---New Incoming Transmission---
---Location Trenton Outpost---
---Neural-net ID: Richard Price---
Miss Allen.
Since you seem to be unwilling to allow both myself and Araevin Teshurr to attend in as representatives of Universal Shipping Inc. I will be attending as our representative.
Although I would request you reconsider your limitation on allowing only one representative to come to the summit, as we run Universal in such a way that there are certain aspects that I am not as knowledge about in as he would be, and likewise there are some things in which I am more knowledgeable then Mr. Teshurr.
If you choose to reconsider then you can count both myself and Araevin Teshurr as attending, otherwise count only myself.
Richard Price
Vice President
Universal Shipping Inc.
Discordianism: the Schroedinger's Cat of religions.
My name is Jaian Ki, head administrator within Sirius Robotics.
Sirius Robotics is a specialist manufacturer in the Robotics area. As we are based in Liberty, Omega-3 and Omicron Theta and have our main market in the Houses, we would be extremely interested in attending this summit.
We have our own interests in each of the agenda's currently put forward for the summit.
If possible, we would like to put forward another possible agenda, the question of Robotics use in space, specifically Drone Fighters and the like.
We hope to hear from you soon,
Thank you for your attention,
Freeport 1's Representative from the Council of Citizens is Ms. Siena Rae. Please amend your list, as Mister Summers is indisposed of right now, as is Ms. Savage.
Thank you.
- Jordan Parker, Freeport One Communications manager
Prehaps a history lesson will be of advantage for you and those of whom you repersent. As not one Summit or other similiar alliance or formation has ever held two repersentative's for the same Faction, Company, Organisation, House, County or Country.
As requested I will name yourself as the Envoy for Universal Shipping Incorperated. Thank you for making a clear decision.
To: Jordan Parker
Thank you for your clarification. It will be adjusted.
To: Reginald Waverly
The Temporary Autonomous Zoners' are welcome to attend. I will take it that it will be one Doc Holliday acting as their Envoy. If it is different please confirm otherwise. I thank you for your kindly response.
To: Jaian Ki
I thank you for your response. Yes you may take an Envoy to the Summit. I will be naming yourself as it's Envoy unless you wish it to be any different.
And in regards to Robotics as an Agenda I will place it as an Agenda.
Thank you very much for your gratefull response.
To: Edward Malrone
Yourself will be named as the Ames Research Station Envoy. If it is any different please inform me upon your reply.
Next Civilian Research and Scientific Development, will be added to the Agenda. The other request of addition to the Agenda is acceptable in what it is about. I fully understand its value. However I myself can think of the correct suitable name for it. If you may be able to name it accordingly I will then add it to the Agenda. I myself will look in to it as well, but I would prefer that both of us do the same thing, in the manner of speaking two heads are better than one. However, till we have a more accurate name it will not be on the Agenda till we have it sorted out so that it is easily recognised by most person's. I hope you find this a acceptable way of going about this.
To: Dankien Moebus
I personnally thank you for your well put transmission. Of course I find it acceptable for the Omicroners to attend with an Envoy as certain things may end up effecting yourselves if certain things are brought to question. As an example, a trade pact may be made with all the attending Envoys. If that was to restrict it to those with in and you require that yourself and was not a part of the Summit it would put yourself in a understandable conflict of sorts with those that made such a Pact. But where in that you are part of it, you can and will be able to be included in the pact and have your voice.
You will placed as requested as the Omicroner Envoy that will be attending the Summit.
To: Colonel John Diocletian
I am sorry but I do not understand that last sentence at all sir.
However, in regards to what you have said and knowledge that I know, I do not see that the Colonial's are recognised as a House entity, operating like one, nor repersent anything of significance to Sirius, it's economy or repersentative of an existing House.
It would be of advantage to yourself if you can show me that the Colonials have something that is in the above paragraph. Untill then I am sorry to say that I see no contributrial evidence as to why Colonials should take part with in the Summit.
Konnichiwa Mr. Bellingham.
I have received an amended notice of participants to the summit and something caught my eye.
The Zoner movement will be represented by as of this moment four different individuals.
While I understand that the Temporary Autonomous Zoners and the Omicroners may well have separate concerns and as such need different representation.
The fact remains that the Zoner movement is often seen to pull together when ever they need weight of authority in any dealings they have.
As such if the Zoner movement, as that is what it is, is allowed to be represented by each and every location they make a home, then I feel it would only be fair to show the same consideration to all other attendees.
As such Kusari by itself would need to house over twenty five representatives, Samura Industries itself would be represented by nearly fifteen representatives.
The way it is currently structured you are allowing the largest voice in the summit to one of the smallest
populations in Sirius.
I hereby request that the Zoner movement be represented by a singular voice Just as the other delegates are.
If this is unreasonable then may I suggest that they be limited to only the largest groups of Zoners within Sirius, namely the Temporary Autonomous Zoners, the Omicroners and Omicron Supply Incorporated.
If this is unreasonable then I must request that other delegations are allowed the same respect, which would quickly swell out the amount of delegates to the thousands.
