if battleships get a auto anti fighter missile lunchers like 2 missile in a sec (cuz if you remove cruising you get more energy) or auto aiming anti fighter turrets + abit(%30) more armour i like this idea to happen.
The idea that an object in space will continue forever is false, and just plain silly to boot. Space, the portions of it that we use and travel through in game, is full of flotsom and jetsom. Each little impact causes a decrease in momentum. Gravity also plays a part. There are far to many gravity wells inside a solar system for a ship to come even remotely close to perpetual motion. Last but not least, weapons fire and impacts are going to cause changes in momentum and course. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, remember?
A battleship, or any construction of man, is going to be to minute for it to have it's own effective gravity well. Will it pull things in? Sure, but only very tiny things and only if it's been motionless, relevant to the debris, long enough to affect the debris's previous course. Gravity certainly won't push the asteroids away.
An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. It WOULD keep going unless somthing hits it or it gets drag in a nebula or somthing.
Furthermore, while the idea is sound, i think impulse should be like this for battleships as is, as a thruster on a battleship makes no sense due to the sheer mass of them.
That was kinda my whole point. The ships are going to be acted on by, quite literally, tons of outside forces. Gravity from stars, planets, moons, planetoids, and blackholes. They are going to experience course changes and degradation of momentum due to debris impacts, weapons impacts, and weapons fire. And while weight has no meaning in space, mass does. These ships are massive, on a purely human scale, and the forces needed to keep them from being knocked or dragged off course continually are equally massive.
Camtheman's remark that an object in space will continue forever is technically true. Without outside forces acting on it, it will. My point is that there is no such situation. It's a great example of science used without common sense. The same things that cause friction here on earth are going to degrade and warp a ships course in space.
Taking a line from another mod, in Angels Fall First, instead of getting a thruster, they get a sort of 'gravity rudder' that lets them turn alot faster by diverting shield energy and speed.
Potentially, Battleships (and possibly some/all cruisers) could get something like this in Disco. A "thruster" that, when activated, allows the ship to turn much quicker and more aggressively, possibly at the cost of shield regeneration/engine kill/whatever balance decides. Obviously this wouldn't be too good an idea for gunboats or anything else because it'd kill their main advantages
Another idea would be to rework the capship physics completely and doing something like this
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' Wrote:Another idea!
Taking a line from another mod, in Angels Fall First, instead of getting a thruster, they get a sort of 'gravity rudder' that lets them turn alot faster by diverting shield energy and speed.
Potentially, Battleships (and possibly some/all cruisers) could get something like this in Disco. A "thruster" that, when activated, allows the ship to turn much quicker and more aggressively, possibly at the cost of shield regeneration/engine kill/whatever balance decides. Obviously this wouldn't be too good an idea for gunboats or anything else because it'd kill their main advantages
Another idea would be to rework the capship physics completely and doing something like this
That sounds neat.
I have absolutely nothing helpful to contribute, however.
Well, I've always loved the idea of Freelancer's capital ships using a more newtonian-esque manuvering scheme due to their size. The fact that WHY485 pulled it off already speaks to the fact that it can be done.
Perhaps a combination of the two of a Gravity-Rudder system (and possibly a conventional thruster on certian ships) and the addition of a heavier, newtonian physics setup a-la Nexus could make capital ships and large transports maybe differ from smaller fighters and (hopefully) give a smoother means of combat.
Taking a line from another mod, in Angels Fall First, instead of getting a thruster, they get a sort of 'gravity rudder' that lets them turn alot faster by diverting shield energy and speed.
Potentially, Battleships (and possibly some/all cruisers) could get something like this in Disco. A "thruster" that, when activated, allows the ship to turn much quicker and more aggressively, possibly at the cost of shield regeneration/engine kill/whatever balance decides. Obviously this wouldn't be too good an idea for gunboats or anything else because it'd kill their main advantages
Another idea would be to rework the capship physics completely and doing something like this
Now we're working towards real Battleship tactics!
We should have separate settings for battleships.
"Evasive maneuvers" More speed, more agility. Less regen, less damage output, less shielding.
"Aggressive stance" Less speed, less agility. More regen, more damage output, less shielding.
"Stand Ground stance" Less speed, less agility. More regen, less damage, more shielding.
' Wrote:Battleships should be useful in an asteroid field...why exactly?
They're not, but if you read CC's post
Quote:Bombers would also likely have to cruise up to catch up with them and do some sort of weird EK dance around it to try to keep up if it decides to flee, so I don't know how this part would be balanced.
Have you ever E-Killed in an asteroid field? You're not going to go in the direction you want.
Not to mention the factions that HAVE to cross Asteroid Fields or Ice Fields or really any field to get places, they'll have problems too.