They will not get warping on their end due to the way Freelancer network code works. It considers player location on client side prioritized. Many other games (WoW for example) do approximate micro-tracing on server end at loss of packets, so that laggy client will see itself warping all around (what happens is that client ship location is corrected to auto-trace location from server) and lags will make it difficult to fight for both sides. Not for Freelancer though, hence it's almost impossible to fight laggy people in small fighters. Possibly can be compensated by implementing fast projectile weapons, but this requires extensive testing.
I don't claim I know how exactly it works, but it's based on my observation and testing I did a while ago (limiting bandwidth on my router for one of the machines, emulating lags for it, and observing from both how each one sees another in game).
I was there... and fought this guy twice within some 20mins... I killed him as a bretonian in Kyushu in an arrow (lagging arrow... hmm.. that was nice fight).. then I went to Tau31 and he came in a different bretonian character...somehow very similar to what happened earlier yesterday with my RM character....
anyway.. what I wanted to know.... is it possible to see the lag also from the other side? I know that you will not be warping.. but other things (NPCs mostly) would warp right?
I wrote this in some other thread already but:
some 2 weeks ago I had a fight in S13 (against a BS and 3-4 fighters) and at no point in the fight did I see any sign of lag from my side...I scored some razor hits on the fighters..and took some took.... then the BS said I was lagging and most of the other side left the fight, the other players didn't really confirm that... most didn't say anything only one said that "he would have hit me" (in a Falcata against a Chimaera), and he did hit me with Inferno 2-3 times I think, just not with Supernova
....I went to test the connection and send 20 pings on the server... none was lost, and all were around 50ms.
another thing is that the server is behaving really strange the last 2-3 days...with lag coming and going .. half players beeing kicked.. and the like... anyone else noticed?
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
Lag is something that might not be avoidable too like Storms in the area, how congested the network and the type of network he uses ex:DSL Dialup. I know everyone had those issues once or twice.:nono:
So give him the benefit of doubt. I do know if I red line I let people know like "I'm red lining or lagging".:cool:
Bottom line is Servers lag and connections lag thats technology.
' Wrote:I lag. On a regular basis. Why? My distance from my house to the server. That's across the pond and down a few countries. So my ping on average, probably anywhere from 180 to 200 milliseconds. My connection would have nothing to do with it, as I have a 1,536 kbps down/384 kbps up connection. What I run probably affects it a little as I usually have YIM, MSN, and Xfire running to make sure I can still talk to people (and it probably eats tons of my upstream bandwidth, but I can't really have any of those closed).
Then again, my PvP encounters stay rather low...too busy killing BHG NPCs or any other hostile NPCs:P
U'r confusing "high latency" with "lagging". U can have ping of 200, ergo high latency, since u'r far away from the server, but that won't cause u to lag. Lag is when ur latency varies between 78 and 800 every 3 sec, cos'u have some program running or ur ISP simply sux. Latency was NOT the issue here...LAG was.
Your Image exceeds Forum Regs, Please replace.......BULLDOGNK
Only read the first page so this maybe has been said..
As annoying as it is to fight with someone lagging there shouldn't be a rule that someone should be kicked or not allowed to fight just because there internet connection isn't as good as everyone else's.
My ping is hardly ever above 64 on this server so i don't think i have this problem but if i did have it would piss me of to be judged by my internet connection, we need to remember everyone has a right to play on this server if they want to.
Allright, now I am gonna talk.
I started playing FL online around this summer, My net sux completely, so I was happy to have a 1v1 training fight wthout lags..sometimes even bigger fights were unlaggy, but last few weeks my latency seems to be 2x higher every 5 seconds, so there is no way I can play. I knew I wont be good as a fighter, so I bought a Spatial and I explored...
You guys think its fun to wait 3 minutes at a base waiting to dock? You guys think laggers dont have problems hitting other fighters? You think we have 10mb connections for free here?
