To: The Sirius Houses of Kusari, Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonia and all Civilians there in.
Good Evening all.
On the following date of 13th November 818 A.S. the Sirius Summit will be held at Planet Curacao, Cortez, Independant Systems, on the borders of Liberty and Bretonia. The Summit will be hosted by, as always, by ourselves Orbital Spa & Cruise.
The Summit it self will run over the course of several days there after in which various discussion's will be taking place. The Current Agenda is currently provided as below. Further Agenda's for discussion may only be submitted to myself. All Government's are requested to send envoys to Curacao and will have specific areas on the planet that will be designated to them. I also request that all House Governments to give diplomatic immunity to envoy's and their escort's coming to Curacao. No more than 3 escort ships may arrive to the Summit. All Envoy's and any escorts taken with in are to respect and contact any House they need to move through to attend the Summit. If a House refuses a envoy to come to Curacao, they will not be allowed to be part of the Summit.
I humbly hope that you will be able to follow the lost tradition, due to no recent Summits being held, to attend and allow other's to attend. Aswell as behaving in a mannered position during the Summit.
Any Faction found attacking a Envoy as they return to their respected Houses after the Summit will not be allowed to attend the next Summit, and will not recieve any minutes that have been written by its host, Orbital Spa & Cruise.
Agenda's of the Summit
Sirius Crime
Extra Terrestrial's
House Treaties
Sirius Ecomony
Gallia and the Council
Any other Business
This list is by no means complete. More Agenda's may be added.
I look forward to meeting you all in person on Planet Curacao.
Konnichiwa Mr. Bellingham.
My name is Okada Kazuya I am one of the board of Directors for Samura Heavy Industries and a minister of the Council of the Rising Sun in the Kusari Teikoku (クサリ 帝国, Kusari Empire).
I am happy to be attending this summit as anything that promotes understanding between the various Houses of Sirius can only be a good thing.
My staff and I will await news that a date has been sent, upon which we will make our way to planet Curacao.
A question I have to ask is that being so close to the borders of the House of Bretonia, a house currently involved in a dispute with the Kusari Teikoku.
What assurances of security will you provide and what limits on security will you place upon my staff.
I can only assume that you will allow each representative to provide their own security to their respective designated areas, as well as a smaller security staff to accompany them during their entire stay.
Master Hisoka Masanori of Kishiro wishes to have me tell you that he will personally be at this summit. Before the summit there should be a discussion of security. Masanori will have his personal yacht present along with two other vessels. Since this is a diplomatic mission Kishiro would feel better should immunity be applied from any Waring nations against Kusari. Kishiro will return the same agreement to any government entity or corporation entity.
Also Master Masanori has requested that I read the following:
He has said.
" Salute to the Bellingham family may your days be long and nights filled with dreams,
As you might have caught on few months ago CNS announced our Teraforming project globally; I wished it would inspire a way to combine the broken ties between nations. This, however, cannot be achieved without the nations to come together and discuss solutions. This summit could lay the ground works that will inspire the next generation to not repeat the same mistake our generation has created or continued. Master Katsuhiro Kishiro said "He who removes a brick dissolves his home. He who places a brick builds his home." In context he said that those who seek to destroy will be destroyed, he who seeks peace will have peace. I personally have always thought Kishiro to be brick layers. So let us all, who join in this summit, come with the tools that will craft bricks. And I pray that others will have the same motives.
Tammo McIllheney will be attending this conference, both in his capacity as MP Waterloo and as Administrator of Waterloo Station. Sheila Grey, Secretary to the Most Honourable Member from Waterloo.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
FROM: [color=#33FF33]Buero des Kanzleramtes
TO: Liberty, Kusari, Bretonia, Spa and Cruise
SUBJECT:Sirius Summit
[font=Century Gothic]Sehr geehrter Herr Andrew Bellingham.
Rheinland is delighted to hear about the possible resurrection of a Sirius Summit. It has been too long seance the last, and it is clearer with each passing day that the forces of decay and disorder are growing stronger for the lack of attention paid to these impotent issues.
While we look forward to a brighter future, dark doubts hang over the summit, and challenges must be surmounted. This location of the proposed summit is precarious. While it is being held at Planet Curacao in Cortez, both borders would cast a weary gaze to Rheinlanders inside this system.
Rheinland extends a tentative hand towards the prospect of a peaceful meeting between the houses, however Liberty and Bretonia must agree to attend and endorse this summit before Rheinland will raze an envoy of its own to send.
Rheinland will withhold a verdict on the matter until Liberty and Bretonia are heard from.
Hochachtungsvoll, Günter Schreiber
Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Rheinland
**INCOM** ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk Arundel Castle - New London
I see no reason for the Armed forces to attend, especially given the fact that the Kusari war criminals are going to be present.
I am sorry but I sincerely doubt you will find any Bretonian willing to sit at a table with them, unless it is for the final surrender of the Kusari forces.
As President of Deep Space Engineering and also a representative of Deep Space Engineering to the Liberty Government, your invitation to attend this Summit is a first for us, as well as an important calendar event we wish to tell you that both Madam Jess Doe and myself will attend along with our Chief of Departments and an escort pilot.
We look forward to discussing these important matters and finding solutions, as well as a chance for us to meet our counterparts from each House.
Your rules and stipulations will be adhered too by Deep Space Engineering
Gateway Comm System: Open
From: Calum McDonald, CEO Gateway Interstellar
To: Andrew Bellingham
Subject: Curacao Summit
Mr Bellingham,
Good to hear from you sir.
It would be a pleasure in attending this summit, not only to discuss what you have laid down in the agenda but also to enjoy the company of so many distinguished guests.
I will arrive on Gateway)G.I.C.C. a few days before the meeting starts to relax.
---New Incoming Transmission---
---Location Trenton Outpost---
---Neural-net ID: Richard Price---
Good day Mr Bellingham.
Universal Shipping Inc. would be happy to send a representative to the summit.
We welcome the unique opportunity it discuss things openly with other sirius corporations and groups,
as we feel we may have some insight into certain aspects of the state of commerce.
We will of course be assigning a security detail for our representative, and would like to request the security information on the summit be sent to our Security officer Shane Brennan.
Richard Price
Vice President
Universal Shipping Inc.
Discordianism: the Schroedinger's Cat of religions.