I'm pleased with the success of our last operations, some of you have shown the necessary abilities to advance within our ranks. I'll keep this short as I'm not a fan of long speeches.
Lieutenant Kinnaird has been promoted to [color=#33CC00]Major.
Fleet Captain Kapell has been promoted to [color=#33CC00]Fleet Commander.
This is Fleet Commander Ervyn Kapell reporting in for a glorious day for the Legion.
Intel received earlier this evening suggested the presence of an Assault-Class Liberty Carrier (Codename LN-Battleship-Prime) patrolling in the New York system. The HFB Ven'Gyr, commanded by Fleet Marshall Voss, and the HFC Abaddon, piloted by myself, were sent on a search&destroy operation.
Contact was made with the Prime near a Trade Lane in the vicinity of Fort Bush. As soon as it spotted us, he engaged his cruise engines in an attempt to escape. We managed to follow it from a reasonable distance. However, it quickly became clear that we were not going to get close enough to successfully disrupt its cruise engines. The Ven'Gyr then exited its chasing course in order to lure the Prime into a fight with the Abaddon.
It turned out that the Carrier had a similar plan. It set its course to Fort Bush and called the LNS-D'Ark, a Liberty Dreadnought for backup. Contact with the D'Ark was made 30 clicks directly below Fort Bush. The HFC Iblis and its strikecraft escort, which were on a scouting mission in the surroundings, joined the Abaddon. Battle was unbalanced and the Abaddon was taking heavy hits from both the energy driver cannons and the long-range missile systems of the two battleships.
It was then that the cavalry arrived. The HFB Ven'Gyr dropped out of cruise speed and assumed a bold attack vector, setting an interception course and charging both the Prime and the D'Ark while the HFBC Last Sunrise provided fire support from afar. The two enemy battleships were crushed in a matter of seconds by the combined fire of the Legion battlegroup.
We then proceeded to leave the area and returned to base.
Now the time has come to report yesterday California Activity.
Unfortunately due to some circumstances, only two of Legionaires were able to come at place.
That means fight was very uncoordinated, and every try to giving orders, well just werent sufficient.
Nevertheless, we arrived at place, and the sight wasnt surprising.
After some strange moves of the 'group at place' I ordered out little wing to start what we all love.
We, of course, couldnt count on good behaviour of Navie boys. Well, NAVIE...
It took a while, but nasty libbie eventually got his lesson, in panic trying to flee out of battlefield.
Bad luck boy, bad luck. Our SNACs are faster.
After first target was down, I made quick recon on 'party members'.
I was surprised seeing that big group was already in escape pods, and rest of hostile caps moved in unknown direction.
Short after my 'discovery', I've received message about system malfunction of Beta-4.
That left me basically alone with one, 'burning' problem
[color=#993300]It's been a while since my last report. Today we've been out in California to investigate a signal we've received from someone. While we were going to rendezvous to the location, Icebrand was spotted by a Navy fighter and they engaged in combat. I rushed to assist him when a dreadnought and a gunboat appeared and opened fire on us but luckily, Ven'Gyr was close and managed to bring down the dreadnought and gunboat fled.
Unfortunately, another dreadnought arrived and crippled Ven'Gyr and then fled for repairs. In the meanwhile Star Colonel Dagon and I started picking up the surrounding fighters. First one to be shot down was a Guardian, but then, a cruiser appeared and Dagon was badly damaged and forced to retreat while I was still engaged by a Liberator and later an LSF agent. Needless to say, the only one that was left intact was the cruiser as my weapons didn't carry enough firepower to take it down.
ID: Major Dane Kinnaird.
Location: Ouray Base, Colorado.
Kinnaird checking in.
I took my bomber out for a spin today to clean off the rust... both from the ship and the pilot.
A short trip around the Jersey debris field revealed no other ships, save for an unusual vessel which somewhat resembled a Gammusian AI ship. I didn't care much for what it was doing and it didn't get in my way, so I moved on.
After further reconaissance in New York I discovered that a Dreadnought, the LNS-Halifax, was in the berths at Norfolk Shipyard. However, the area was too heavily defended for me to attempt an attack on the vulnerable battleship.
I then took a circumspect route around into Texas, steering clear of some unfriendly Junker CSVs in the North Dallas Field. Then, approaching the Trade Lane to New York, I stumbled across my prize: a Siege Cruiser was escorting an Independent Trade Ship to New York, both of them full of Engine Components.
Seeing the opportunity to sieze resources for the Legion and take down an enemy warship in one go, I warned the trader to stay clear and began my assault on the Cruiser. Stupidly enough, the Cruiser's gunnery control was more focussed on a pack of Outcast Daggers nearby rather than the deadly threat this Legionnaire provided. As the Cruiser's shields began to suffer for their lack of judgement, the Trader took the Jump Gate to New York, and then the Cruiser turned its cannons against me.
