Money is shared ooRPly. That is, most of the money in IC and FIST banks are mine.
All money belongs to IC inRP.
IFF is simply showing who we are... Affiliated to.
Oh yes. I am shared.
Faction Rights? No. The hell you pulled that out?
So I am reffering you to the post where I already asked you to leave, since you are not giving feedback to IC.
You are getting at me, personally.
Now, if that is all, leave this thread.
Getting a Cap 8 Armor for official factions is Faction Right 3. In your request to use this right for IC you asked that the armor be given to a FIST ship as opposed to a IC one, that is sharing faction rights.
The feedback is for |IC, which seems to be connected to FIST by your own admission, although you seem to go back and forth on the question alot. First you arent connected, then you are, then you arent, then you are.
Point is, that I think |IC should focus on the thing IC is supposed to do, which is not merc. Fill the role you are supposed to fill. Dont abuse the ID system, because using two ID's for connected groups is an abuse of the ID system to such a large level that it must be brought up in a feedback thread. Right? RIGHT???? (wink)
' Wrote:Getting a Cap 8 Armor for official factions is Faction Right 3. In your request to use this right for IC you asked that the armor be given to a FIST ship as opposed to a IC one, that is sharing faction rights.
No. There is absolutely nothing mentioned that it must be faction's ship.
Considering IC| banks might got corrupted due to excess money, I would rather not risk that.
Did you get the ok from your faction members before giving away their Cap 8 that belongs to the faction for it's work? How did you explain to them what you would be doing with it?
' Wrote:Did you get the ok from your faction members before giving away their Cap 8 that belongs to the faction for it's work? How did you explain to them what you would be doing with it?
The reason I ask this is that the FR3 Armor is not a gift to you as the faction leader, but a reward to the faction, which you have taken away from them. I asked if you got permission from them to take it, and how you explained to them what you were doing with it.
Zelot, you are making excuses to find abuse of ID system where there is none. It's two different factions.
Fist&Co is unofficial and therefore has no faction rights or responsibilities. They do not share the tag to keep IC| activity up. How factions are financed is also irrelevant. Shared leader it's not an issue either, I think.
The only concern you can bring up is the shared IFF.
' Wrote:Zelot, you are making excuses to find abuse of ID system where there is none. It's two different factions. Fist&Co is unofficial and therefore has no faction rights or responsibilities. They do not share the tag to keep IC| activity up. How factions are financed is also irrelevant. Shared leader it's not an issue either, I think.
The only concern you can bring up is the shared IFF.
You are absolutely right, as an unofficial faction, FIST has no faction rights or responsibilities. Just like some other unofficial factions. But when the clearly joint leader or IC| and FIST brings up these same complaints with other unofficial factions, someone must be there to make sure he answers the same questions and complaints he gives to others, when they also apply to his factions.
My point being. If you are going to go hassle other factions in the same situation, expect a hassle yourself over the same things.
Although I do think how factions are financed is an important question, as is where the proceeds of FR3 go, as that is a reward for the faction, not the faction leader.