ID: Stellvertretender Vorsitzender Hans Wesritter To: Werner Voss Subject: Recruitment Application
Guten tag,
I am pleased to inform you that you have been [color=#33CC00]accepted into the mining division of Kruger Minerals.
The sooner you start work, the larger your first pay check will be. Please send me your vessels name and specifications via secure Kruger channels. Kruger has a specific naming scheme which can be found [color=#FFCC00]here.
Once you are settled in, I suggest you take a look at our Requisition Office. It is there you will find how to advance your position in Kruger, as well as gain access to some of Kruger's assets and request personal loans.
And lastly, when you submit a report on Essen Station don't forget to stop off at our bar, have a drink, and introduce yourself.
I look forward to seeing you in the mining fields of Omega 7.
Hans Wesritter
Full Name: Klaus Schmidt
Birthdate and Age: 790 A.D-27 Years old
Place Of Birth: Planet Hamburg
Sex: male
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Height: 1.86m
Photo (Optional):
Personality Traits: Transporting and Trading in the most parts of Sirius, Explore new Systems, Minig
Tell us more about you (short bio): I was born on Planet Hamburg. When I was six years old my mum and my dad moved with me to the Augsburg Orbital Colony in the Munich System. My dad was a Police Man for the Federal Police and my mum always stayed with me at home. With the age of 7 I became a school kid at the elementary school on the Station. After 5 years we moved again, because I had to visit a High School. The High School on Planet Nuremberg was my next school, where I reached A-Level. After that I decided to make an education at the Federal Police, like my dad. After a week my dad was shooten in the space by an Corsair. But I continued my education. I finished it succesfully. When I was 25, I ended my career there and I became an independand trader. Now I live at Planet New Berlin.
Education and/or Previous Occupations:
A-Level and General Police Education
Desired Branch (mark with X):
[ ] - Security Fleet
[ X ] - Transportation Fleet
[ X ] - Mining Fleet
OORP form:
What is your local timezone?
UTC +1 (Germany)
What is your skype (required)?
Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)?
No, I'm not.
Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules?
I agree and I follow the Server Rules
How do you rate your (1-10):
Fighting skills:6
Roleplaying skills:9
Full Name: Lauren Guardian Age: 21 Birth Year: 792 A.D Place Of Birth: New Berlin Sex: Female Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blonde Height: 167cm Weight:70kg
Personality Traits:
Hard working
Tell us more about you:
I finished high school at that age of 17 and went to join the university of New Berlin to study economics and business I just left the university after successfully finishing my course and now have my certificate in Business and Economics. Now I'm inspiring to be a miner in Krugers fleet. I did very well in all my flight training and am a competent pilot.
Education and/or Previous Occupations:
New Berlin High School
New Berlin University
New Berlin main business centre
New Berlin mineral processing plant
Desired Branch (mark with X):
[ ] - Security Fleet
[ ] - Transportation Fleet
[X] - Mining Fleet
OORP form: What is your local timezone?
+12GMT New Zealand
What is your skype?
Are you currently in any official faction in discovery
Currently no
Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules?
That I have
How do you rate your (1-10):
English: 10
Fighting skills: 8
Roleplaying skills: 7.3
*connecting to server.. [color=#33FF33]connected (3ms).
*sending file transfer request.... [color=#33FF33]accepted (2ms).
*uploading... [color=#33FF33]upload completed (12ms).
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Full Name: Wolfgang Haynsworth Birthdate and Age:792 A.D 25 Years of age. Place Of Birth:Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart System. Sex:Male. Eye color:Blue. Hair color:Blonde Height: 1.8m Weight:82Kg
Personality Traits: Inquisitive, educated, cautious.
Tell us more about you (short bio): I studied bioengineering and astrophysics at Stuttgart Main State University, passed with 97% in bioengineering and 93% in astrophysics. Took up a job as a miners assistant in a open faced mine in Western Stuttgart, decided I liked the trade, and ended up becoming a general manager of open cast mine W3B. I was offered a job as a XO of a small independent mining ship after a few years, where I am now.
Education and/or Previous Occupations: Bioengineering diploma, class 3, Astrophysics diploma, class 3. Mining and management work experience. Command experience as XO abroad a privately owned mining vessel.
<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]____________________________________________________________________
OORP form: What is your local timezone?GMT+12
What is your skype (required)?Dragonego
Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)?None.
Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules?Yes.
How do you rate your (1-10): English:10 Fighting skills:7 Roleplaying skills:7
Full Name: Ralph Koster Birthdate and Age: 775 A.D. 33 years old Place Of Birth: Planet New Berlin
Sex: Male
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Height: 1.9 m
Weight: 78 Kg
Photo (Optional):
Personality Traits:
Brave, observant. Tell us more about you (short bio):
I finished school 16 years old, joined New Berlin University and studied
mineral mining, economy. I finished my studies 25 years old.
I was an independant transport in TAU-23 transporting nobium. After
a few years I moved on to Dublin and started to mine there. Education and/or Previous Occupations:
New Berlin University. Was an idependant trader and miner Desired Branch (mark with X):
[ ] - Security Fleet
[X] - Transportation Fleet
[X] - Mining Fleet
OORP form: What is your local timezone?
