I have read the manual for installing the mod, but I have a German version of Freelancer.
Nevertheless, I tried it.
I created a fresh install from my freelancer CD and started the Exe to install the Mod.
It started complaining almost immediately about intergrity check fails and finally said, it could not find Readme.RTF. So it aborted.
Any help availabe or is there someone out there who accomplished the install?
you don't need the english version!
I have the german one and it works fine.
just rename the readme.txt to readme.rtf and create new empty audio files when it says that theyy are missing. And at the end it cant find a .dll file. you just have to rename the folder containing it.
What i've done with my german version Step by step:
1. Rename your file which describes your system requirements (in my case it was info.rtf) to readme.rtf.
2. The installer will ask you for some .wav files. Just create in the same folder those files with exact the same name.
3. Last it asks for a dwint.dll or something like that in a folder called 1033. My folder was 1031. Rename that folder and start the installer again.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
the problem have i too eadme.rtf. and com one error to next error.
i possess Window 7 prof. and about 8 year old freelancer whit patch 1.1 und at mod 4.85 have i not problems
i need FL orginal english and send P.M please and thanks