However, the ponderous guns could not effectively track my bomber, so I evaded incoming fire while dishing out serious antimatter in return. However, their power control operator seemed to have a clear head, diverting power to the Cruiser's shields just before they would have collapsed. The Cruiser's commander, realising that he was going to be pulled apart on his own, powered up engines and jumped to New York. Not wasting a moment, I followed him through.
On the other side of the Gate, the Cruiser was waiting for me, bright spears of laser beams bracketing my ship. Unshaken, I dodged the incoming fire and showed him more of my energy torpedo's business end.
Once again, the Cruiser captain showed his cowardice (or sanity, perhaps) and fled for the Trade Lane, not putting up much of a fight. I followed it all the way to Baltimore Shipyard, where it proceeded to moor. Unfortunately, the defense batteries on Fort Bush had me in their sights, so I had to pull out, and I burned back to base.
As per decision of the High Command the following Legionnaires have been promoted.
Marco Sera to [color=#33FF33]Fleet Admiral
Wilson Carse to [color=#33FF33]Fleet Captain
Dane Kinnaird to Fleet Captain
Jason Hughes to Major
Kailee Laura Barnes to Lieutenant
Whilst on a mission to Dublin I happened across a member of the Reavers mercenary company. Given their close links to both the Liberty navy and police force, I am distinctly wary as to their motives, but I am forwarding the transcript of our conversation for your perusal.
[font=Fixedsys]A[color=#FFCC66]llTask-Force Gladius elements are hereby to return to Fort Leniex for debriefing, refit, and resupply. The only exception are liasion officers directly assigned to Pacifica base. All of your returning biological selves can expect a week of shore-leave on Guadaljara post-debriefing. Liaison officers are to stand by for further instructions. This is an executive order, to be carried out within the next twenty-four hour period.
T[color=#FFCC66]hisisis an executive announcement concerning the whole of the Legion.
All leading officers of the Special Operations and Armed Reconnaissance Division are hereby reassigned to the regular Legion Force. In detail that means that everyone except Star Colonel Mallean Dagon is reassigned to Task-Force Warhammer stationed in the Ouray perimeter. Your biological selves are also given a week of shore-leave on Guadalajara after debriefing on Leniex.
This effectively goes hand-in-hand with a change of rank for the following: Adrian Morton, Ayane Kosuke , Ashira Kogomi, Darrell Sears, Jeffer Roshak, Leon Douglas and Sam Beumont. Your biological selves are all given the rank of Major as of now. Refer to Executive Commander Hunter for detailed orders regarding your reassignment.
Additionally, Star Colonel Mallean Dagon is as of now given the rank and position of Fleet Marshal and due for immediate reassignment to Fort Leniex after shore-leave.
The returning elements of Task-Force Gladius will undergo a change of crew in the next 24 hours. Transfer to Vespucci has been arranged for all legionnaires who served in the Hudson and Bering theatre of operations as part of TF Gladius, with the exception for the crew-members of the Cruisers Damocles and Excalibur. Those will undergo extensive refitting and rearmament after the undergoing re-evaluation of their combat performance. Fleet Admiral Marco Sera is in charge of the refit and rearmament procedures, and the crew exchange will happen in Vespucci at Monterrey Base after the Cruisers' crews have been debriefed. Afterwards they will be fully integrated into Task-Force Warhammer. The Battleship Incursus is already undergoing this procedure as extensive modifications or otherwise are unnecessary. Remaining Liaison officers on Pacifica Base will be relieved in the near future, and my artificial self will act as the chief Liaison with the Unioner Department for the time being. The Legion's relations with the Unioners remain unchanged, as do any agreements.
As such, the High Command wishes all your biological selves a "relaxing" and enjoyable shore-leave.
For every other of your unfortunate biological selves who aren't getting a week of shore-leave:
Quote:[font=Fixedsys]Task-Force Warhammer's composition changes to the following:
Assault DreadnoughtVen'Gyr(Task-Force Warhammer Flagship) (Pending repairs to prevent it from falling apart as usual.) Heavy Fire Support / Multi-Role BattleshipLibertine (Pending rearmament, to be completed in 24 hours.) ELINT / Tactical Fire Support BattleshipIncursus Assault BattlecruiserLast Sunrise Tactical Fire Support DestroyerIblis (Pending armor refit, to be completed in 24 hours.) Assault / Multi-Role DestroyerAbbaddon (Pending armor refit, to be completed in 24 hours.) Light Siege / Heavy Interdiction CruiserExcalibur (Pending rearmament, to be completed in 72 hours.) Light Siege / Heavy Interdiction CruiserDamocles (Pending rearmament, to be completed in 72 hours.) Assault GunboatUndaunted Utility ShipLake Crescent Fast-response Strike Bomber WingBeta Fast-response Assault Fighter WingOmega Fast-response Space-Superiority Fighter WingTheta Fast-response Assault Fighter WingZeta
As well as the accompanying strike-craft operating from aboard the Ven'Gyr, Libertine, Incursus as well as Ouray Base, and the re-assigned elements of the SAD once they return from shore-leave.