Tell me one reason wheres diference between laggy and unlaggy roleplayer?
It is always about people. You can find people who use lagging to defeat others, and you can find laggers, who withdraw from fight when someone tells them they lag. You just cant send people away because they dont have the same possibilityes you have. Kicking laggy players from server because you cant fight them means you are a PvP whore if not someone even worse.
' Wrote:It is always about people. You can find people who use lagging to defeat others, and you can find laggers, who withdraw from fight when someone tells them they lag.
That's the whole point. It's about people. No need to kick, but stay out of fight. Like i said: trade, pass bots/batteries, but don't spoil the fight for others. Decent player should acknowledge when others tell him he's lagging, and withdraw from the active combat.
Oh and 258/128 is just fine for FL. U don't need 10mb super expensive connections. But u do need a decent ISP, no WORM, LEECH, Viruses on your PC, and bandwith occupying programs turned off. Be fair to players DOING ALL to make sure they don't LAG! I could easily myself, let the e-mule run in the background to download some movies or stuff, and play FL, ignore the fact others tell me I'm lagging like hell, and play dumb. Is that the way all should act?
Your Image exceeds Forum Regs, Please replace.......BULLDOGNK
You guys defending laggers with giving examples of why rules against them should not be implemented dont need to worry.
Do you guys really think that any such rule would seriously be considered? Just because someone on here is overzealous about how they feel about laggers doesnt mean you guys have anything to worry about rule wise.
Such people vent then forget about it within a few hours. They will probably go and find something else to complain about, and this issue will be forgotten entierly.
The real point here was the one lagging using it as an exploit to further his own combat goals. Exploitation is cheating, and cheating is sanctionable. Now if someone is lagging, and does not realize it no problem. If someone is lagging, and is repeatedly abusing it, while knowing what it is doing, that is just wrong.
So you guys that trade, explore, and play nice and fair knowing that your lagging, i salute you.
To the ones that run downloads so all the rest of us float in straight lines, well repeated offenses are easily frapsed. And im sure multiple cases of this will be dealt with within the current rules, and no others need be made.
So if you dont know what lag is, look for this.
If you are fighting, and your enemy is warping around, and your getting hit after they pass you and clearly are not shooting at you, they are lagging.
If your shield is up and your hull is getting hit and your not in a planet or a sun, your enemy is lagging.
If your enemies are flying around, then they seem to engine kill and float in a straight line with no attempt to dodge at all, then they warp once and float around again, you are lagging and need to pay attention to the blinking yellow or red computer icon.
Quote:LAG has nothing to do with RP. Therefore, it shouldn't be a huge issue here unless the person is pvp whoring which would be an issue in and of itself.
if someone is gunning to kill you for an RP reason, and that person is lagging, it is a very very influential event for your RP. Having an invincible opponent with a warp drive is silly, and as such for RP's sake, the fight should be called off until a better connection or stable connection can be established.
But dont worry about being repremanded for lagging, unless you are repeatedly abusing your extra advantages gained from it.
And im not saying that anyone related to any of these posts is a repeat exploiter. Just pointing out that repeat exploiters will be the ones in trouble, not people that just had a bad day of connection.
*Wilson shows off his ham sandwich* - Armory.003
*mark placed on Unit-sk855's forehead* - Head hitting the desk as of reading the above
Wisely said, Unit -sk855.
There are actually some people that i'v met, fought, and told them about their lag.
They apologized, and asked to continue the fight the next time.
That is fair.
And if it is a multy fight (I mean, there was like 5 of you and 3 of us there, right?), he can easily abandon the battle, you still have the number advantage.
And this guy done the same with other characters as well.
He is not lagging one day, it's not a bad day for him.
He is lagging all the time, and he ignores our input about his lag.
And not just ignore, he is even starting to argue, attacking us that we are accusing him because we can't beat him etc.
Now that is unfair.
I hope you all get the point.
What insults me more then lag here is the attitude of the one that is lagging.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.