the smugglers, because the Corsairs never interacted with them - its OORP info.
And FR5 is for RP that has occured in game and witnessed - the smugglers never once opened fire on any corsair vessels.
And for that matter, neither did any of the ships listed by Tigger.
So it would OORP knowledge that said character are part of RR, and thus, shouldnt be FR5'd since they never participated in any hostile action against corsairs.
Would your view be different if they had a common tag?
Factions may only do this after they have interacted with the character in role play. Faction leaders should post reputation change requests in the Special Role Play section with a link to the forum evidence.
It also says you should post FR5 applications in the special roleplay section.
Looks a bit out of date to me.
In the end, if you're in the same group, you'll get the same treatment. Go back in time a bit and imagine RM and BAF FR5ing each other one at a time because of your semantic argument.
Factions may only do this after they have interacted with the character in role play. Faction leaders should post reputation change requests in the Special Role Play section with a link to the forum evidence.
Common sense tells me that your quote refers to individuals, not groups. If a faction would want to FR5 lets say the MM's it would be dumb for someone to claim they have to be shot by each and every one of MM's ships
' Wrote:So if 5 members of let's say, The Brotherhood, didsomething to piss off the AFA, a fr5 for the faction should not be allowed?
I was under the impression thats how it already worked. After all, an entire faction's diplomacy being ruined by a fraction of its player base player seems unrealistic to me, and i doubt either side would allow it to happen.
For me, I participated with RR back when it was a pirate group. We had some fun in NY, and other spots. I prefer the Cali, Cortez, Mag, Bretonian regions, they prefer Rheinland, which I'm okay with.
I haven't been around until just recently to see the changes with the Merc section mixing with the pirate section and all this new technology.
So my coming back to the game and sorting out my characters and this discussion of FR5? That's a coincidence, I wasn't aware of this going on until today and happened to look at the list.
I have one ship in the RR at the moment, that ship name is Stormrider, which is a switchblade. It hasn't shot at corsairs either, yet. However I'm fully willing to accept an FR5 on it or just simply take a Hessian bribe and make it hostile myself.
Either way, it doesn't matter to me. The p-trans is in progress to become a Molly which will be red to corsairs anyway. The KuEx was already earmarked for sale, so that doesn't bother me either.
I just figured that you might have at least some sense of fairplay to be angry at the ships that are actually causing you a problem. Would that it were me, I wouldn't try to FR5 the Benitez because I had an issue with the Sails.
' Wrote:I was under the impression thats how it already worked. After all, an entire faction's diplomacy being ruined by a fraction of its player base player seems unrealistic to me, and i doubt either side would allow it to happen.