COMM ID: [color=#3366FF]Captain Catherine Raven TARGET ID: Liberty Navy HC, CC: LSF bureau SUBJECT: Ancient Gate located in Coronado ENCRYPTION: High PRIORITY: Medium
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
I've just got the intel about an alien gate located in Coronado, which seems to be active, if we can trust on the eye-witness.
I'll transmit the message right away.
' Wrote:
..:: High Secure Channel Open::..
TO: Catherine Raven
From: Nuuskamuikkunen
Subject: Requested Data
Date: 09.01
Here are requested data about founded Nomad Gate in Coronado,
with is active again.
Few days ago I finally was able to change my ship,
and since people in NY do not fond of me,
I go buy some gear in Freelancer base Barrier Gate Station in Coronado System.
After undock - I test my guns on surrounding Ice-rocks,
when my on-board computer gona mad, readings went crazy,
and that sound... some sort of unknown beeps, and murmurs form transmitter...
sudennly my ship itself start to move in direction of Antient Gate...
few seconds later I saw that:
Nextly I fight for my life with Nomads and Wilde...
barely I escape by the wormhole created by that gate....
I'm not quite responsible for alien activity within Liberty and its bordering systems, but this needs to be taken care of as quick as possible. I propose to send out an investigation team, me included in it, I need to see it myself.
Though, this is up for the High command to decide.
As for the Security Force: Your discretion is asked. I'd like us to cooperate in this matter, instead of lying stones inbetween our paths as usually, since this is about the safety of our homes.
This is all. I'd like to hear your opinions, ladies and gentlemen.
COMM ID:Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Capt. Catherine Raven SUBJECT:Nomad gate ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Hale here.
Concerning images without a doubt. I saw a rather less complete version of that report from Nuuskamuikkunen myself a day or so ago, although it seems you've been sent additional data.
It's extremely similar to the gate found in the Kansas system some time ago, and the one out in Omicron Minor, both of which have been the subject of some research. The gate in kansas proved to be... Somewhat dangerous, and as soon as possible, I will be commissioning a small station to be built in the Kansas system near the Virginia jumphole for the purpose of studying the gate.
As to this new discovery, I'll assemble a team to accompany you. Depending on a few variables, I may be able to join you myself. I'd suggest we take a number of vessels equipped with advanced scanning equipment, and [color=#FF0000]under no circumstances do we attempt to activate the gate.
This has been brought to my attention by Director Anna Brown. There is no need for the evidence to be followed up. My department in the Liberty Security Force's, being of Research and Development are already running research on these devices, and have been doing so for some time. Untill my teams have finished there research do not, under any circumstances go near one of the gates. Our research is very clear in that we also need to make sure that the area around these gates a clear. Once research on the gates have been concluded the Liberty Navy will be able to view our findings.
On another note, the informant is wanted for questioning. He has also run the risk of health damage by being near these gates whilst our research is being conducted. If you find him/her put them in a secure facility and give them a full medical exam, and follow up with any treatments.
COMM ID: [color=#3366FF]Captain Catherine Raven TARGET ID: Liberty Navy HC, CC: LSF bureau SUBJECT: Ancient Gate located in Coronado ENCRYPTION: High PRIORITY: Medium
Good evening, again.
I wonder, Mister Lawson, why haven't we been informed about such a clear threat to Liberty and her people yet ? I find this information crucial, and, in my opinion, worthy talking about.
Firewall Status...[color=#66FFFF]Online
Verify Encryption Keys...[color=#66FFFF]Ok
Identification confirmed...Anna Brown Recognised
Establishing video uplink... Initialise Transmission
Greetings ladies and gentleman.
Miss Catherine Raven, I will be so kind to explain you this situation. Of course, only because I'm supporting this operation. As soon as we got information(s) on such gate, close to the Liberty that is actually possible threat to our Republic, we assemble the team of experts headed by Dr.Patric Lawson our top Doctor on Kodiak station. For sure, knowledge will be shared with Admiral Hale and Navy high command. When there is one actually. Only 36 hours passed from first contact and our team is close to something, about we'll talk when there is more details regarding this case.
The main reason we kept and still keeping the operation silent is because of safety of Liberty citizens. One thing is clear, noise will bring more noise and it will never stop, so far I learned this in my job.
That would be all for now.
