I've been thinking how to solve the ever-annoying problem of ooRP powertrading lolwuts non-paying but saying kill me and not playing the role properly.
The idea is a permaban on death for transports, there would be no more traders just waiting for respawn instead of playing along.
So let me know guys what do you think about it. I think it could work and benefit greatly to roleplay.
I think I can see where your coming from. But maybe a perm ban is a little harsh though.
I mean I know its pretty easy to avoid most pirates. I've encountered pirates only a few times on the many hours logged on my transport and safely got away each time. Because I am smart enough to watch ahead and not disapear off and do something else.
Maybe a day ban at most. Since that alone is quite a heavy hit to the wallet for your power traders. But doesn't knock the players who actually RP transports out forever.