Emergency Defense Group Enterprise disbandment notice
In accordance with decision of Board of Executives Emergency Defense Group Enterprise is undergoing a disbandment process that will end with 1st January 2012. After that date all rights, including technology grants, hunting licenses and particular agreements will be null and void. All corporate assets will have to be sold to private entities. Intellectual property, including trademark, advertisements and recruitment bumper stickers, will be transferred to a private bounty hunter retirement fund owned by Walter Sobchak, Jack Payton and Vityaz Hunt. Furthermore...
EDGE in numbers
Faction creation: November 2010
Faction disbandment: December 2011
At the time of disbandment EDGE had: 19 obviously inactive employees, i.e. members 1 external contractor, i.e. recruit 10 former employees, i.e. members who left 15 former external contractors, i.e. recruits who failed 89 ships in fleet database including: 32 fighters
16 bombers
25 gunboats
11 capital ships
5 special purpose ships
During its existence EDGE claimed nearly two billion credits:
Total amount claimed: 1 912 700 000 SC
Total amount of kills: 763
Average payment per kill: 2 500 000 SC
First greatest paymaster: Independent Miners Guild (588 300 000 SC)
Second greatest paymaster: Liberty Navy (383 500 000 SC)
Best month: June 2011
Claimed on best month: 342 800 000 SC
Kills on best month: 131
Mostly targeted faction: Outcasts (327 kills)
Mostly destroyed ship: Sabre (98 kills)
EDGE in links
Information Network, i.e. faction information thread Corporate Channel, i.e. lore thread containing stories, character profiles, advertisements, etc. Faction Creation Request, i.e. a thread containing improved concept of faction and usual flames
We had also external forum, Employees Database, i.e. script showing members with their short biographies, Fleet Database, i.e. script showing complete list of our ships, Bounties Database, i.e. script showing detailed statistics of our bounty claims. We also had our own activity tracker showing detailed statistics of each employee by parsing server statistics file and target tracking system that was checking on-line player list for high value bounties. Both scripts are secured and cannot be accessed without logging on forum.
A short subjective history of the faction
Faction was created by me, that is Guszaban, and Eqvinox in November 2010 and several other ex-ICMG miners. We had moderate luck with recruitment and activity, therefore, for the first three months it was basically only me and Eqvinox flying in EDGE. We started from fighting Outcasts in Tau-23 alongside Colonials, however, later on we decided to extend our operations to Liberty too. In short time, EDGE monopolized Liberty bounty board. In the meantime we recruited several other members, however, we were still not able to field more than 4 ships at the same time, and usually less than that. When Liberty bounty board was closed and mining mod overhaul resulted in radical changes in server's economy, we moved to Bretonia, Lower Omegas and even West Rheinland. There we started to extensively claim on Daumann and Kruger bounty boards. In March we have worked out a deal with Daumann for our first real Emergency Defense Group deployment to Omega-11. At that time we had only three or four active members and most of the time we were obliterated by Red Hessians. Contract didn't last long as DHC was disbanded. During next month we were limited to regular bounty hunting and our operations were spanning from West Rheinland and Lower Omegas through Bretonia and Liberty to Upper Taus. During this time we made a fusion with an independent bounty hunter group, whose members were all new and unexperienced players. We have put a lot of effort in training them, but in the end most of them left. In June we have signed EDG deployment contract with IMG and applied to become official faction. Out application was completely ignored by the admins and we decided to withdraw it. At this point I have also left FL and EDGE. As far as I know, for next three months EDGE under Eqvinox focused in battling Outcasts in upper Taus. The contract with IMG lasted until October when faction's activity started to seriously decline. After three months of minimal activity, faction leaders, Eqvinox and Knjaz, after consultation with me, decided to disband EDGE.
What went wrong?
Whether you like it or not, EDGE was a successful faction. With a strong background lore, this combat oriented faction became the most efficient lawful bounty hunter organization, definitely surpassing official Bounty Hunter Guild in the first half of 2011. The main difference between official BHG and EDGE was that we were deploying strong wings into areas of our operations. We were calling them Emergency Defense Group deployments. In other words each employee was required to have at least one fighter and bomber in such a hot spot, and often more including gunboats. This allowed us to quickly respond to any averagely organized unlawful activity by deploying a task force consisting of appropriate ships. This is what EDGE was at its prime, organized and efficient. What went wrong? To be honest nothing. Like always in such situations, just a majority of the players got bored and lost interest in this type of gameplay. Why this happened? The best answer will be that it just happened. But there is also one important factor, that made the game ugly for many of us. BHG ID is not suitable for this type of organization. In short, it requires too much paperwork. Every battle in Taus resulted at some point in ten or more kills. Each of this kill had to be posted, which included preparing screenshots, describing them, counting everything and finally posting. Every hour of tense fighting resulted in another hour of boring forumwork. I have personally posted 140 claims including 330 kills covered by 813 screenshots! This was insane. In short, BHG ID is more suitable for small groups and lone wolfs. When you want to play as a private army for hire, it doesn't make any sense in the long run. In the end, EDGE required too much of paperwork that nobody was capable or interested in doing.
Thank you
I would like to thank everyone whom we played with for a blast of fun we had this year. I know that there are probably still many people who dislike our faction. But you can't be friends with everyone when you have claimed nearly one thousand kills. That being said, I want to say we never took it personally. It was just a business... and fun. And, if I may add, it was really nice when we received from time to time a positive feedback from saved traders, rescued miners and even killed targets who enjoyed the hunt. And for that we thank you. Special thanks go to Lane Hackers with whom we fought enthralling battles at the beginning of the year. We also want to thank Red Hessians for throwing at us their whole might. You really pushed us to the edge, and it was uneven but greatly entertaining and rewarding experience. And finally I would like to personally thank all EDGE members for being great wingmen and friends. We had a great time together. Thanks goes to Adam Malkovich, Adolf von Steinburg, Akiyama Yukihime, Alfred Strauss, Anita Hamilton, Anthony Haven, Anthony Ortiz, Ash Maloc, Con Valian, Denergar Remarque, Draven Steel, Dwayne Duncan, Hannah Black, John Krispo, John Squire, Kyle Winchester, Lamar Paisley, Lennard Wenceslaus, Lugger Winchester, Matthew Reynolds, Rico Hernandez, Ryan Freeman, Sam Limuzin, Samuel Koro, Ugo Pike, Vityaz Hunt, Walter Sobchak, Zangulus Ramirez.
P.S. I am really sorry I have left you in summer, but FL consumed too much of my life already.
This character is retired. Associated forum account is disabled.
Nothing left to say except for Kudos. You did a great Bounty Hunter job and had a great RP. Met you guys pretty often (due to may amount of unlawfuls ;)), I lost some I won some. Too bad you`re disbanding, again there are only mercs left.
A shame you disbanded. Hopefully you guys will find some other way to keep an interest in the game.
I hear you on the paperwork - the redtape is annoying. If you have suggestions as to how to improve on it...?
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Mind your manners people or keep your traps shut, please.
So, you're saying... When a "Grab the biggest ship you can & gank all lone fighters you see then brag about how awesome you are killin lone fighters in your CAU8 gunboats" group gets disbanded, people should come in and go like "oh what a shame, you were actually fun to play with even though you played dirty" just so the community looks nice and friendly even though the same group who have posted this notice never was toward the community?