Well........ seems you too have problem with rules. A trader can be killed again. From your posts i get that you are in the opinion of rules that prohibit not killing them again. Morover, a trader may be in the system he killed only if hes trading. Otherwise he is not allowed to be there ( Not sure since many dont do this).
1/ Lolwuts that do not get rp/rules. IE get killed 30times in NY but keep on launching to re-attack,or think once they die as a trader they can launch,and sit in front of player that killed them spouting they cannot be killed again.
2/ Factions thinking that every non faction player has to do as thier told, and follow their RP or get listed KOS/FR5'd and a crap load of other punishments.
I also somewhat agree with posters first reason of Elite players thinking they are somehow better then other people 1000s of Klicks away that they have never met.
I don't think many people leave because of the lulzy goodness often on display in our favorite system.
Invite only factions, elitist attitudes, and a general unacceptance of newer players are all larger contributors to people leaving than lolwuts.
On an aside, why anyone would feel elite from blowing up a pixelated space ship with another pixelated space ship is beyond me, but I digress...
IMO, the biggest contributor is simply boredom....you can't do the same thing over and over for days, weeks, months, even years on end without eventually getting bored.
' Wrote:Rule states they can leave base to continue trading. Not leave base,and camp outside it spouting "I DEAD< YOU NO KILL ME AGAIN" I used simple words this time for ya.
If they leave after death,and goto another system NP. That is the rule, but alot just undock, and then sit there trying to antagonize all those around that killed them.
At presant we got 2 in NY that do this every night infront of Manhattin. Both known smugglers/pirates that speed dock after poking the lawfuls, on a lawful base. The whole "players rep must match ID/actions" just goes over their heads.
We were all like that at one time or another yes?
Also, I know who your referring to....has anyone approached these individuals and asked them if they know what they are doing is wrong?
If you have, and they don't listen, file the friggin report and move on....
' Wrote:I'm just pointing out why people lose interest ( mostly the ones I know )
For this part i will share my openion.
2-3 months ago gallia was dead. Then some guys appear CCCP tag and made gallia alive. Yes they made some mistake .. Some wrong thing.. That ended then in jail.. They got their barge deleted.. so they left ..
I remember some months ago i always found 5-6 player in gamma. And many corsairs and other parts of sirius. But now thier number also significantly reduced. A good portion of them sold thier osiris and legate for nerfing it so much.
I can point out these reasons despite i never had any interaction with CCCP players in game.
I agree. to the first points. People who are new should learn rather than try to imitate to other people that they know everything good. Warhalk's thread yesterday is an good example. He clearly didnt know the RP of anyone in gallic space and how the factions there RPed.
Result : He rages that Factions dont allow indies to play their game in their liking.
My Conclusion? He just a lowlut who doesnt take things in the right way. He should have listened to GRP just before acting. if he had read the gallic permit thread he would have known the GRP and GRN relations. SO its entirely his fault but he tries to blame factions for it.
And after many incidents like this people usually quit.
' Wrote:IMO, the biggest contributor is simply boredom....you can't do the same thing over and over for days, weeks, months, even years on end without eventually getting bored.
Definatly. Its why I tend to have long breaks from the game and then come back for a while.
Its not possible to repeat the same task repeatedly without gradually getting bored of it.
"Its when the special things in life become routine that they stop feeling special." - Ben Croshaw
And if you don't know who that is you need to go on the internet more.
' Wrote:Well........ seems you too have problem with rules. A trader can be killed again. From your posts i get that you are in the opinion of rules that prohibit not killing them again. Morover, a trader may be in the system he killed only if hes trading. Otherwise he is not allowed to be there ( Not sure since many dont do this).
Um that is exactly what i said. You sure you speak english? this is what i was getting at.
The "LOLWUTS" claim they cannot be killed again. Th e "LOLWUTS" claim they can just sit in system after being killed. I was not supporting that idea, i was trying to say it was wrong, and these guys doing it are pissing people off.
This is 1 reason i mentioned awhile ago that i miss seeing admins in game like they used to be. An admin popping in on an Admin ship has awesome results cutting down the Lolwut/OORP/and basic azzhattery that happens on server. I have seen NY go from 25 players down to 3 once when an admin ship showed up in NY. took about 2 minutes,and system was clear for hours.
Ofcourse i also miss the days where NY was a non RP system,and no damage system. It spread out the pirates to Cali/coloado/texas. But then i am old and do not always invite change.
' Wrote:My Conclusion? He just a lowlut who doesnt take things in the right way. He should have listened to GRP just before acting. if he had read the gallic permit thread he would have known the GRP and GRN relations. SO its entirely his fault but he tries to blame factions for it.
And after many incidents like this people usually quit.
That. Right there.
There's the attitude that drives so many people away....
"Oh, he doesn't know something I do so I'm better than him so he must be a lolwut who doesn't matter anyways."
Well read the thread. He wanted an admin's Opinion. He could have as well go and read stuff? When we told him that it was right and all the facts he rages ?
I dont see any wrong in thinking persons like him as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if they dont take things right. He still dont want to agree that factions control a larger part of disco RP.
I would be glad to help if he has a good way of taking things and analysing them rather than putting stupid arguements and raging over things. Fault is on the new players basically. Respect must be earned.
I never call anyone lowluts unless they call someone else. You simply can see he called other people as lowluts when he isnt perfect himself?
It doesnt mean i am perfect either but people should try to learn rather than showing stubbornness and stupidity over things which are true.
So not every case is like this. Fault is sometimes on the Old players too but on Warhalk's Case ts definitely on him.
And warhalk again i tried to make things clear to you. not to rage you. I dont see why you say you wanted to learn when GRP tried to reason but still acted NO U DAI!. Its not learning atleast not the good method. I dont rage for things like caling me names. If you want help about thing i can add you to gallic lawful chat and thereby you can clear your doubts there. if you want a go in that add: narendranpandian.
If you havent noticed i lead a gallic faction full of new players whom we are trying to help. But Attitude towards criticism is important. Tolerance is important:)