Already tested them on DoD, by the way I have a small problem with the Bison. It has the same bug like the battleships, so could be a pain in ass when trying to dock or going to fixed location while shooting on pirates.
The Uruz is better a bit about this bug, however thats a wounded duck by its size.
The Shire...well, never tested it before.
The gun slots are fine on Uruz and Bison too by my experiences.
The bison has better shape but less guns and a very annoying bug.
Uruz has more guns but thats an easy prey for snacs.
' Wrote:Put a uau 8 or cau Iv then try to kill some!
This is why I still manage to kill well armored BTrans in a Bomber(solo), people might have a nice and strong ship but don't know how to use it to escape from piracy.
I preffer Shire.
Its powerfull and 12 turrets(all shooting foward and backward) there is no chance to get pirated by gunboat or P-transport. The only problem are bombers and fighters and the biggest one are CDs...even Wasp can stop you cruising.
But i use it and preffer it. And like my friend sayed:
"When you are in Shire, you dont get pirated by hunt them if they try it!"
' Wrote:This is why I still manage to kill well armored BTrans in a Bomber(solo), people might have a nice and strong ship but don't know how to use it to escape from piracy.
Thats really funny man, you mean you wont pay the bombers if your cargo worth more than 40-45 mils? I will.
But main problem is pirate with a ptrans, we need those ships to face ptranses! Its clear that no one get no chance agains a bomber. A ship that can kill a Bs, might be able to kill simple traders, right? Fighting a bomber in any transport is a Big No No!
' Wrote:Thats really funny man, you mean you wont pay the bombers if your cargo worth more than 40-45 mils? I will.
I would, too. Never said I wouldn't.
' Wrote:But main problem is pirate with a ptrans, we need those ships to face ptranses! Its clear that no one get no chance agains a bomber. A ship that can kill a Bs, might be able to kill simple traders, right? Fighting a bomber in any transport is a Big No No!
PTranses are the ships, which are the most vulnerable against escort bombers.
Also, skilled transport pilots can of course fight of regular bombers, and with a CAU8 Bison, which is just shooting chainfire Type 3's and in the meanwhile running to a base, as well as spamming WASD, the bomber just isn't able to take the Transport down.