Source:Planet Toulouse, Roussillon From:Commandant Anton Simard To:Temporary Autonomous Zoners Subject:Your stance towards the GRN Encryption:High
Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs
My name is Anton Simard and I am Commandant of the Council.
Although we never had that much contact with each other, excluded some reports I got from Council tradingships, I am contacting you to discuss a certain matter.
The Gallic Royal Navy has breached into Sirus, and conquered most of the Tau sectors. They are a threat to the Council, aswell as to the rest of Sirius. However we don't know what your stance to the Gallic Royal Navy is. As they are close to the borders of your system Baffin you sooner or later have to deal with them.
So we kindly ask you, do you openly operate against the Gallic Royal Navy? Or do you stay neutral to them for now?
Based upon the events that occurred concerning TAZ and Gallia, Doc has ordered that we do not enter Gallic space for any reason. TAZ is committed to pursuing our faith through the means granted us by the Goddess Eris. We look not to be aggressors in any situation, however, with recent events, we do find ourselves bewildered and concerned. It is not nor ever has it been our policy to "make war" on anyone. It simply isn't good for our collective faith. That said, we will not act with open aggression toward any individual unless we are attacked directly. We will defend ourselves, if the unfortunate situation occurs that we are subjected to direct hostilities. Since we have been respectful of Gallic space and continue to suspend any and all operations concerning Gallic space, we expect the same respect when it comes to our home.
As to direct opposition and aggression toward anyone, again it's subjective. We will not commit to any sort of action or cause of action that would risk the relationships we currently have in place. Of course, this is the mandate that has been put into place by our Leadership. It is subject to change. But I doubt it will.
I will speak to Doc regarding this and I'm sure he'll have something to say on this matter as well.
Source:Planet Toulouse, Roussillon From:Commandant Anton Simard To:Temporary Autonomous Zoners Subject:Your stance towards the GRN Encryption:High
Bonjour mon ami,
As you may have noticed is, that we are direct neighbours now. For that we want to establish a good relationship with the ones that surround us. From what I heard about the TAZ I did not expected you to openly fight against the Gallic Royal Navy forces, so I am not suprised by your message.
But if you don't want to engage them in battle, then you might want to help us in other ways. What I mean is with helping the Council to get certain amounts of certain goods, we require to reestablish forces we lost, aswell as to maintain our war efforts and to rebuild houses and other infrastructure at our new Planet Toulouse. Would the TAZ be interested in helping us in that regard?
I don't know your Religion, I only heard rumors so far. I don't know if helping us in that regard breaks any of your believings. But I would be interested in learning more about your Religion. That would help me to understand you more. I also heard something about the "doc" you mentioned, mainly from a certain tradeship captain. I would be happy if I could speak with him one day.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
Location: Administrator's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
To: Commandant Anton Simard
Subject: Stance Towards the GRN
Encryption: High
Bonjour, Commandant,
I apologize for my tardy response. I see you have met Warden Kyte, my security chief. She can be very helpful and does a lot in Baffin in my absences. You may also meet Xavier Triton, my ambassador or Mnemosym, sort of my lady of wisdom in Baffin. Anyways...
I'll admit. I was concerned when the jumphole to Rousillon opened up in Baffin. I'll also confess that one of my pilots took a recon mission into the system just to see what and who was there. When I learned of the Council, some Brigands and Maquis, I felt better.
My other concern is the traffic of the Council from the Tau29/Baffin jumphole to Rousillon. Aurelia DeFrance knows of it and I'm sure the GRN does as a result. My concern is one of your ships being tailed and Rousillon being discovered. I already noticed one Kusari warship entering the system so it's secrecy may not last.
As to the GRN, you have heard from Warden Kyte on that. Aurelia DeFrance doesn't like me and I personally could care less. Yes, we have a history and it's not a good one.
Since we are neighbors, I think we should be good neighbors. All I ask is that our system laws be respected. Baffin is a peaceful place so there's no gunfire or taxing allowed. If the Council needs good, feel free to have your transport ships visit Shasta Orbital Skyhook. We carry a variety of goods there. I will ask that warships keep their distance as they can be an intimidation factor, especially the large ones.
Also, we have what's called the Baffin Superhighway which runs between the jumpholes to Coronado and Tau 29. You will see people you may not like passing through with cargos you will disapprove of. Leave them be as that has been our peace with the neighbors around us.
In return, we will respect the sovereignty of Rousillon and not visit unless invited. It's all I have to offer. If you could, please pass this info to the inhabitants of Rousillon.
Yours in Eris,
Dr. John Henry Holliday
TAZ Administrator