Ok. was on 3 hours yesterday, and 2 hours today. 19 ships running improper IDs.
For example 2 Liberty GBs with freelancer IDs which thought that was ok cause freelancer ID said GBs allowed.
3 trains with freelancer IDs that refused to answer when spoken do, and just flew away.(in dread so could not stop or shoot)
So is it just the holidays? Or has the whole ID system just gone to hell, and i missed the memo. Discuss/flame/troll as you will. Fire away.
PS. Can i just start blowing these guys to hell when they refuse to respond, or yell it is allowed?
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First, wrong forum.
Some people don't know the rules well. My suggestion is to tell them what they're doing wrong in PM. If they ignore you and continue using the bad IDs, report them.
Some people don't know the rules well. My suggestion is to tell them what they're doing wrong in PM. If they ignore you and continue using the bad IDs, report them.
Not wrong forum as i am asking to discuss this. Not get a ruling, or put it in the idiot forum for flame wars.
I have been telling them rules. spent 45 minutes last night telling a pair of freelancers in Liberty GBs they are not allowed to use with that ID. After 45 minutes 1 just logged off, and other said look out for his dread as he was going to smash me with it. Now if you got a Dread, or even a GB you been here long enough to read the damn rules.
As for filing sanctions? utterly useless unless i want to see them punished in june of 2012. Also 1 per day only allowed so read the number i listed.
Well now i am getting upset again, so screw it. Off to NY to start killing them off.
Ask for simple discussion, and get BS, so now to take that BS and shove it up the rule breakers(place area here). Thank you. I almost forgot no one can "discuss" in the "Discussion" thread.
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' Wrote:Not wrong forum as i am asking to discuss this. Not get a ruling, or put it in the idiot forum for flame wars.
Yes, this is the wrong forum. Discovery Mod General Discussion is not the right place to talk about people ignoring a specific server's rules. Discovery RP 24/7 Rules or Discovery RP 24/7 General Discussions would be acceptable.
As for the sanctions issue I'm not sure. You could try taking screenshots of everything, then combining it into one huge violation report.
I've spent the last 1-2 hours to finish a trip with ma trader because I blowed up by lolwuts multiple times(20 mill or dai, I see your level, My ID allows to do guys...) and I realised that you dont have to spend time on them. They can blow up something in their virtual life and smiling on it...not you are the pathetic... Be patient, be cool and sh@t on it. Its still just a game and we need to find the way to enjoy it. Sure thing, I can be upset when a lolwut ask for 20 mill and blow me up after the 5,4,3,2,1 thingie while I type a fast answer, but you cant do nothing against it. Ye, you can fill a report, but well...you told it already.
The most important, try to ignore and just close your eyes sometimes...it works, trust me.
I saw those GB guys. I got a screenshot of one ID but not the other. I figured they were just newbies but if they were arguing about it I'll file a report.
As to why it happens, the system is not transparent and obvious, and the words are not always explicit and clear. I still get surprised by stuff in the game.
Quote:PS. Can i just start blowing these guys to hell when they refuse to respond, or yell it is allowed?
It's not about blow things to hell, there is little more then that. For example fair play.
You can start by explaining him/them using PM in the game, simply report to the angels along with shots and their names and they can try to help or if you are totally bored just report them, but I think the second option is better and it will help everybody on this server.
I like the suggestions to speak to violators via PM in order to help them. There could be various reasons why such ones do not have correct ship/ID. It's nice to give such ones a chance to comply with the complicated rules of this game, once an explanation is privately given.
However, if they refuse to communicate with you in your efforts to help them, then by all means report them to the admins. Blowing Trains up in your Dread may bring you much satisfaction, however a short stay in Bastille may motivate them to comply much quicker.
Ah i feel much better now. 7 dead lolwuts. So nice to have a ship for any occasion.
I changed my mind. All people keep saying is talk to them in PM, file sanction reports.
I have talked for about 3hours total in 2 days. They just argue, or do not understand english(which is required here rule wise also) Reports are BS as admins do maybe 3-5 a week. We all know there is a crap load more offenders.
So no admins in game to do anything. I blow them up.
Filing reports will not do anything. I blow them up.
Talking to a wall not doing anything. I blow them up.
Now after 7 dead(1 I killed 9 times as he thinks suiciding is not dead in a PvP) I feel so much better. Thx for the "discussion":mellow:
Although I'm usually inclined to disagree with random acts of violence there is always a limit.
Theres only so many times some idiot(s) can do something to you, say something to you, or do something to others, before you just yell "**** it" and blow them into tiney bits.
Unfortunatly this is a game that, like any multiplayer game really, needs to be taken atleast a bit seriously. The second people seem to forget that there is actually someone on the recieveing end of thier actions, not some line of code nobody really cares about, they need to be sorted out.
And yes you can read extra into this and notice I'm not just having a rant about this topic but all multiplayer gaming in general.
It seems 90% of people are idiots, and the second there is a virtual person standing infront of them completely forget that they, like themselfs, are a person sitting behind a computer. And as a result all restraint towards that person, whether it be to thier personal feelings, or just to thier personal goals, go right out the window.