Miss Anna Brown
Director of Liberty Security Force
Liberty Security Force
[color=#ccFFFF]Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...
COMM ID: [color=#3366FF]Captain Catherine Raven TARGET ID: Liberty Navy HC, CC: LSF bureau SUBJECT: Ancient Gate located in Coronado ENCRYPTION: High PRIORITY: Medium
Good evening, Miss Brown.
You don't seem to catch my drift. I was saying, why didn't the Security Force inform -us-, the Navy, who are, just as you, responsible for Liberty's security.
I don't mean to panic any citizen, but the intelligence should be shared between your organization and mine, we're supposed to cooperate after all.
I understand that the Security Force is always into their top secret manner and such, but I personally see this as highly inappropriate.
Firewall Status...[color=#66FFFF]Online
Verify Encryption Keys...[color=#66FFFF]Ok
Identification confirmed...Anna Brown Recognised
Establishing video uplink... Initialise Transmission
Miss Raven,
I perfectly understand what do you want to say and right now you are trying to question me, which is not properly supported in your rank's description but anyway I will continue. LSF received data from the same sender, who is currently wanted for medical testing and questioning. As we know for now, the gate transmits strange signals, the effects of which have not been studied yet.
Every piece of data is shared between LSF and Navy but to High Commands only. You're wondering for our cooperation reached end, because I informed Admiral about this gate personally and it is completely normal for RDA department to be first on the field.
About future plans I'll speak only with Admiral/High Command of the Liberty Navy.
Miss Anna Brown
Director of Liberty Security Force
Liberty Security Force
[color=#ccFFFF]Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...
COMM ID: [color=#3366FF]Captain Catherine Raven TARGET ID: Liberty Navy HC, CC: LSF bureau SUBJECT: Ancient Gate located in Coronado ENCRYPTION: High PRIORITY: Medium
Miss Brown.
I'll cut to the chase, trying to stay formal. Are you honestly questioning my integrity as a Captain of the Liberty Navy ? I might not be part of the High Command, but I think I can handle business quite well, and you should talk to me like that.
Since I'm formal, I'd like you to be as well.
As for Admiral Hale, I'm quite shocked that, if you've really been informed by the Security Force about this matter, you didn't share this information with the rest of the mid-command, especially the captaincy.
But sir, I'm sure, if that's the case, you had your reasons. Next time I'd still like to be filled in with intel this crucial.
You ask for formality so I shall give it to you Captain. The information is on a need to to know basis. You, I am afraid are not on the list that needs to know. And I can confirm that you informant has already brought the intel to us before he brought it to yourself. He was asked not to inform any one else then. We knew about the devices before he even gave us Intel on the devices. So let me ask you this, someone whom ignores the direct orders of someone whom is allowed to stop security issues is breaking the law, yes. Your informant then is breaking a law just by coming to you Captain. You know these laws, we hhave explained that this informant has already disobeyed a direct order from the Liberty Security Force, so stop pressing the issue. WE know about the devices, and have for some time. Information about them is being researched by my team and we do not need informants to help us on that, especially when it runs the risk of National Security. You have already been privy to more information then your security clearance allows. So in that I ask that you do not send this information to anyone else, I am sure that Admiral Hale would be very grateful that you don't pass this information on to any one else, as well as the President.
There is nothing more to discuss Captain. Good bye.
COMM ID: [color=#3366FF]Captain Catherine Raven TARGET ID: Liberty Navy HC, CC: LSF bureau SUBJECT: Ancient Gate located in Coronado ENCRYPTION: High PRIORITY: Medium
Doctor Lawson.
Your definition of formal seems to be a little out of place, but fair enough. You go on and continue acting like the high horse you're not, that doesn't matter to the people out there, the people that are in danger.
Also, more information than my security clearance allows ? Pardon me, "Doctor", but I'm not sure that you even know what you're talking about. This is a Liberty internal issue, and it is my business as much as it is yours. This is, yet again, a perfect example how your organization is causing more problems than it solves. Pardon me, again, but this needs to have an end now. I've clearly said that I don't want us to lay rocks into our paths, whether it's the Navy or the Security Force. But it seems that you simply can't work that way, but that is fine.
I'll do my part to protect the place I call home and love. I'll be sending out an investigation team to check up on the gate soon.
Hopefully, you and your colleagues will soon realize, that sometimes you can't keep everything locked up tight, "Doctor".