So i decided to make a third attempt to actually make a modell what can be placed ingame...and now i have one it's textured and i like and things like that. Now the problem, i found a thread on the devs forum what was made to help beginners...well i must admitt that stuff is REALLY useful and help a lot BUT there was a link from where i downloaded the MAT and CMP exporter for 3Ds max, but when i start up 3Ds max i get a message something like: This stuff is not made for 3Ds max 2009. So the only thing i wanna know is there any CMP and MAT exporter plugin for 3Ds max 2009? And if yes, can someone give me a link to dowload?
Edit: yup i not wanted to make another thread for this so i just changed the name of this one.
you export an OBJ file from 3DSmax, you use the CMP and MAT exporters for Milkshape 3D, you will then need HardCMP to hardpoint your ship, and a sur converter to give your ship a hitbox.
you then need decrypted ini files you can get from the FL SDK, you can then add the required data to the ini files regarding your ship, and then take off with it in space.
Here's what i working on. Texturing is around 70% complete.
It's something like the Spatial just with attached observation room and much more space to carry equipment and crew and enhanced comm system and solar light collectors/background radiation convertes to support the ship with power on the long period deep space missions.
Edit: I forgotten about the stats, so...really nothing big 'coz i want to make this as a civilian maybe it can has a bit better stats than the Armored transport, maybe 1200 cargo 4-6 turrets and 2-4 class 10 weap slots...just 'coz whi not, maybe it can also get a CD (i'm not sure about this) transport shields and a good transport power core