Task Force Warhammer remains under direct command of Executive Commander Hunter. Fleet Marshal Duncan Voss is being put in charge of offensive operations and coordinating Legion operations with the Xeno Alliance, acting as the ranking Liaison Officer. Xeno-related matters, requests and questions otherwise are to be directed to his biological self. Supreme command stays as always with Lord Commander Markson.
Quote:[font=Fixedsys][color=#FFCC77]The composition of rear-guard capital assets stationed in Vespucci remains largely unchanged:
Experimental BattleshipRevenant(Rear-Guard Flagship) Assault DreadnoughtRavager Heavy Fire Support / Multi-Role BattleshipFate's Hand Tactical Fire Support / Multi-Role BattleshipPandion Logistics Support Freighter WingLambda Armed Reconnaissance Fighter Contingent
Strike-craft and other rear-guard contingents stationed in Vespucci not mentioned otherwise remain unchanged[font=Fixedsys][color=#FFFF77]All rear-guard assets will continue to operate under direct command of Lord Commander Markson as before. Fleet Marshal Daniels is in charge of the Armed Reconnaissance Contingent's operations as well as being the commanding officer of the Pandion.
Major Wainwright, regarding the encounter with the Reaver Mercenaries, you may consider this an official announcement concerning your biological self as well as the Legion as a whole. Due to efforts of covert elements of the Legion, the Reaver Mercenary Company has ceased and will not attempt any hostile actions in the near future. We may approach the company's elements on neutral grounds, however disclosing any information regarding anyone but the Liberty Rogues, Outcasts, Freelancers, other Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, or independent Pirate elements is prohibited. This includes information of Independent Miners' Guild or corporate asset movements, as well as Lane Hacker or Xeno ones. This is a standing order for all Legion elements as a whole unless if the High Command decides otherwise.
Furthermore, Command advises to use your biological selves' own judgement on a case-by-case basis, however if Major Wainwright's biological self wishes to enter talks with the Reaver Mercenary Company, my artificial self asks the Major to inform the 'I' of this and High Command will decide if your biological self may or may not be given a special assignment. Talks with the Reaver Mercenary Company are a secondary concern at the time being, seeing as it has been assured that their biological selves will not undertake hostile actions against the Legion or its allies in the near future as mentioned before, so this would most certainly be a diplomatic reconnaissance task if your biological self wishes. Given your history and the success of establishing our relations with the Xenos, with your biological self being in large part responsible for this alliance, my artificial self sees no biological self more ideally suited for such a task. Should the you not wish to undertake it however, neither my artificial self nor High Command will hold this against your biological self.
Notes: This report is rated for Fleet Officers and above. Dissemination to Enlisted personnel is at the discretion of Squadron leaders.
Abstract: This report details the actions of Task Force Warhammer during its strategic assault on Liberty Navy assets in the New York system on the 11th November. The assault was commanded by Grand Admiral Calder aboard the Dreadnought HFB-Ven'Gyr; our other Capital Ships present were the Battleship HFB-Libertine, commanded by Fleet Admiral David Montero, and the Destroyer HFD-Abaddon, which I captained.
A majority of battle footage comes from the data recorders on board the Ven'Gyr, with notable supplements from the Abaddon.
#> The Battlecruiser Last Sunrise escorts the Cruiser Excalibur back to Vespucci for re-armament. (As per High Command redeployment orders.)
#> The operation begins with the lockdown of the Colorado - New York Jump Gate. Pinned by the Abaddon, an unsuspecting Liberty Carrier, the LNS-Manchester, is caught in a crossfire with the Ven'Gyr and is promptly destroyed. #> Survivors deemed minimal. Negligible damage to the Ven'Gyr. #> Reactor core detonation.
#> With the Battlegroup prepared, our Capital Ships jump to New York. #> The Libertine completes the jump and joins the formation. It prepares to scramble fighters for the next phase.
#> With fighters our fighter cover joined by members of the Xenos, we begin our assault on Norfolk. The LNS-Colossus, a Dreadnought, attempts to interdict us, but is swiftly turned to scrap. #> Multiple critical hull breaches confirmed. #> In range of Norfolk's security perimeter, the Libertine begins a broadside barrage, and prepares its heavy missile launchers. Gunners aboard the Ven'Gyr lock on the LNS-Independence, a Gunboat.