UTC +02:00 What is your skype (required)?
Plentyltu Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)?
ALG Waste Disposal Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules?
Yes How do you rate your (1-10):
Fighting skills:6
Roleplaying skills:10
Full Name: Erwin Rosner
Birthdate and Age: 775 A.D. 33 years old
Place Of Birth: Munich System, Planet Nurnberg
Sex: M
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Personality Traits: Stuborn, Loyal
Tell us more about you (short bio): Well nothing much, born in Nurnberg, attending civilian flight school. Was working as a civilian trader, because of big risk of pirates these days, i want to join powerfull corporation.
Education and/or Previous Occupations: I went to metalurgy college on Nurenberg, but since i didnt had credits to repay, I worked for an old trader for a year, since he died, i inherited his ship and buissnes.
Since ship is a bit broken, and pirate threat everywhere i would not like to me on my own anymore.
Desired Branch (mark with X):
[ ] - Security Fleet
[ X] - Transportation Fleet
[ X] - Mining Fleet
OORP form:
What is your local timezone? GMT+1 Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
What is your skype (required)? k..u..r..o
Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? =CR=
Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules? Yeah all that
How do you rate your (1-10):
English: 8
Fighting skills: 4
Roleplaying skills: 5
Full Name: [color=#666600]Elias Lehmann Birthdate and Age: [color=#999900]36 years Place Of Birth:New Berlin
Sex: Male
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 76 kg
Photo (Optional):
Personality Traits: -Not so sociable. I like to receive much from there is nothing. I have a wide experience in Mining. Tell us more about you (short bio): -Was born in Berlin, but at me mum has died when to me was five years. In fifteen years has left school and has left to study in institute where has graduated. My father was the military man and has taught me to pilot the ships as well, as well as military men. After training at institute I was included into lists of soldiers and have passed a part of war with Liberty where has got my first wound. After several weeks in hospital was engaged Mining. Education and/or Previous Occupations: -My formation passed in Frankfurt. Has graduated. Desired Branch (mark with X): [x] - Security Fleet [ ] - Transportation Fleet [x] - Mining Fleet
OORP form: What is your local timezone? GMT +4 What is your skype (required)? maks.seroy Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? Yes. Coalition. Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules? Yes of course How do you rate your (1-10): English:7 Fighting skills:9 Roleplaying skills:8
ID: Vorsitzender Hans Wesritter To: Klaus Schmidt, Lauren Guardian, Wolfgang Haynsworth, Ralph Koster, Erwin Rosner, Elias Lehmann Subject: Recruitment Application
Guten tag mein herrs...
We revied all youre biographies and youre entire personal history...
Some of you have remarkable records and some are not enough even for a garbage traficking company...
Klaus Schmidt, Wolfgang Haynsworth, Erwin Rosneryou have bein [color=#CCCCCC]-Accepted- in to Kruger Minerals please report to our employe managing department for your first asignments.
Lauren Guardian, Ralph Koster i'm afraid youre reputation isn't god enough. Personaly i wouldn't let you to fly not even a garbage ship, try to find youre jobs on some other company ALG perhaps. Youre aplication is -Denied-
Elias Lehmann, mein herr youre aplication is still on the table we will contact you once we made our decision.
' Wrote:Full Name:Lena Heisenberg Birthdate and Age:December 22, 790. 28 years Place Of Birth:Augsburg Orbital, Munich, Rheinland Space Sex:Female Eye color:Brown Hair color:Red Height:Five foot six inches Weight:285 pounds (is this honestly required?)
Personality Traits:Pompous, determined, elitist.
Tell us more about you (short bio): I am not sure what exactly you want me to say here. I grew up in a wealthy family on Augsburg Orbital'¦mostly because of my father's stock trading. Most of it was in Republican, Kruger, and a few minor companies that proceeded to fail over the past decade. Anyways'¦ Went to college for art, writing, stuff like that you know? Spent my spare time with writing and opera. Umm'¦ I did go into a Police academy , and actually became an officer. I am on a temporary retirement at the moment. Two main reasons for that'¦got into a pretty bad accident that needed some spinal column reconstruction'¦.aaaaaaaand father blew our savings so I need to pay that off, along with trying to get him out of dept. He even lost my savings'¦so this is not the ideal situation for me. I am hoping that, as a shareholder, he can influence this application somewhat.
Education and/or Previous Occupations: Several private schools and attendance at the a university on New Berlin. Graduated with degrees in art and literature. Later enrolled and graduated in a Police academy, spent some time in the RFP before the family economic issues.
Desired Branch (mark with X):
[ X ] - Security Fleet (I have training and experience with fightercraft, I can fly them if needed)
[ X ] - Transportation Fleet
[ X ] - Mining Fleet
OORP form: What is your local timezone?
GMT -5
What is your skype (required)?
Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)?
Formerly BHG, AFA, .:j:., \JG/, RFP, \CS\, Kirestsu
Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules?
How do you rate your (1-10):
English: 9 (some minor spelling errors here and there)
Fighting skills: 7 (lag on this PC)
Roleplaying skills: 9 (at least I hope I am this good)