While I do understand the consternation of the gentleman from Samura, I would like to point out that all Samura bases and installations are under the singular leadership of Samura. It would not be a matter of concern if both Gateway and Bowex elect to attend, even though they are both transportation companies of Bretonian origin.
There are three primary Zoner organizations, and several other groups. Our stations are each run differently under different leadership and not under the singular control of either of the aforementioned groups.
In short, Zoners are about as singular as a bowl of spilled cheerios. Each of the Zoner groups electing to attend have their own concerns, issues and reasons for attending. I'll also note that one of the topics of the agenda happens to be research, a topic very much of concern to Ames.
It is therefore, our position that there is nothing untoward in having Freeport 1, TAZ, Omicroners, and Ames in attendance.
>>>[color=#000000]INCOMING >>>[color=#000000]Sender - Secretary General Richard Connors
>>>[color=#000000]Opening Video Feed<<<
[color=#000000]Good day Miss Allen
It is my hope that the burden of organizing this summit has not creased your brow, too much.
My name is Richard Connors, Secretary General of the Colonial Republic, and acting on behalf of President John Diocletian in the answer to your query, which, I must say, struck us as odd.
In your own words, you have said, that our government, and its citizenry, does not seem to conduct itself as a "house entity," nor representing anything significant to Sirius as a whole. I can understand your confusion, as the Colonial Republic does occupy a rather interesting place within the Sirius Sector, and not all realize who we are, who our citizens are, who our armed forces are, and what we do for the safety of Sirius every single day.
And so, I'm here to shed light on that mystery.
In truth, Miss Allen, the Colonial Republic is a rich nation, with a strong people. For us, Life here, began out there. The very same roots, as all who live in Sirius now - the shining jewel known as Sol in our story books and lullabies. For us, the exodus started much earlier, as we were pioneers, pilots and passengers of prototypes, destined to trail-blaze a virgin galaxy. The story that brought us here is very long, and for us, tragic. Our road was not paved with one, or even few - but by the loving arms of many brave souls, the cherished, and we carry on in the memory of those we left behind.
In Sirius today, many know us, but do not know our names, or our faces. The hard working miners and pilots of the IMG know us well - as do our enemies - the villainous drug and flesh peddlers who call themselves "outcasts" - Every single day our brave pilots - including my nephew - sortie against impossible odds to stop the outcast's "Orange Dream" - there plan of one day ruling all of sirius through addiction to their drugs. Every day we fight valiantly to hold back a never-ending tide.
No doubt many of you have heard the declarations from the Monarch of Gallia - I stand before you now, and tell you that the Colonial Republic is the first line of defense against King Charles vast invasion fleets. Our military has already met his recon and probe forces in battle, and each time we have been victorious. So you see, it is our brave men and women who keep Sirius safe at night - we the first line to hold back the gaulish hordes, and the tide of orange slavery.
I hope this testimony is sufficient to explain why our presence at this Summit is very much appropriate.
"Nihil novi nisi commune consensu" Nothing new without the consensus of all
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria
To: Ms. Kim Allen
RE: Conference
Greetings, Ms. Allen,
TAZ will be represented by Mr. Reginald Waverly as I am unable to attend due to other engagements and for the fact that my wife is recovering from a very serious illness at Canaria Medical. Trust me when I say that Mr. Waverly is a man I have great confidence in and that he represents TAZ with equal interest. So please, update your guest list.
Many Thanks,
Dr. John Henry Holliday
TAZ Administrator
THe Zoners are not lead by one single person, nor do they have all one single need. The different Zoner Factions that are with in Sirius, both major and minor ones, all have differences and different disires. So in the respect to the Zoners they are welcome to have a number of Envoys equal to the number of Factions both large and small. Also I will point out a Corperation is a much simplier affair as a corperation should only be working towards one goal, thus all of its employee's would be repersented by one Envoy. Even if the designated person does not know something normally with in the corperation they should get reports from each area of the Corperation to be able to act as a Envoy fully.
To breifly end corperations will only have one Envoy and Zoners being far more complex will be allowed more than one Envoy per each Faction with in their community.
To: Richard Connors
Good evening,
I fail to see that your people are rich, especially considering your people control very little space. Nor have I ever heard of anything like trade between others from you own people. Which would be isolationist.
As I have not got any evidence of that your people are not isonationists, nor evidence of your rich's, you will not be permitted to attend the Summit with an Envoy.
To: Doc Holliday
Good evening,
I am very sad to hear about your wife. I express my feelings to yourself and your wife in that she will recover soon.
Now to the matter at hand. I will update the list that I hold. However, it need not have been addressed in the fashion you did. Namely because I did ask Mr. Reginald Waverly to correct me if my assumption was wrong
I must agree with my esteemed colleague from Samura. If the Zoners are allowed a representative from each base, as well as each faction, we may as well just call this the Zoner summit, as the Zoners will outnumber all other delegates, probably by a magnitude of 2 to 1. I have no doubt that this summit will become bogged down in Zoner issues. I am reconsidering my attendance if this will just be a platform for the Zoners to deal with their issues to the exclusion of others, which is what will happen with the number of Zoner representatives that you propose for attendance.