#> The Siege Cruiser LNS-Liberator is spotted, attempting to outflank the assault formation. Torpedoes from the Libertine bracket the Liberator. #> With help from the fighter cover, the Abaddon finishes off the weakened Liberator.
#> Another LSC launches from Norfolk Shipyard. This new vessel is the Choleriker, and its captain makes a grave mistake in bringing it too close the Ven'Gyr. #> Detonating munitions cause a chain reaction, causing catastrophic damage to the Navy Cruiser. #> The Libertine joins close formation with the Ven'Gyr. #> A Navy Battlecruiser launches - the LNS-Harbinger. The Libertine locks the target and begins launching torpedoes at extreme range.
#> Causing confusion for gunnery aboard the Ven'Gyr, a Siege Cruier identical to the Choleriker launches from Norfolk and begins firing. See datalogs: [1][2] #> The prow and dorsal batteries of the Ven'Gyr sight the second Choleriker and open fire. #> The hull of the Choleriker buckles and fails beneath the unrelenting fire of the Libertine. #> In an amusing display, the Navy attempts to trick us again by launching a third Cruiser, also identical to the Choleriker. The Libertine has the last laugh. #> High-explosive missiles from the Ven'Gyr cause the third Choleriker to rupture viciously, venting burning fuel.
#> A number of Secondary fleet Gunboats continue to harass our fighter cover. Concentrated fire from the Ven'Gyr punishes them for being distracted by smaller targets. #> The Ven'Gyr scores a kill on an INTERPOL Gunboat as the Libertine brings its cannons to bear for another attack.
#> In the distance, a foolish Liberty Rogue is knocked off by a Xenos pilot. #> With the first wave of defenders crushed, both sides regroup. A new hostile Dreadnought arrives, the LNS-Stronghold. The Libertine, the Ven'Gyr and the Abaddon bring the Stronghold into a murderous crossfire. #> With its shields collapsing, explosions ripple across the hull of the Stronghold. #> Unable to withstand the concentrated firepower, the Stronghold splits apart.
#> As reserve fighter squadrons are inbound on the combat zone, the Capital Ships come about to clear the defensive perimiter of Norfolk. #> At this stage, the Ven'Gyr and the Libertine have both sustained damage to shield arrays and hull plating. The sudden arrival of the Primary fleet Dreadnought LNS-Cloverfield necessitates a tactical withdrawal from the combat zone. As the Capitals regroup in the Badlands, Hellfire interceptors note a number of friendly-fire incidents caused by the Liberty Navy. #> Grand Admiral Calder issues orders as the Battlegroup prepares for the second assault. #> With scouts reporting that the Cloverfield has relocated from Norfolk, the Battlegroup pincers in towards the station.
#> All Capitals target the Portland, and its shields begin to falter. #> After a ferocious close-range firefight, a the Portland is left burning off the starboard side of the Ven'Gyr. #> Fires rage on board the Portland as it drifts away from Norfolk. The Libertine executes the dying ship.
#> The next target for the Capitals is the Battlecruiser Harbinger, which has been harrassing our ships at range with its missile batteries. #> The combined weight of fire causes heavy damage to the Harbinger. #> Surrounded on all side, the Harbinger begins to explode. #> The death throes of the battlecruiser send chunks of debris across the Norfolk perimeter.
#> A Navy pilot cries out in fear of the Legion's inescapabale wrath. #> The Utility/Repair ship Lake Crescent, which had already provided emergency repairs when regrouping in the Badlands, returned into the thick of the fray to provide urgent supplies to Legion Capitals. #> Grand Admiral Calder reasoned that the Legion had done enough damage for one day and if we continued we would be spread too thinly to continue fighting effectively. Gun batteries on the Ven'Gyr annihilatd the gunboat LNS-Enterprise as a parting gift.
[11.11.2011 04:03:33] Death: LN-Timothy.Hawk was killed by XA-Machete (Gun)
[11.11.2011 04:33:32] Death: [HF]-Jason.Hughes was killed by LNS-Harbinger (Missile/Torpedo)
[11.11.2011 04:34:44] Death: Buratino was killed by [HF]-HFB-Libertine (Wasp/Hornet) {friendly fire}
[11.11.2011 04:37:05] Death: [HF]-Goran was killed by LNS-Harbinger (Missile/Torpedo)
[11.11.2011 05:02:03] Death: [HF]-Borgir was killed by LNS-Portland (Gun)
[11.11.2011 05:06:02] Death: XA-Machete was killed by [LN]-LNS-Cloverfield (Wasp/Hornet)
[11.11.2011 05:07:05] Death: LPI-Virgil.Samms[O] was killed by [HF]-Blaster (Mine)
[11.11.2011 05:17:03] Death: Shivan was killed by [HF]-Blaster (Mine)